


彭晨 1972年3月出生,2002年7月在中國礦業大學控制理論與控制工程專業獲博士學位,2004年9月在南京師範大學數學博士後流動站獲博士後證書。上海大學機電工程與自動化學院教授,博導。 [1] 
國    籍
中國 [2] 
1972年3月 [2] 
性    別
18篇(截至2019年7月) [3] 


2012.9-至今:擔任上海大學機電工程與自動化學院教授 [1] 
2010.9-2012.8:澳大利亞Center Queensland University, Research Fellow [5] 
2006.8-2007.7:澳大利亞Queensland University of Technology, Research Fellow [5] 
2004.11-2005.1:香港大學,Research Associate [5] 
2002.7-2004.9:南京師範大學數學博士後流動站,博士後 [5] 


1、網絡控制系統分析與綜合 [1] 
2、時滯系統分析與綜合、模糊系統、魯棒控制、神經元網絡控制 [1] 
3、無線傳感網絡控制系統設計 [1] 
4、數據倉庫知識發現KDD與ERP系統開發 [1] 


1、IEEE IES 網絡控制及應用技術委員副主席 [1] 
2、IEEE 電氣電子工程師協會高級會員 [1] 
4、上海市電子電器技術協會學術委員會副主任 [1] 
5、上海市自動化學會理事 [1] 
6、上海市自動化學會自動化應用專業委員會主任 [1] 
7、美國數學學會《數學評論》(AmericanMathematical Review)評論員 [1] 
8、中國儀器儀表學會嵌入式儀表與系統工程分會理事 [1] 
9、中國系統仿真學會生命系統建模仿真專業委員會委員 [1] 
10、自動化學會青年工作委員會委員 [1] 
11、電子學會委員 [1] 
12、國際期刊:Transactions of the Institute ofMeasurement and Control 編委 [1] 
13、國際期刊:Intelligent Industrial Systems (EditorialAdvisory Board) [1] 
14、國際期刊:Journal of Stochastics (Editorial Boardmember) [1] 
15、國際期刊:Recent Advances on Electrical &Electronic Engineering (Regional Editor) [1] 
16、國際期刊:Information Sciences: Specialissue (Guest Editor) [1] 


網絡控制系統分析與綜合,NCSs調度與仿真、時滯系統分析與綜合、模糊控制、魯棒控制、神經元網絡控制、無線傳感網絡控制系統設計、數據倉庫知識發現KDD與ERP系統開發 [1]  、智能電網與電力系統大數據


研究生教學(課程):網絡控制系統,智能控制技術 [4] 
本科生教學(課程):計算機控制技術,現代控制技術 [4] 



1、融合通信與計算的複雜網絡化系統安全控制及應用(61633016),2017-2021,國家自然科學基金(重點),主研 [1] 
2、電力系統的網絡化控制與應用,2016-2019,上海市“東方學者”跟蹤計劃,主持 [1] 
3、彈性事件驅動的網絡化系統自律安全控制研究(61673255),2017-2020,國家自然科學基金,主持 [1] 
4、資源受限網絡控制系統的必要性通訊與分佈式控制協同研究(61273114),2013-2016,國家自然科學基金,主持 [1] 
5、具有QoS約束和隨機故障的網絡化系統分析與控制(61074024),2011-2013,國家自然科學基金,主持 [1] 
6、網絡化廣域電力系統分析與控制(39010911002),2012-2015,上海市“東方學者”科研基金,主持 [1] 
7、廣域電力系統虛擬資源池的構建、配置與調度(14510722500),2014-2017,上海市科委國際合作項目,主持 [1] 
8、事件驅動的網絡控制系統通信與控制研究(14PJ1403800),2014-2017,上海市“浦江人才計劃”,主持 [1] 
9、網絡控制系統中混雜事件驅動通信與控制研(14ZZ087),2014-2016,上海市教委科研創新重點項目,主持 [1] 
10、Internet網絡下信號與控制的聯合優化與量化研究(60704024),2008-2010,國家自然科學基金,主持 [1] 
11、時間與事件混合驅動的網絡控制系統通信與控制研究(BK20131403),2014-2016,江蘇省自然科學基金,主持 [4] 
12、基於IP網絡的網絡控制系統分析與綜合及其在網絡化機器人遙控操作中的應用研究,2011-2013,江蘇省“六大人才高峯”項目(第七批,B類),主持 [4] 
13、無線網絡控制中信號與控制優化協作研究(BK2010543),2011-2013,江蘇省自然科學基金,主持 [4] 
14、網絡環境下複雜多對象增益調度及控制研究(BK2006573),2006-2008,江蘇省自然科學基金,主持 [4] 


1、彭晨,上海市自然科學二等獎,2013 [1] 
2、楊繼全,戴寧,侯麗雅,連寧,彭晨,崔海華,“三維打印設計與製造關鍵技術及產業化應用”,2014年度江蘇省科學技術進步二等獎,2014.12 [6] 
3、彭晨,中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文領跑者F5000,2013 [1] 
4、彭晨,江蘇省“六大人才高峯”B類,2010.12 [4] 
5、彭晨,江蘇省“333工程”第三層次培養對象(第3期),2009.8 [4] 
7、彭晨,南京師範大學第二批“名師培養工程”,2009.12 [4] 
8、彭晨,南京師範大學2008年“青藍工程”中青年學術帶頭人,2008.11 [4] 
9、嶽東,費樹岷,彭晨,唐功友,楊繼全,“複雜動態系統魯棒性能分析與控制綜合及其應用”,2008年度江蘇省科學技術進步二等獎,2008.10 [7] 
10、唐功友,嶽東,馬慧,彭晨,王海紅,張寶琳,“動態系統的時滯相關分析與控制理論及其應用”,2006年度高等學校科學技術獎-自然科學二等獎,2006.12 [4] 
11、嶽東,楊繼全,彭晨,彩色三維成型系統,全國青年科技創業與科技成果博覽會銅獎,2006.12 [4] 
12、嶽東,楊繼全,彭晨,“三維打印機”,江蘇省青年創業大賽二等獎,2005.12 [4] 
13、彭晨,“基於Winsock的遠程控制系統”,江蘇省優秀畢業論文指導三等獎,2004.9 [4] 


Chen Peng, Dong Yue, Qing-Long Han, Communication and Control for Networked Complex Systems,專著,Springer出版社,2015 [1] 
Minrui Fei, Chen Peng, et. al., Computational Intelligence, Networked Control Systems and Their Applications, 編著,Springer出版社,2014 [1] 
Dong Yue, Chen Peng, Qing-Long Han, 網絡控制系統的分析與綜合 ,科學出版社,2007, ISBN:9787030184641 [1] 


1.Chen Peng,Dong Yue, Min-RuiFei, Relaxed stability and stabilization conditions of networked fuzzy control systems subject to asynchronous grades of membership,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems, In Press [1]  10.1109/TFUZZ.2013.2281993
2.Chen Peng, Min Wu, Dong Yue, Working region and stability analysis of PV Cellsunder the peak-current-mode control, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, DOI:10.1109/TCST.2017.2661827 [1] 
3.Chen Peng, Shaodong Ma, Xiangpeng Xie, Observer-based non-PDC control for networked T-S fuzzysystems with an event-triggered communication, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI:10.1109/TCYB.2017.2659698 [1] 
4.Hao Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhen, Huaicheng Yan, Chen Peng, Qijun Chen,Co-design of event-triggered and distributed H_inf filtering for active semi-vehicle suspension systems, IEEE Trans. on Mechatronics,DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2016.2646722 [1] 
5.Xiangpeng Xie, Dong Yue, Huaguang Zhang, Chen Peng,Control Synthesis of Discrete-Time T-S Fuzzy Systems: Reducing the Conservatism Whilst Alleviating the Computational Burden, IEEE Transactionson Cybernetics,DOI :10.1109/TCYB.2016.2582747 [1] 
6.Xiangpeng Xie, Dong Yue, Chen Peng, Multi-instant observer design of discrete-time fuzzy systems: a ranking-based switching approach,IEEE Transactionson Fuzzy systems,DOI:10.1109/TFUZZ.2016.2612260 [1] 
7.Chen Peng, Qing-Long Han, On designing a novel self-triggered sampling scheme for networked control systems with network-induced delays and data dropouts, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63(2):1239-1248, 2016 [1] 
8.Chen Peng, Jin Zhang,Delay-distribution-dependent load frequency control of power systems with probabilistic interval delays,IEEE Transactions onPower Systems, 31(4):3309-3317, 2016 [1] 
9.Chen Peng,Dong Yue, Min-rui Fei, A higher energy efficient sampling scheme for networked control systems over IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks, IEEETransactions on Industrial Informatics,vol.~12, no.5, pp.~1766--1774, Oct. 2016 [1] 
10.Chen Peng,Dong Yue, Min-RuiFei, Relaxed stability and stabilization conditions of networked fuzzy control systems subject to asynchronous grades of membership, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems, 22(5):1101-1112,2014 [1] 
11.Chen Peng,Taicheng Yang, Event-triggered communication andH_inf control co-design for networked control systems, Automatica,49(5): 1326–1332. May 2013 [1] 
12.Chen Peng, Qing-Long Han, A novel event-triggered transmission scheme and L_2 control co-design for sampled-data control systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(10):2620-2626,Oct., 2013 [1] 
13.Chen Peng, Qing-Long Han, Dong Yue,Communication-delay-distribution dependentdecentra-lized control for large-scale systems withIP-based communication networks,IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology,21(3):820-830,May, 2013 [1] 
14.Chen Peng, Qing-Long Han, Dong Yue, To transmit or not to transmit: a discrete event-triggered communication scheme for networked Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems, 21(1):164-170, 2013 [1] 
15.Chen Peng, Yuchu Tian, Dong Yue, Output feedback control of discrete-time systems in networked environments, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A41(1):185 – 190,JAN 2011 [1] 
16.Chen Peng,Tai cheng Yang,Communication delay distribution dependent networked control for a class of T-S fuzzy system, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems, 18 (2): 326-335, APR 2010 [1] 
17.Chen Peng, Dong Yue,Tai Cheng Yang, Engang Tian, On delay-dependent approach to robust stability and stabilization for T-S fuzzy systems with constant delay and uncertainties,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems, 17(5):1143-1156, 2009 [1] 
18.Chen Peng, Dong Yue, Yuchu Tian, New approach on robust delay-dependent H_infty control for uncertain T-S fuzzy systems with interval time-varying delay,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems, 17(4):890-900, 2009 [1] 
19.Dong Yue, Engang Tian, Yijun Zhang, Chen Peng, Delay-distribution-dependent stability and stabilization of T–S fuzzy systems with probabilistic interval delay, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B, 39(2):503-516, 2009 [1] 
20.Dong Yue, Yijun Zhang, Engang Tian, Chen Peng, Delay-distribution-dependent exponential stability criteria for discrete-time recurrent neural networks with stochastic delay,IEEE Transactions on Neural Network,19 (7): 1299-1306, 2008 [1] 
21.Dong Yue, Qing-Long Han, Chen Peng. State feedback controller design of networked control systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, 51:640-644, 2004 [1] 