


現任華東理工大學國際合作與交流處處長,曾任材料學院副院長,博士生導師、教育部新世紀(跨世紀)人才,其研究方向為納米材料與無機功能材料。主要研究領域包括: 1、新型結構納米與多孔複合材料的製備與形貌控制;2、核-殼結構納米功能材料的製備及在癌症的診斷、藥物的靶向傳輸與治療等生物醫藥方面的應用研究;3、環境友好催化與能源生產用催化材料。
國    籍
民    族
職    務


男,1972年12月出生,教授,博士生導師。1994年6月鄭州工學院獲工學學士學位,2001年6月大連理工大學獲工學博士學位。2001年7月至2003年2月在中國科學院上海硅酸鹽研究所、2003年3月至2004年12月在法國國家科研中心(IRC-CNRS)里昂催化研究所進行博士後研究工作。2005年1月回國,同年9月在上海交通大學聘為副教授。2006年1月進入華東理工大學材料科學與工程學院工作,2009年9月聘為教授。2010年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃、2011年入選上海市曙光學者計劃。現擔任華東理工大學國際合作與交流處處長 [1]  ,曾擔任華東理工大學材料學院副院長 [2]  ,負責學院研究生教育工作。研究工作主要包括多功能複合納米材料的製備及生物醫藥應用,介孔基複合材料、新型功能化介孔材料的合成及在藥物貯藏與釋放、催化等方面的應用研究。已在國內外SCI學術刊物發表論文近70篇,他人引用1800餘次,其中以第一或通訊作者J. Am. Chem. Soc., Nano Letters, Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Biomaterials 等雜誌上發表論文近50篇、單篇最高引用200餘次,在站博士後期間,曾分獲國家博士後工作獎勵基金和香港王寬誠博士後工作獎勵基金(2001年)各一項。作為項目負責人,承擔(完成)的科研項目包括國家自然基金青年基金、面上項目、國家重大基礎研究計劃子課題、教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃項目、上海市曙光學者項目、上海市教委科研創新重點項目、上海市自然科學基金及教育部留學歸國基金等項目。 [3] 
研究方向為納米材料與無機功能材料。主要研究領域包括: 1、新型結構納米與多孔複合材料的製備與形貌控制。 2、核-殼結構納米功能材料的製備及在癌症的診斷、藥物的靶向傳輸與治療等生物醫藥方面的應用研究。3、環境友好催化與能源生產用催化材料。 [4] 


  1. Shu Chang, Xumeng Wu, Yongsheng Li*, Dechao Niu, Yongping Gao, Zhi Ma, Jinlou Gu, Wenru Zhao, Weihong Zhu*, He Tian, and Jianlin Shi* “A pH-responsive hybrid fluorescent nanoprober for real time cell labeling andendocytosis tracking” Biomaterials 2013, 34, 10182–10190.
  2. Dechao Niu, Xiaofeng Luo, Yongsheng Li*, Xiaohang Liu, Xia Wang, and Jianlin Shi* “Manganese-loaded dual-mesoporous silica spheres for efficient T1- and T2-weighted dual mode magnetic resonance imaging” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013, 5, 9942–9948.
  3. Zhanzhan Liu, Yongjun Li, Yang Yang, Yongsheng Li*, Xiaoyu Huang* “ATNRC/SET-NRC synthesis of graphene/polyisobutylene nanocomposites” J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2013, 51, 4505–4514.
  4. Dechao Niu, Xia Wang, Yongsheng Li*, Yuanyi Zheng, Faqi Li, Hangrong Chen, Jianlin Shi* ”Facile synthesis of magnetite/PFOB co-loaded organic-inorganic hybrid vesicles for dual-modality US/MR imaging and imaging-guided HIFU ablation” Adv. Mater. 2013, 25(19), 2686–2692.
  5. Wenjie Dong, Yongsheng Li*, Dechao Niu, Zhi Ma, Xiaohang Liu, Jinlou Gu, Wenru Zhao, Yuanyi Zheng*, Jianlin Shi* “A simple route to prepare monodisperse Au NPs-decorated and dye-doped, superparamagnetic nanocomposites for optical, MR and CT trimodal imagings” Small 2013, 9(15), 2500–2508.
  6. Yuhui Chen, Tingting Xu, Xiaoyan Li, Qiaoling Zhao, Jin Huang, Yongsheng Li*, Liuhe Wei and Zhi Ma* “The fabrication and characterization of TiO2 nanospheres with high visible light photocatalytic activity by direct carbonization of block copolymer templates” New J. Chem. 2013, 37, 1115–1121.
  7. Zhiting, Chen, Dechao Niu, Yongsheng Li*, Jianlin Shi* ”One-step approach to synthesize hollow mesoporous silica spheres co-templated by an amphiphilic block copolymer and cationic surfactant” RSC Advances 2013, 3(19), 6767–6770.
  8. Xumeng Wu, Shu Chang, Xuanrong Sun, Zhiqian Guo, Yongsheng Li*,Jianbin Tang*, Youqing Shen, Jianlin Shi, He Tian, Weihong Zhu* “Constructing NIR silica–cyanine hybrid nanocomposite for bioimaging in vivo: a breakthrough in photo-stability and bright fluorescence with large Stokes shift” Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 1221–1228.
  9. Feng Ding, Nan Li, Yongsheng Li*, Jianlin Shi “Preparation of hierarchically porous MBG/CPC scaffolds and their performance on drug loading and release” J. Inorg. Mater. 2013, 28(1), 97–102.
  10. Wei Wu, Enlin Yuan, Yongsheng Li* et al “Characterization of PdHAp and catalysis for benzyl alcohol green oxidation” J Inorg. Mater. 2012, 27(12), 1289–1293.
  11. Junjiang Jin, Xingdi Zhang, Yongsheng Li*, Hua Li, Wei Wu, Yunlong Cui, Qian Chen, Liang Li, Jinlou Gu, Wenru Zhao, and Jianlin Shi* “A simple route to synthesize mesoporous ZSM-5 templated by ammonium-modified chitosan” Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 16549–16555.
  12. Dechao Niu, Zhiwen Zhang, Shijun Jiang, Zhi Ma, Xiaohang Liu, Yongsheng Li*, Liangping Zhou, Changsheng Liu, Yaping Li* and Jianlin Shi* “Controlled synthesis of shell cross-linked magnetic micelles for efficient liver MR imaging” J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 24936–24944.
  13. Shu Chang, Xumeng Wu, Yongsheng Li*, Dechao Niu, Zhi Ma, Wenru Zhao, Jinlou Gu, Wenjie Dong, Feng Ding, Weihong Zhu and Jianlin Shi “A hydrophobic dye-encapsulated nano-hybrid as an efficient fluorescent probe for living cell imaging” Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2012, 1, 475–479.
  14. Wenjie Dong, Yongsheng Li*, Dechao Niu, Zhi Ma, Jinlou Gu, Yi Chen, Wenru Zhao, Changsheng Liu, Jianlin Shi “Facile synthesis of monodisperse superparamagnetic Fe3O4 core@hybrid@Au shell nanocomposite for bimodal imaging and photothermal therapy” Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 5392–5397. (Cover paper)
  15. Dechao Niu, Xiaohang Liu, Yongsheng Li*, Zhi Ma, Wenjie Dong, Shu Chang, Wenru Zhao, Jinlou Gu, Shengjian Zhang and Jianlin Shi “Fabrication of uniform, biocompatible and multifunctional PCL-b-PAA copolymer-based hybrid micelles for magnetic resonance imaging” J. Mater. Chem. 2011,21, 13825–13831.
  16. Yuran Xu, Lingling Wang, Enlin Yuan, , Junjiang Jin, Yongsheng Li*, Wenru Zhao, Hua Li, Jianlin Shi “Preparation of Highly Dispersed Mn-KIT-6 Catalysts and Their Catalysis Performance” Acta Chim. Sinica 2011, 69, 1517–1523.
  17. Dechao Niu, Zhi Ma, Yongsheng Li*, Jianlin Shi* “Synthesis of core-shell structured dual-mesoporous silica spheres with tunable pore size and controllable shell thickness” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132(43), 15144–15147.
  18. Dechao Niu, Yongsheng Li*, Zhi Ma, Hua Diao, Jinlou Gu, Hangrong Chen, Wenru Zhao, Meiling Ruan, Yonglian Zhang and Jianlin Shi* “Preparation of uniform, water-soluble and multifunctional nanocomposites with tunable sizes” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 5, 773–780.
  19. Yongsheng Li, Yong Chen, Liang Li, Jinlou Gu, Wenru Zhao, Lei Li, Jianlin Shi* “A simple co-impregnation route to load highly dispersed Fe(III) centers into the pore structure of SBA-15 and the extraordinarily high catalytic performance” Appl. Catal. A, Gen. 2009, 366, 57–64.
  20. Yong Chen, Yongsheng Li*, Liang Li, Jinlou Gu, Wenru Zhao, Lei Li, Jianlin Shi* “Preparation of highly dispersed MnxOy/SBA-15 and Its catalytic properties” Chin. J. Catal. 2009, 3, 230–234.
  21. Dechao Niu, Yongsheng Li*, Xiaoli Qiao, Liang Li, Wenru Zhao, Hangrong Chen, Qiaoling Zhao, Zhi Ma and Jianlin Shi* “A facile approach to fabricate functionalized superparamagnetic copolymer-silica nanocomposite spheres” Chem. Commun. 2008, 4463–4465.
  22. Zhange Feng, Yongsheng Li*, Dechao Niu, Liang Li, Wenru Zhao, Hangrong Chen, Lei Li, Jianhua Gao, Meiling Ruan, and Jianlin Shi* “A facile route to hollow nanospheres of mesoporous silica with tunable size” Chem. Commun. 2008, 2629–2631. (Cover paper)
  23. Yongsheng Li, M. Pera-Titus, Guoxing Xiong, Weishen Yang, E. Landrivona, S. Miachona*, J.-A. Dalmon “Nanocomposite MFI-alumina membranes via pore-plugging synthesis: Genesis of the zeolite material Genesis of the zeolite material” J. Membr. Sci. 2008, 325, 973–981.
  24. Yongsheng Li, Yanqiu Yang, Meiling Ruan, Jianlin Shi “Synthesis and characterization of hollow mesoporous carbon spheres with a highly ordered bicontinuous cubic mesostructure” Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2008, 112, 597–602.
  25. Jin Sun, Yongsheng Li*, Liang Li, Wenru Zhao, Lei Li, Jianhua Gao, Meiling Ruan, Jianlin Shi* “Functionalization and bioactivity in vitro of mesoporous bioactive glasses” J. Non-Crys. Solids 2008, 354, 3799–3805.
  26. Yongsheng Li, Jin Sun, Yanqiu Yang, Meiling, Jianlin Shi “Controlled synthesis of hollow mesoporous aluminosilicate spheres with ordered cubic (Ia-3d) symmetry” Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 2007, 170, 645–650.
  27. Yongsheng Li, Jianlin Shi, Zile Hua, Hangrong Chen, Meiling Ruan, Dongsheng Yan “Hollow spheres of mesoporous aluminosilicate with 3-dimensional pore network and extraordinary high hydrothermal stability” Nano Lett. 2003, 3, 609–612.
  28. Yongsheng Li, Jianlin Shi *, Hangrong Chen, Zile Hua, Lingxia Zhang, Meiling Ruan, Jina Yan, Dongsheng Yan “One-step synthesis of hydrothermally stable cubic mesoporous aluminosilicates with a novel particle structure” Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2003, 60, 51–56.
  29. Yongsheng Li, Jinqu Wang, Jianlin Shi, Xiongfu Zhang, Jinming Lu, Zhongying Bao, Dongsheng Yan “Synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite-almembranes with large area on porous, tubular α-Al2O3 supports” Sep. Purif. Techn. 2003, 32, 397–401.


李永生教授在介孔材料的設計、可控制備及生物、催化應用方面開展了大量的研究工作,取得了一系列研究成果,發表的論文包括J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 15144; J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 3446; Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 2101; Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 9459;ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 9942等。鑑於其在介孔材料領域取得的多項創新性研究成果,應“Advanced Materials”編輯部邀請撰寫了題為“Hollow-Structured Mesoporous Materials: Chemical Synthesis, Functionalization and Applications”的長篇綜述文章,由李永生教授和施劍林教授共同完成。該文系統地闡述了空心結構介孔材料的設計與合成策略、功能化途徑及在吸附分離、催化和生物醫藥等領域的應用價值,並對其發展趨勢和應用潛力給予了展望。 [5] 