


楊海濱,男,美國德州大學達拉斯分校國際商務管理博士,香港城市大學市場營銷系與管理系聯席教授,武漢大學珞珈學者,2012年亞太管理學會年會主席。武漢大學講座教授。 [1] 


楊海濱教授在國際一流管理學術期刊如《戰略管理雜誌》、《管理科學》、《管理科學院學報》等發表多篇高水平學術論文,也是多個著名管理學雜誌的審稿人。 [1] 


LL.B—國際關係法學士 [1] 


Gao, Y. Q., & Yang, H. (2016), "Do Employees Support Corporate Philanthropy? Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies", Management and Organization Review, 12, 4, 747-768.
Yang, H., Zheng, Y., & Zaheer, A. (2015), "Asymmetric learning capabilities and stock market returns", Academy of Management Journal, 58, 2, 356-374.
Zheng, Y., & Yang, H. (2015), "Does familiarity foster innovation? The impact of alliance partner repeatedness on breakthrough innovations", Journal of Management Studies, 52, 213-230.
Yang, X., Li, S., & Yang, H. (2015), "Market-based reforms, synchronization and product innovation", Industrial Marketing Management, 50, 30-39.
Yang, H., Zheng, Y., & Zhao, X. (2014), "Exploration or Exploitation? Small Firms' Alliance Strategies with Large Firms", Strategic Management Journal, 35, 146-157.
Liu, W., Yang, H., and Zhang, G. (2012), "Does family business excel in firm performance? An institution-based view", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29, 965-987.
Yang, H., Sun, L., Lin, Z. & Peng, M. (2011), "Behind M&As in China and the United States: Networks, learning and institutions", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28, 239-255.
Yang, H., Lin, Z., Peng, M. (2011), "Behind Acquisitions of Alliance Partners: Exploratory Learning and Network Embeddedness ", Academy of Management Journal, 54, 5, 1069-1080.
Yamakawa, Y., Yang, H., & Lin, Z. (2011), "Exploration versus exploitation in alliance portfolio: Performance implications of organizational, strategic, and environmental fit", Research Policy, 40, 287-296.
Dess, G., Pkinkham, B., and Yang, H. (2011), "Entrepreneurial orientation: Assessing the construct’s validity and addressing some of its implications for research in the areas of family business and organizational learning", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, September, 1077-1090.
Yang, H., Lin, Z., & Lin, Y. (2010), "A multilevel framework of firm boundaries: Firm characteristics, dyadic differences, and network attributes ", Strategic Management Journal, 31, 237-261, (Lead Article).
Sun, L., Zhao, X., & Yang, H. (2010), "Executive compensation in Asia: A critical review and outlook", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27, 775-802.
Lin, Z., Peng, M., Yang, H., and Sun, L. (2009), "How do networks and learning drive M&As? An institutional comparison between China and America", Strategic Management Journal, 30, 1113-1132.
Lin, Z., Yang, H., & Arya, B (2009), "Alliance partners and firm performance: Resource complementarity and status association", Strategic Management Journal, 30, 921-940, (Lead Article).
Lin, Z., Kitts, J., Yang, H., & Harrison, R. (2008), "Elucidating Strategic Network Dynamics Through Computational Modeling", Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 14, 175-208.
Lin, Z, Yang, H and Demirkan, I (2007), "The Performance Consequences of Ambidexterity in Strategic Alliance Formations: Empirical Investigation and Computational Theorizing",Management Science, Vol. 53, pp. 1645-1658.
Yang, H and Lin, Z (2005), "Interfirm Distances as Channels for External Resources: The Choice Between Alliances and Mergers & Acquisitions", (Academy of Management Proceedings, BPS, pp. I1-6).
Lin, Z, Yang, H, Arya, B, Huang, Z and Li, D (2005), "Structural vs. Individual Perspectives on the Dynamics of Group Performance: Theoretical Exploration and Empirical Investigation", Journal of Management, Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 354-380. [1] 
  • 1.    楊海濱  .武漢大學人文社會科學研究院[引用日期2020-08-05]