


現任蘇州大學副校長、蘇州大學光電科學與工程學院院長、教育部現代光學技術重點實驗室常務副主任、數碼激光與成像教育部工程中心主任 [1] 
蘇州大學黨委常委 [12] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別
職    務


李孝峯教授於2002年7月(2007年1月)本科(博士)畢業於西南交通大學信息科學與技術學院通信與信息系統專業。博士學位論文獲2009年全國百篇優秀博士論文提名獎和2008年四川省優秀博士論文,並被評為四川省優秀博士畢業生。2007年5月赴新加坡南洋理工大學擔任研究員,是美國國防部先進研究項目局(DARPA)和新加坡科技局(A*Star)科研項目核心成員。2010年7月加盟倫敦帝國理工學院,主研歐盟表面等離子太陽能電池項目,負責微納光伏器件設計工作。2012年1月加盟蘇州大學現代光學技術研究所,先後獲“江蘇省創新創業(雙創)高層次人才”、“江蘇省333高層次人才培養工程”以及“蘇州市高等院校、科研院所緊缺高層次人才”的支持 [1]  。2014年1月,蘇州大學組建物理與光電.能源學部 [2]  ,李孝峯教授擔任學部下轄的光電信息科學與工程學院副院長。2018年6月,李孝峯教授擔任獨立運行的光電科學與工程學院院長 [1]  [7] 
李孝峯教授曾負責新加坡科技局和歐盟多個科研課題的核心研究工作,在光電子信息領域的激光混沌保密通信、表面等離子納米激光器、光伏器件光域電域設計、反波導單模垂直腔面發射激光器、圓形面發射分佈反饋和量子級聯激光器等方向積累了一系列研究成果。現主要致力於高精度微納光伏系統設計與微納光電轉換技術,尤其在微納結構太陽能電池的嚴格三維光電熱仿真方面積累了豐富的經驗 [3]  。已累計在國際學術期刊發表SCI論文超過150篇 [4]  ,其中包括在Advanced Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、ACS Nano、Nano Energy等SCI一區論文40餘篇 [4]  ,SCI二區論文80餘篇 [4] 
學術兼職 [1] 
  • IEEE Photonics Journal副主編 [5] 
  • 美國光學學會Applied Optics副主編 [6] 
  • 中國光學學會《激光與光電子學進展》第九屆編委
  • 中國光學工程學會《PhotoniX》首屆編委
  • 美國光學學會Travelling Lecturer
  • 江蘇省光學學會納米光子學專業委員會委員
  • 蘇州市激光與光學工程學會理事
  • IEEE高級會員、美國光學學會(OSA)會員、國際光學工程學會(SPIE)會員
  • 中國光學學會高級會員、中國密碼學會高級會員、中國光學工程學會會員
  • 擔任Adv. Mater.,ACS Nano, ACS Energy Lett., Adv. Energy Mater.,Laser & Photonics Review、Nanoscale、Scientific Reports、IEEE JSTQE、IEEE JQE、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Opt. Lett.、Opt. Express等40餘個國際SCI期刊論文評審專家


2022年6月10日,江蘇省人民政府決定:任命李孝峯為蘇州大學副校長,試用期一年。 [9] 
2022年8月11日上午,蘇州大學在天賜莊校區存菊堂召開全校幹部大會,會上宣佈江蘇省委關於調整學校領導班子的決定,李孝峯同志任蘇州大學副校長。 [10] 
2022年8月19日,江蘇省人民政府經研究決定:任命李孝峯為蘇州大學副校長。 [11] 


1、國家自然科學基金國際合作重點課題 [8]  ,在研,主持;
部分代表論文 [4] 
  1. Guoyang Cao, Guoan Chen#, and Xiaofeng Li#. Ambipolar Self-Driving Polarized Photodetection. ACS Photonics 2021, 8(8):2459−2465.
  2. Yidan An, Tianshu Ma, and Xiaofeng Li*.Energy tracing of photovoltaic cells. Solar RRL 2021, 5:2100199.
  3. Guoyang Cao, Guoqing Chen*, and Xiaofeng Li*. Core-shell single-nanowire photodetector with radial carrier transport: an opportunity to break the responsivity-speed trade-off. Advanced Electronic Materials2021, 7(7):2000920. (back cover)
  4. Chenhong Xiao#, Zhongyuan Zhou#, Liujing Li, Zhenhai Yang, Shaolong Wu*, and Xiaofeng Li*.Direct growth of hematite film on p+n-silicon micro-pyramid arrays for low-bias water splitting. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2021,224:110987.
  5. Yaohui Zhan#, Lei Zhang#, Mohsen Rahmani#, Vincenzo Giannini, Andrey E., Miroshnichenko, Minghui Hong, Xiaofeng Li, Stefan A. Maier, and Dangyuan Lei*.High-order optical nanocircuits built by plasmonic oligomers. ACS Photonics 2021, 8:166-174.
  6. Sheng Li#, Changlei Wang#,*,Dewei Zhao*, Yidan An, Yue Zhao, Xingzhong Zhao*, andXiaofeng Li*. Flexible semitransparent perovskite solar cells with gradient energy levels enable efficient tandems with Cu(In,Ga)Se2. Nano Energy 2020, 78:105478.
  7. Hao Mei#, Yuliang Wu#, Changlei Wang*, Shengqiang Ren,Mingdi Zhang, Sheng Li, Haitao Dai, Dewei Zhao, Qingguo Du* andXiaofeng Li*. Synergistic engineering of bromine and ctyltrimethylammonium chloride molecule enabling efficient and stable flexible perovskite solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8:19425-19433.
  8. Yidan An#, Changlei Wang#, Guoyang Cao, and Xiaofeng Li*. Heterojunction perovskite solar cells: opto-electro-thermal physics, modeling, and experiment. ACS Nano 2020, 14(4):5017-5026.
  9. Chunxiang Sheng#, Yidan An#, Jun Du, and Xiaofeng Li*. Colored radiative cooler under optical Tamm resonance. ACS Photonics 2019, 6(10):2545-2552.
  10. Guoyang Cao, Yidan An, Qiaoliang Bao, and XiaofengLi*. Physics and optoelectronic simulation of photodetectors based on 2D materials. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7(15):1900410.
  11. Changlei Wang*, Zhaoning Song, DeweiZhao, Rasha A. Awni, Chongwen Li, Niraj Shrestha, Cong Chen, Xinxing Yin, Dengbing Li, Randy J. Ellingson, Xingzhong Zhao, Xiaofeng Li*, and Yanfa Yan*. Improving performance and stability of planar perovskite solar cells through grain boundary passivation with block copolymer. Solar RRL 2019, 3(9):1900078.
  12. Cheng Zhang, Guoyang Cao, ShaolongWu, and Weijia Shao, Vincenzo Giannini, Stefan A. Maier, and XiaofengLi*. Thermodynamic loss mechanisms and strategies for efficient hot-electron photoconversion. Nano Energy 2019, 55, 164-172.
  13. Cheng Zhang, Qinyu Qian, Linling Qin, Xin Zhu, Chinhua Wang*, and Xiaofeng Li*. Broadband light harvesting for highly efficient hot-electron application based on conformal metallic nanorod arrays. ACS Photonics 2018, 5:5079-5085.
  14. Yidan An, AixueShang, Guoyang Cao, Shaolong Wu, Dong Ma*, and Xiaofeng Li*.Perovskite solar cells: optoelectronic simulation and optimization. Solar RRL 2018, 2(11): 1800126.
  15. Zhongyuan Zhou, Shaolong Wu*, Linling Qin, Liang Li, Liujing Li, and Xiaofeng Li*.Modulating oxygen vacancy in Sn-doped hematite film grown on silicon microwiresfor efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 15593.
  16. Qianru Yang, Cheng Zhang, Shaolong Wu, Shaojuan Li, Qiaoliang Bao, Vincenzo Giannini, Stefan A. Maier, and Xiaofeng Li*. Photonic surface waves enabled perfect infrared absorption by monolayer graphene. Nano Energy 2018, 48:161-169.
  17. Li Chen, Shaolong Wu*, Dong Ma, Aixue Shang, and Xiaofeng Li*. Optoelectronic modeling of theSi/α-Fe2O3 heterojunction photoanode. Nano Energy 2018, 43:177-183.
  18. Aixue Shangand Xiaofeng Li. Photovoltaic devices: opto-electro-thermal physics and modeling. Advanced Materials2017,29:1603492.
  19. Jian He, Zhenhai Yang, Peipei Liu, Sudong Wu, Pingqi Gao, Mei Wang, Suqiong Zhou, Xiaofeng Li, Hongtao Cao, and Jichun Ye. Enhanced electro-optical properties of nanocone/nanopillar dual-structured arrays for ultrathin silicon/organic hybrid solar cell applications. Advanced Energy Materials2016, 6:1501793.
  20. Cheng Zhang, Kai Wu, Vincenzo Giannini, Xiaofeng Li. Planar hot-electron photodetection with Tamm plasmon. ACS Nano2017, 11:1919−1727.
  21. Qianru Yang, Cheng Zhang, Shaolong Wu,Shaojuan Li, Qiaoliang Bao, Vincenzo Giannini, Stefan A. Maier, andXiaofeng Li. Photonic surface waves enabled perfect infrared absorption by monolayer graphene. Nano Energy2018, 48:161-169.
  22. Li Chen, Shaolong Wu, Dong Ma, Aixue Shang, and Xiaofeng Li. Optoelectronic modeling of the Si/α-Fe2O3 heterojunction photoanode. Nano Energy2018, 43:177-183.
  23. Guoyang Cao, Aixue Shang, Cheng Zhang, Youpin Gong, Shaojuan Li, Qiaoliang Bao, and Xiaofeng Li. Optoelectronic investigation of monolayer MoS2/WSe2vertical heterojunction photoconversion devices. Nano Energy2016, 30:260−266.
  24. Cheng Zhang, Zhenhai Yang, Kai, Wu, and Xiaofeng Li. Design of asymmetric nanovoid resonator forsilicon-based single-nanowire solarabsorbers. Nano Energy2016, 27:611−618.
  25. Cheng Zhang, Zhenhai Yang, Aixue Shang, Shaolong Wu, Yaohui Zhan, and Xiaofeng Li. Improved optical absorption of silicon single-nanowire solar cells by off-axial core/shell design. Nano Energy2015,17:233−240.
  26. Zhenhai Yang, Xiaofeng Li, Dang Yuan Lei, Aixue Shang, and Shaolong Wu. Omnidirectional absorption enhancement of symmetry-broken crescent-deformed single-nanowire photovoltaic cells. Nano Energy2015, 13: 9−17.
  27. Zhongyuan Zhou, Shaolong Wu, Linling Qin, Liang Li, Liujing Li, and Xiaofeng Li. Modulating oxygen vacancy in Sn-doped hematite film grown on silicon microwires for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 15593.
  28. Xiang Gao, Shaolong Wu, Jimu Yan, Xiongfei Zhai, and Xiaofeng Li. Stabilized and improved photoelectrochemical responses of silicon nanowires modified with Ag@SiO2nanoparticles and crystallizedTiO2film.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2016, 8:30072−30078.
  29. Cheng Zhang, Kai Wu, Yaohui Zhan, Vincenzo Giannini, and Xiaofeng Li. Planar microcavity-integrated hot-electron photodetector. Nanoscale2016, 8:10323−10329.
  30. Yaohui Zhan, DangYuan Lei,Xiaofeng Li, and Stefan A. Maier. Plasmonic Fano resonances in nanohole quadrumers for ultra-sensitive refractive index sensing.Nanoscale2014, 6:4705-4715.
  31. Yaohui Zhan, Xiaofeng Li, Dang Yuan Lei, Shaolong Wu, Chinhua Wang, and Yao Li. Enhanced photoresponsivity of a germanium single-nanowire photodetector confined within a super wavelength metallic slit. ACS Photonics2014, 1(6):483-488.
  32. Aixue Shang, Xiongfei Zhai, Cheng Zhang, Yaohui Zhan, Shaolong Wu, and Xiaofeng Li. Nanowire and nanohole silicon solar cells: a thorough optoelectronic evaluation. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications2015, 23:1734−1741
  33. Xiaofeng Li, Yaohui Zhan and Chinhua Wang. Broadband enhancement of coaxial heterogeneous gallium arsenide single-nanowire solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications2015, 23:628−636.
  34. Xiaofeng Li, Nicholas P. Hylton, Vincenzo Giannini, Kan-Hua Lee, Ned J. Ekins-Daukes, and Stefan A. Maier. Multi-dimensional modelling of solar cells with electromagnetic and carrier transport calculations. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications2013, 21(1):109−120.
  35. Jimu Yan, Shaolong Wu, Xiongfei Zhai, Xiang Gao, and Xiaofeng Li. Si microwire array photoelectrochemical cells: stabilized and improved performances with surface modification of Pt nanoparticles and TiO2thin film. Journal of Power Sources2017, 342:460−466.
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