


張潔,女,長安大學能源與電氣工程學院副教授、碩士生導師,入選陝西省高校科協青年託舉人才、西安市科協青年託舉人才,主要研究超臨界水熱燃燒技術、危廢的處置及資源化利用。 [1] 
國    籍


2018~2019,美國雪城大學,訪問學者。 [1] 


3.新能源技術及工業節能。 [1] 


主持國家自然科學基金面上項目和青年基金項目、陝西省自然科學基金項目、陝西省和西安市科協青年人才託舉計劃項目等科研項目10餘項。發表學術論文40餘篇,其中SCI檢索論文30篇,參編出版英文專著1部。堅持基礎研究與技術攻關相結合,以第一發明人授權國家發明專利3項、申請發明專利2項;授權美國發明專利5項。 [1] 


1.國家自然科學基金面上項目, 超臨界水熱燃燒的瞬態着火機理及含氮污染物強化降解特性, 主持.
2.國家自然科學基金青年基金項目, 以甲醇為輔助燃料的超臨界水熱燃燒過程機理及反應動力學研究, 主持.
3.陝西省高校科協青年人才託舉計劃項目, 超臨界水熱燃燒着火模型構建及穩燃機制研究, 主持.
4.西安市科協青年人才託舉計劃項目, 典型含氮污染物的超臨界水熱燃燒動力學研究, 主持.
5.陝西省自然科學基礎研究計劃項目, 甲醇的超臨界水熱燃燒特性及反應動力學研究, 主持. [1] 


[1] Zhang Jie*, Zhang Lingling, Li Hulin, Tian Xinyue, Huang Rongpu, Lu Jinling. Catalyzed hydrothermal treatment of oily sludge: A review [J]. Clean Energy Science and Technology, 2 (1), 2024.
[2] Zhi Youwei, Xu Donghai*, Jiang Guanyu, Yang Wanpeng, Chen Zhilin, Duan Peigao, Zhang Jie*. A review of hydrothermal carbonization of municipal sludge: Process conditions, physicochemical properties, methods coupling, energy balances and life cycle analyses [J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 254, 2024.
[3] Zhang Jie*, Li Hulin, Liu Qian, Zhang Hao, Li Xiaoliang, Zheng Xing. Experimental study on supercritical water oxidation of oily sludge with auxiliary fuels [J]. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 199, 2023.
[4] Zhang Jie*, Zhang Lingling, Men Chuangshe, Ren Mengmeng, Zhang Hao, Lu Jinling. Ignition of supercritical hydrothermal flames in co-flow jets [J]. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 188, 2022.
[5] Zhang Jie*, Ren Mengmeng*, Li Yanhui, Li Hulin, Wang Shuzhong. Continuous supercritical hydrothermal combustion experimental and burner structure optimization simulation study [J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 188, 2022.
[6] Zhang Jie*, Li Peng, Ren Mengmeng, Guo Pengcheng, Zheng Xing, Wang Kai. Effect of auxiliary fuel on degradation of ammonia in supercritical water: Kinetics analysis [J]. Fuel, 292, 2021.
[7] Zhang Jie*, Li Bowen, Li Yanhui, Lu Jinling, Wang Kai, Zhang Huamin. Effect of sulfide on corrosion behavior of stainless steel 316SS and Hastelloy C276 in sub/supercritical water [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (42), 2021.
[8] Zhang Jie*, Li Peng, Lu Jinling, Zheng Xing, Wu Luochang, Nan Haipeng. Supercritical hydrothermal combustion of nitrogen-containing compounds in a tubular reactor [J]. Fuel, 275, 2020.
[9] Zhang Jie, Liu Jiuxu, Huang Xinlei, Choi Seungrag, Zhu Ran, Tang Siqi, Bond Jesse Q., Tavlarides Lawrence L.*. Heterogeneous catalytic esterification of oleic acid under sub/supercritical methanol over γ-Al2O3 [J], Fuel, 268, 2020.
[10] Zhang Jie*, Wang Shuzhong, Ren Mengmeng, Lu Jinling, Chen Senlin, Zhang Huamin. Effect mechanism of auxiliary fuel in supercritical water: A review [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (4) 2019.
[11] Zhang Jie*, Li Peng, Lu Jinling, Xin Fengdan, Zheng Xing, Chen Senlin. Supercritical water oxidation of ammonia with methanol as the auxiliary fuel: Comparing with isopropanol [J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 147, 2019.
[12] Zhang Jie*, Wang Shuzhong, Li Yanhui, Lu Jinling, Chen Senlin, Luo Xingqi. Supercritical water oxidation treatment of textile sludge [J]. Environmental Technology, 38 (15), 2017.
[13] Zhang Jie, Wang Shuzhong*, Xu Donghai, Guo Yang, Ren Mengmeng, Lu Jinling. Kinetics study on hydrothermal combustion of methanol in supercritical water [J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 98, 2015.
[14] Zhang Jie, Wang Shuzhong*, Guo Yang, Xu Donghai, Gong Yanmeng, Tang Xingying. Supercritical water oxidation of polyvinyl alcohol and desizing wastewater [J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 25 (8), 2013.
[15] Zhang Jie, Wang Shuzhong*, Guo Yang, Xu Donghai, Li Xuedong, Tang Xingying. Co-oxidation effects of methanol on acetic acid and phenol in supercritical water [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (31), 2013.
[16] 張潔*, 曲積鈺, 盧金玲, 劉倩, 羅興錡. 亞臨界/超臨界水條件下鎳基合金(Incoloy800, 825, 625)的硫化腐蝕特性研究[J]. 中國腐蝕與防護學報, 41 (6), 2021.
[17] 張潔*, 張華民, 李鵬, 盧金玲, 陳森林, 南海鵬. 超臨界水氧化體系中固體顆粒在管道內沉積及輸運特性研究[J]. 應用力學學報, 37 (4), 2020. [1] 


1.陝西省高等學校科學技術獎一等獎, 有機污染物超臨界水氧化處理的應用基礎研究, 2021.
2.中國專利優秀獎, 高含鹽有機廢水的超臨界水氧化處理系統, 2018. [1] 
  • 1.    張潔  .長安大學教師個人主頁[引用日期2024-03-09]