


沈沁(?-2021年5月31日),女,美國奧爾巴尼醫學院博士,生前系同濟大學生命科學與技術學院任教授,博士生導師 [1] 
2021年5月31日凌晨3時30分,沈沁不幸逝世,終年53歲。 [2] 
職    務


1996年赴美留學,在紐約州Albany Medical College師從神經幹細胞研究領域領軍人物Sally Temple博士。
2001-2006年在Albany Medical College接受博士後培訓。
2006年任美國Albany Medical College神經藥理和神經科學中心助理教授。
2007-2010年任紐約神經幹細胞研究所助理教授, 參與研究生課程的教學和神經幹細胞研究工作。
2017年8月入職同濟大學生命科學與技術學院任教授。 [1] 
2021年5月31日凌晨3時30分,沈沁不幸逝世,終年53歲。 [2] 


沈沁博士在Science,Cell Stem Cell,Neuron,Nature Neuroscience等國際著名學術期刊發表多篇第一和通訊作者文章,總共SCI文章30餘篇,他引次數超過3000次。許多文章被雜誌選為亮點文章或在Faculty1000上重點介紹。其研究成果得到國家自然科學基金,科技部重大研究計劃,紐約州神經幹細胞基金會的支持,並多次應邀在國內外會議上作專題學術報告。 先後獲得“傑出青年科學家研究論文獎”, “女性神經科學家職業發展獎”,入選“科學”雜誌主辦的“神經科學獎”前三名,教育部自然科學二等獎,北京科技獎二等獎。 [1] 


1. Hu, X-L., Chen, G., Zhang, S.G., Zheng, J.L., Wu, J., Bai, Q-R., Wang, Y., L, J., Wang, H., Feng, H., L, J., Sun, X., Xia, Q., Yang, F., Hang, J., Qi, C., Phoneix, T.N., Temple, S., Shen, Q.*(2017) Persistent expression of VCAM1 in radial glial cells is required for the maintenance of the embryonic origin of the postnatal and adult neural stem cells. Neuron95(2), 309-325 (封面和亮點文章)
2. Bao, XJ, Wang, GC, Zuo, FX, Li, XY, Wu, J, Chen, G, Dou, WC, Guo, Y, Shen, Q., Wang, RZ. (2017) Transcriptome profiling of the subventricular zone and dentate gyrus in an animal model of Parkinson's disease. Int J Mol Med. 40(3):771-783.
3. Xu, C., Liu, X., Geng, Y., Bai, Q.R., Pan, C., Shen, Q.*, Zhang, L.* (2017) Patient-derived DIPG cells preserve stem-like characteristics and generate orthotopic tumors. Oncotarget,advanced publication
4. Zuo, F-X., Bao, X-J., Sun, X-C., Wu, J., Bai, Q-R., Chen, G., Li, X-Y., Zhou, Q-Y., Yang, Y-F., Shen, Q.*, Wang, R-Z.*, (2015) Transplantation of human neural stem cells exerts neuroprotection via regulating the host microenvironment in the parkinsonian mice. Int J Mol Sci. 16(11):26473-92.
5. Xia, Q., Bai, Q-R., Dong, M., Sun, X., Zhang, H., Cui, J., Xi, H., Hu, X-L., Shen, Q.*, Chen L*. (2015) Interaction between gastric carcinoma cells and neural cells promotes perineural invasion by a pathway involving VCAM1. DigDis Sci. 60(11):3283-92.
6. Huang, Y., Yu, X., Sun, N., Qiao, N., Cao, Y., Boyd-Kirkup, J.D., Shen, Q., Han, J.D. (2015) Single-cell-level spatial gene expression in the embryonic neural differentiation niche.Genome Res. 25(4):570-81.
7. Cai, Y., Zhang, Y., Shen, Q., Rubenstein, J.L., Yang, Z. (2013) A subpopulation of individual neural progenitors in the mammalian dorsal pallium generates both projection neurons and interneurons in vitro. Stem Cells31(6):1193-201.
8. Kokovay, E., Wang, Y., Kusek, G., Wurster, R., Lederman, P., Lowry, N., Shen, Q.*, Temple, S.* (2012) VCAM1 is essential to maintain the structure of the SVZ niche and acts as an environmental sensor to regulate SVZ lineage progression.Cell Stem Cell11(2): 220-30.
9. Hu, X-L., Wang, Y., Shen, Q.*(2012) Epigenetic control on cell fate choice in neural stem cells. Protein Cell. 3(4):278-90.
10. Chuang, S.M., Wang, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, K.M., Shen, Q.*. (2011) Ebf2 marks early cortical neurogenesis and regulates the generation of cajal-retzius neurons in the developing cerebral cortex. Dev Neurosci. 33(6):479-93
11. Erzsebet, K., Goderie, S., Wang, Y., Lin, G., Roysam, B., Shen, Q., Temple, S. (2010) Adult SVZ lineage cells home to and leave the niche via differential responses to SDF1/CXCR4 signaling. Cell Stem Cell7(2):163-173
12. Shen, Q.*and Temple, S. (2009) Fine control: microRNA regulates adult neurogenesis. Nature Neurosci. 12 (4): 369-370
13. Kokovay, E., Shen, Q., Temple, S. (2008) The incredible elastic brain: how neural stem cells expand our minds. Neuron60(3):420-9.
14. Shen, Q., Wang, Y., Kokovay, E., Lin, G., Chuang, S.M., Goderie, S.K., Roysam, B., Temple, S. (2008) Adult SVZ stem cells lie in a vascular niche: a quantitative analysis of niche cell-cell interactions. Cell Stem Cell3(3):289-300.
15. Shen, Q.*, Wang, Y., Dimos, J.T., Fasano, C.A., Phoenix, T.N., Lemischka, I.R., Ivanova, N.B., Stifani, S., Morrisey, E.E., Temple, S. (2006) The timing of cortical neurogenesis is encoded within lineages of individual progenitor cells. Nature Neurosci. 9(6):743-51
16.Shen, Q., Goderie, S., Jin, L., Karanth, N., Sun, Y., Abramova, N., Vincent, P., Pumiglia, K., Temple, S. (2004) Endothelial cells stimulate self-renewal and expand neurogenesis of neural stem cells. Science304:1338-1340
17. Shen, Q. and Temple, S. (2002) Creating asymmetric cell divisions by skewing endocytosis.Sci STKE. (162):PE52.
18. Shen, Q., Zhong, W., Jan, Y.N., and Temple, S. (2002) Asymmetric m-Numb distribution is critical for asymmetric cell division of mouse cerebral cortical progenitor cells. Development129:4843-4853.
19. Qian, X#.,Shen, Q.#, Goderie, S., He, W., Capela, A.M., and Temple, S. (2000) Timing of CNS cell generation: a programmed sequence of neuron and glial cell production from isolated murine cortical cells.Neuron28:69-80. #co-first author
20. Shen, Q., Qian, X., Capela, A. and Temple, S. (1998) Stem cells in the embryonic cerebral cortex: Their role in histogenesis and patterning. J. of Neurobio. 36:162-174
Book Chapter:Temple, S. and Shen, Q. (2013). “Cell Biology of Neuronal Progenitor Cells” in Developmental Neuroscience: A Comprehensive Reference (editors: John Rubenstein and P. Rakic) P 261-283 [1] 


神經幹細胞的發育與維持以及在轉化醫學中的應用 [1] 


大腦發育是個充滿了奇蹟的過程:一個個腦區的構建,一層層神經元細胞的排列,以及相互之間神經環路的連接,這一切都按精確的時間順序進行,並伴隨着膠質細胞的產生和其它組織如血管的滲入,最終形成了大腦具有高度複雜功能的精緻結構。探索大腦發育過程的規律和分子調控機制不僅可以幫助我們瞭解神經系統構建的奧秘,對理解大腦發育性疾病如自閉症和退行性疾病如帕金森氏病和老年痴呆症的發病機制也有重要意義。神經幹細胞是神經系統的細胞起源,具有自我更新和生成多種神經細胞的能力,可用於細胞移植療法,替代死亡或受損的神經細胞,因此神經幹細胞研究將為治療帕金森氏病、腦中風和脊髓損傷等傳統療法無法治癒的病症提供新型的治療手段,給患者帶來了巨大的希望,有望緩解難治性神經系統疾病對家庭和社會造成的巨大壓力。 [1] 