




2006年7月畢業於中國農業大學農業水利工程專業,獲工學學士學位;同年就讀於該校農業水土工程系,2011年6月獲工學博士學位,其間赴美國Texas A&M University進行博士生聯合培養。2011年畢業後留校從事教學科研工作。 [1] 


(1) 農田水文-生態系統過程與模擬
(2) 區域水循環及伴生過程定量研究
(3) 多源遙感應用與灌區信息化平台建設



(1) 國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目,“農業水文及伴生過程”(52022108),2021-2023(主持)
(2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目“ 地下水淺埋乾旱灌區農業節水的水文生態效應及優化調控研究”(51679235),2017-2020(主持)
(3) 國家自然科學基金重點基金“灌區節水的生態環境效應及高效用水調控”(51639009),2017-2021(主要參加)
(4) 十三五國家重點研發計劃課題“河套平原鹽鹼地形成機理與鹽鹼障礙生態調控機制” (2016YFC0501301),2016-2020(主要參加)
(5) 十三五國家重點研發計劃課題“節水灌溉效率與生境效應評價技術與方法”(2016YFC0400107),2016-2020(主要參加)
(6) 水利部公益性項目“節水灌溉的尺度效應及用水效率與效益評價”(201401007-2),2014-2016(主要參加) [1] 


在《Journal of Hydrology》、《Agricultural Water Management》、《Environmental Modelling and Software》、《Water Resources Management》、《水利學報》、《農業工程學報》等國內外期刊上發表學術論文50餘篇,其中SCI收錄40餘篇。近年來主要論文:
[1] Ren DY, Xu X*, Bernard Engel, Huang GH (2017). Growth responses of crops and natural vegetation to irrigation and water table changes in an agro-ecosystem of Hetao, upper Yellow River basin: Scenario analysis on maize, sunflower, watermelon and tamarisk. Agricultural Water Management, 199: 93-104 (corresponding author)
[2] Ren DY, Xu X*, TB Ramos, Huang QZ, Huo ZL, Huang GH (2017). Modeling and assessing the function and sustainability of natural patches in salt-affected agro-ecosystems: Application to Tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.) in Hetao, upper Yellow River basin. Journal of Hydrology, 552: 490-504. (corresponding author)
[3] Jiang Y, Xu X*, Huang QZ, Huo ZL, Huang GH (2016). Optimizing regional irrigation water use by integrating a two-level optimization model and an agro-hydrological model. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 178: 76-88. (corresponding author)
[4] Xu X, Sun C, Huang GH, BP Mohanty (2016). Global sensitivity analysis and calibration of parameters for a physically-based agro-hydrological model. Environmental Modelling and Software, 83: 88-102.
[5] Ren DY, Xu X*, Hao YY, Huang GH (2016). Modeling and assessing field irrigation water use in a canal system of Hetao, upper Yellow River basin: Application to maize, sunflower and watermelon. Journal of Hydrology, 532: 122-139. (corresponding author)
[6] Xu X, Sun C, Qu ZY, Huang QZ, TB Ramos, Huang GH (2015). Groundwater recharge and capillary rise in irrigated areas of the upper Yellow River basin assessed by an agro-hydrological model. Irrigation and Drainage, 64(5): 587-599.
[7] Jiang Y, Xu X*, Huang QZ, Huo ZL, Huang GH (2015). Assessment of irrigation performance and water productivity in irrigated areas of the middle Heihe River basin using a distributed agro-hydrological model. Agricultural Water Management, 147: 67-81. (corresponding author)
[8] Xu X, Huang GH, Sun C, LS Pereira, TB Ramos, Huang QZ, Hao YY (2013). Assessing the effects of water table depth on water use, soil salinity and wheat yield: Searching for a target depth for irrigated areas in the upper Yellow River basin. Agricultural Water Management, 125: 146-160.
[9] Xu X, Huang GH, Zhan HB, Qu ZY, Huang QZ (2012). Integration of SWAP and MODFLOW-2000 for modeling groundwater dynamics in shallow water table areas. Journal of Hydrology, 412-413: 170-181.
[10] Xu X, Huang GH, Qu ZY, LS Pereira (2011). Using MODFLOW and GIS to assess changes in groundwater dynamics in response to water saving measures in irrigation districts of the upper Yellow River basin. Water Resources Management, 25(8): 2035-2059.
[11] Xu X, Huang GH, Qu ZY, LS Pereira (2010). Assessing the groundwater dynamics and impacts of water saving in the Hetao Irrigation District, Yellow River basin. Agricultural Water Management, 98(2): 301-313.
[12] Wang J, Huang G, Zhan H, BP Mohanty, Zheng J, Huang Q, Xu X (2014). Evaluation of soil water dynamics and crop yield under furrow irrigation with a two-dimensional flow and crop growth coupled model. Agricultural Water Management, 141: 10-22.
[13] 郝遠遠, 徐旭, 任東陽, 黃權中, 黃冠華 (2015). 河套灌區土壤水鹽和作物生長的HYDRUS-EPIC模型分佈式模擬. 農業工程學報, 31(11): 110-116.
[14] 徐旭, 黃冠華, 屈忠義 (2011). 區域尺度農田水鹽動態模擬模型—GSWAP. 農業工程學報, 27(7): 58-63. [1] 
  • 1.    徐旭  .中國農業大學[引用日期2019-11-20]