


張永生,,教授、博導,講師 ,山西大同人,2006年於浙江大學能源清潔利用國家重點實驗室獲工學博士學位,沿究方向為富氫燃料燃燒、合成氣燃燒、IGCC燃氣輪機燃燒及火電廠餘熱利用 。 [1] 
現任華北電力大學能源動力與機械工程學院副院長、電站能量傳遞轉化與系統教育部實驗室副主任。 [2] 
職    稱
學    歷
學    位
博士 研


2006年6月至2008年6月在中國科學院工程熱物理研究所做博士後 [1] 


中國工程熱物理學會燃燒學專委會委員、中國工程熱物理學會多相流專委會委員、中國重金屬污染防治專業委員會會員、中國汞污染防治技術產業創新聯盟理事、國際燃燒學會會員、北美熱分析學會會員。是Fuel(傑出審稿人)、Energy Fuels、Combustion Science and Technology、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Environmental Science and Technology、Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering、Journal of Hazardous Materials等能源環境領域SCI期刊審稿人,國家自然科學基金委及科技部評審專家。 [2] 


參加863重大項目“低污染合成氣燃氣輪機改造技術”從事合成氣燃燒技術研究及燃燒室試驗工作;參加863示範項目“高效天然氣熱電冷聯供技術集成及示範研究”從事熱力計算工作;參加國家能源領導小組能源戰略研究項目“我國能源領域科技創新若干重大問題研究”從事能源技術評估及彙總工作;參加中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向性項目“改變能源格局的中美合作方案”中IGCC和CCS技術分析評估工作;參加863項目“Power MEMS器件建模、仿真及優化設計研究”從事燃燒模型的建立、數值模擬計算和熱電轉化實驗工作;參加國家自然科學基金項目“微尺度熱力熄火機理及過焓催化微燃燒的火焰穩定機理”從事模型建立和計算工作;參加“國華電力北京一熱410t/h鍋爐低NOx項目”從事冷熱態實驗工作;參加多項電廠電廠循環水餘熱利用節能改造項目從事熱力系統分析工作等。 [1] 


2011—2013年,國家自然科學基金項目,氮氣稀釋富氫合成氣微混合燃料噴射火焰燃燒特性研究 [2] 


在國內外學術期刊上發表論文10餘篇,授權發明專利3項,授權實用新型專利3項。 [1]  在能源環境領域權威期刊發表論文60餘篇,主編英文著作1部,合編英文著作2部,合作編寫本科教材1部。作為第一發明人獲得中國授權發明專利10餘項、美國授權發明專利1項,轉讓及應用發明專利各1項。作為項目負責人承擔基金委、科技部及發電企業縱向、橫向科研項目40餘項。
首創電廠飛灰一體化在線改性吸附脱除重金屬技術,研製了世界首台套飛灰在線改性脱除重金屬裝置,首次在300MW燃煤機組完成了工程示範,並進一步推廣應用到1000MW燃煤機組。 [2] 


培養30餘名博士碩士研究生,具有豐富的實驗室和現場鍛鍊機會,多人曾獲得中國工程熱物理年會獎、優秀畢業生稱號等,大多數畢業後快速成為科研單位和大型發電企業的業務骨幹。 [2] 



(13) Yongsheng Zhang, Tao Wang, Wei-ping Pan, Carlos E. Romero. “Advances in Ultra-Low Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Power Plants”,2019,Elsevier.
(14) 陳海平,張永生,張學鐳,李驚濤,於剛,李志宏,熱力發電廠,“十三五”普通高等教育本科規劃教材,2018,中國電力出版社


(1) Qixin Yuan, Gang Yang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Carlos E. Romero. Supercritical CO2 coupled with mechanical force to enhance carbonation of fly ash and heavy metal solidification. Fuel, 315: 123154, 2022.
(2) Tao Wang, Yuanbo Lou, Shengchao Jiang, Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang∗,Wei-Ping Pan. Distribution characteristics and environmental risk assessment of trace elements in desulfurization sludge from coal-fired power plants. Fuel, 314: 122771, 2022.
(3) Duo Dong, Yongsheng Zhang∗, Yi Xiao, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Wei Gao. Oxygen-enriched coal-based porous carbon under plasma-assisted MgCO3 activation as supercapacitor electrodes. Fuel, 309: 122168, 2022.
(4) Jiawei Wang, Liyuan Liu, Siqi Li, Yang Chen, Tao Wang, Yongsheng Zhang∗. Mercury emissions and distribution in a waste incineration plant based on the 30B and Ontario Hydro methods. Journal of Cleaner Production. 328:129663, 2021.
(5) 張翼,葉云云,顧永正,張青松,史曉宏,張帥,王家偉,汪濤,張永生*. 1000MW 超超臨界燃煤機組汞排放特徵.中國電機工程學報, 41 (20), 7039-7045, 2021.
(6) 張永生*, 董舵, 肖逸, 汪濤, 王家偉. 我國能源生產、消費、儲能現狀及碳中和條件下變化趨勢,科學通報,66(34):4466-4476, 2021.
(7) Qixin Yuan, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Carlos E. Romero. Mechanochemical stabilization of heavy metals in fly ash from coal-fired power plants via dry milling and wet milling. Waste Management, 135:428-436, 2021.
(8) Duo Dong, Yongsheng Zhang∗, Yi Xiao, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Wei Gao. Mechanochemistry coupled with MgCO3 one-step activation to prepare coal-based hierarchical porous carbon for supercapacitors. Journal of Power Sources, 503: 230049, 2021.
(9) Yue Peng, Tao Wang*, Yongzheng Gu, Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang, Wei-Ping Pan. Impact of the mercury removal system using modified fly ash on particulate matter emission. Fuel, 301: 121054, 2021.
(10) Tao Wang, Xishan Zhou, Zhao Liu, Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang∗,Wei-Ping Pan. Preparation of energy storage materials working at 20–25 °C as a cold source for long-term stable operation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 183(2), 116220,2021.
(11) 韓衞博,卞雙,汪濤,王家偉,張永生*,潘偉平.燃煤電廠脱硫廢水及污泥中重金屬污染物控制研究進展,發電技術,41(5):497-509, 2020.
(12) Duo Dong, Yongsheng Zhang∗, Yi Xiao, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Wei-ping Pan. Synthesis of O-doped coal-based carbon electrode materials by ultrasound-assisted bimetallic activation for application in supercapacitors. Applied Surface Science, 529, 147074. 2020.
(13) Duo Dong, Yongsheng Zhang*,Yi Xiao, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. High performance aqueous supercapacitor based on nitrogen-doped coal-based activated carbon electrode materials, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 580,77–87,2020.
(14) Duo Dong, Yongsheng Zhang∗, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. Enhancing the pore wettability of coal-based porous carbon as electrode materials for high performance supercapacitors. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 252: 123381, 2020.
(15) Wenjun Yin, Duo Dong, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. Effect of annealing temperature on the continuity and conductivity of coal-based carbon films prepared by ball milling, Applied Surface Science, 510, 145411, 2020.
(16) Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Hong Xu, Wei-Ping Pan. Effect of Modified Fly Ash Injection on As, Se and Pb Emissions in Coal-Fired Power Plant, Chemical Engineering Journal, 380: 122561, 2020.
(17) 王家偉, 張永生*, 張翼, 顧永正, 劉釗, 汪濤, 隋子峯, 徐鴻, 潘偉平. 噴射點位及温度對超低排放電廠活性炭吸附脱汞的影響. 中國電機工程學報. 39 (11), 3303-3312, 2019.
(18) Yongsheng Zhang*, Dongqian Mei, Tao Wang, Jiawei Wang, Yongzheng Gu, Zailei Zhang, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. In-situ capture of mercury in coal-fired power plants using high surface energy fly ash. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(13): 7913-7920, 2019.
(19) Shumin Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yongzheng Gu, Jiawei Wang, Xuehai Yu, Tao Wang, Zhongchun Sun, Zhao Liu, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. Coupling of bromide and on-line mechanical modified fly ash for mercury removal at a 1000 MW coal-fired power plant, Fuel, 247: 179-186, 2019.
(20) Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Zhao Liu, YongZheng Gu, Pauline Norris, Hong Xu, Wei-Ping Pan. Coeffect of Air Pollution Control Devices on Trace Element Emissions in an Ultralow Emission Coal-Fired Power Plant, Energy and Fuels, 33(1): 248-256, 2019.
(21) Yue Peng, Zifeng Sui, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. The effect of moisture on particulate matter measurements in an ultra-low emission power plant, Fuel, 238: 430-439, 2019.
(22) Longchun Zhong, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Yong Ji, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. Optimized methods for preparing activated carbon from rock asphalt using orthogonal experimental design. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 136 (5):1989-1999, 2019.
(23) Shuang Bian, Jiawen Wu, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. Increasing Recovery Ratios with Improved BCR Method for Mercury Analysis in FGD Gypsum, Energy and Fuels, 32(8): 8340−8347, 2018.
(24) Zifeng Sui, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Hong Xu, Boning Zhang, Martin Cohron, Chuanchuan Cai, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. Full-scale Demonstration of Enzyme-treated Coal Combustion for Improved Energy Efficiency and Reduced Air Pollution, Energy and Fuels, 32(6): 6592−6602, 2018.
(25) Tao Wang, Jiawen Wu, Yongsheng Zhang*, Jun Liu, Zifeng Sui, Huicong Zhang, Wei-Yin Chen, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. Increasing the chlorine active sites in the micropores of biochar for improved mercury adsorption, Fuel, 229: 60-67, 2018.
(26) Jie Cheng, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Hong Xu, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) during Coal Combustion at Different Heating Rates, Fuel, 225: 554-562, 2018.
(27) Tao Wang*, Jun Liu, Yongsheng Zhang*, Wei-Yin Chen, Wei-Ping Pan. Increasing the chlorine active sites on biochar using non-thermal plasma technique for mercury removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 331: 536−544, 2018.
(28) 鍾隆春,張永生,潘偉平.溴化氫改性飛灰汞吸附機理研究.華北電力大學學報, 44(6):93-99, 2017.
(29) Yongsheng Zhang*, Panfeng Shang, Jiawei Wang, Pauline Norris, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-Ping Pan. Trace Element (Hg, As, Cr, Cd, Pb) Distribution and Speciation in Coal-Fired Power Plants, Fuel, 208: 647-654, 2017.
(30) Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Zhao Liu, Pauline Norris, Carlos E. Romero, Hong Xu, Wei-Ping Pan. Effect of Coordinated Air Pollution Control Devices in Coal-Fired Power Plants on Arsenic Emissions, Energy and Fuels, 31(7): 7309−7316, 2017.
(31) Jie Cheng, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Pauline Norris, Wei-Yin Chen, Wei-Ping Pan. Thermogravimetric-Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy-Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry Study of Volatile Organic Compounds from Coal Pyrolysis, Energy and Fuels, 31(7): 7042−7051, 2017.
(32) Yongsheng Zhang*, Zhensen Zhang, Zhao Liu, Pauline Norris, Wei-ping Pan. Study on the mercury captured by mechanochemical and bromide surface modification of coal fly ash, Fuel, 200: 427-434, 2017.
(33) Yongsheng Zhang*, You Zhang, Tao Wang, JianWei Lin, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. Oxidation of elemental mercury with non-thermal plasma coupled with a wet process, Fuel, 197: 320-325, 2017.
(34) Yongsheng Zhang*, LilinZhao, Ruitao Guo, Jiawei Wang, Yan Cao, William Orndorff, Wei-ping Pan. Influences of NO on mercury adsorption characteristics for HBr modified fly ash, International Journal of Coal Geology, 170: 77-83, 2017.
(35) Longchun Zhong, Wenhan Li, Yongsheng Zhang*, Pauline Norris, Yan Cao, Wei-Ping Pan. Kinetic Studies of Mercury Adsorption in Activated Carbon Modified by Iodine Steam Vapor Deposition Method, Fuel, 188: 343-351, 2017.
(36) Zifeng Sui,Yongsheng Zhang*, Yue Peng, Pauline Norris, Yan Cao, Wei-Ping Pan. Fine Particulate Matter Emission and Size Distribution Characteristics in an Ultra-Low Emission Power Plant, Fuel, 185: 863-871, 2016.
(37) Zifeng Sui,Yongsheng Zhang*, Jiabin Yao, Pauline Norris, Yan Cao, Wei-Ping Pan. The influence of NaCl and Na2CO3 on fine particulate emission and size distribution during coal combustion, Fuel, 184: 718-724, 2016.
(38) Shumin Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yongzheng Gu, Jiawei Wang, Zhao Liu, You Zhang, Yan Cao, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. Using modified fly ash for mercury emissions control for coal-fired power plant applications in China, Fuel, 181: 1230-1237, 2016.
(39) Yongsheng Zhang*, Minglei Shi, Jiawei Wang, Jiabin Yao, Yan Cao, Carlos E. Romero, Wei-ping Pan. Occurrence of uranium in Chinese coals and its emissions from coal-fired power plants, Fuel, 166: 404-409, 2016.
(40) Yongzheng Gu, Yongsheng Zhang*, Jianwei Lin, Zhensen Zhang, Hong Xu, Pauline Norris, Yan Cao, Wei-Ping Pan. Homogeneous Mercury Oxidation with Bromine Species Released from HBr-Modified Fly Ash, Fuel, 169: 58-67, 2016.
(41) Longchun Zhong, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yong Ji, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. Synthesis of activated carbon from coal pitch for mercury removal in coal-fired power plants, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 123 (1):851-860, 2016.
(42) Yongsheng Zhang*, Lilin Zhao, Ruitao Guo, Na Song, Jiawei Wang, Yan Cao, William Orndorff, Wei-Ping Pan. Mercury adsorption characteristics of HBr modified fly ash in an entrained-flow reactor, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 33(1):156-162, 2015.
(43) Yongzheng Gu, Yongsheng Zhang*, Lvrong Lin, Hong Xu, William Orndorff, Wei-Ping Pan. Evaluation of elemental mercury adsorption by fly ash modified with ammonium bromide, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119 (3):1663-1672, 2015.
(44) Yongsheng Zhang*, Hailong Zhang, Long Tian, Pengfei Ji, Shanchuan Ma. Temperature and emissions characteristics of a micro-mixing injection hydrogen-rich syngas flame diluted with N2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (36): 12550-12559, 2015
(45) Zifeng Sui, Yongsheng Zhang*, Wenhan Li, William Orndorff, Yan Cao, Wei-Ping Pan. Partitioning effect of mercury content and speciation in gypsum slurry as a function of time, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119 (3):1611-1618, 2015.
(46) 張永生,張海龍,田龍,付忠廣,張鍇,稀釋合成氣微混合燃料噴射燃燒火焰特性研究,動力工程學報,35(1):45-49,2015.
(47) Yongsheng Zhang*, Wei Duan, Zhao Liu, Yan Cao. Effects of modified fly ash on mercury adsorption ability in an entrained-flow reactor,Fuel, 128( 15) : 274-280, 2014.
(48) 趙立林,張永生*,郭瑞濤,潘偉平. NO對HBr改性飛灰汞吸附特性影響機理探討,2014,11,1-3,中國,西安. (2014年中國工程熱物理學會燃燒分會優秀論文)
(49) Yongsheng Zhang*, Tianming Yang, Xueqi Liu, Long Tian, Zhongguang Fu, Kai Zhang. Reduction of emissions from a syngas flame using micromixing and dilution with CO2, Energy and Fuels, 26(11): 6595−6601, 2012.


(1) 一種二氧化碳礦化封存及固化飛灰中重金屬的系統及方法,申請號:2019113553481,授權日:2021.03.09.
(2) 一種燃煤電站飛灰吸附劑一體化改性及噴射脱汞系統,申請號:201510065290.2,授權日:2019.06.18.
(3) 一種實現電站鍋爐降低重金屬及NOx污染物排放的方法及系統,申請號:201410691568.2,授權日:2019.10.11.
(4) 可調鍋爐水冷取樣槍裝置及取樣方法, 申請號:201410261940.6,授權日:2019.03.29.
(5) 美國專利:mercury removal system for coal-fired power plant,Patent No:US10,142,963 B2, Date of Patent: Dec.4, 2018
(6) 控制煙氣重金屬污染物排放的大規模吸附劑改性耦合噴射系統,申請號:201410261836.7,授權日:2018.01.05.
(7) 一種實現電站鍋爐降低NOx排放及穩燃的方法及系統,申請號:201110190754.4,授權日:2014.03.26.
(8) 電廠循環水熱泵耦合熱電聯產的集中供暖系統及方法,201010163688.7,授權日:2014.12.03.
(9) 一種可控制調節滴管爐裝置,申請號:201210052343.3,授權日:2011.5.18,
(10) 實現高氫燃氣輪機低NOx排放的方法和裝置,申請號:200810117256.5,授權日:2011.5.18.
(11) 一種熱電聯產耦合熱泵實現區域冷熱聯供裝置,申請號:201020180014.3,授權日:2011.11.25.


(1) 燃煤電廠重金屬平衡計算軟件,開發完成日期,2016.06.06,授權日期:2016.11.15,登記號:2016SR331691,登記號:軟著登字第1510308號
(2) 改性飛灰吸附脱汞工藝軟件,開發完成日期,2018.08.08,授權日期:2019.06.03,登記號:2019SR0562503,登記號:軟著登字第3983260號 [2] 


(1) 2020年度中國電力科學技術進步獎二等獎(9/18),全流程燃煤煙氣多污染物深度脱除創新平台建設及應用研究
(2) 2018年度中國電力科學技術進步獎二等獎(2/16):改性飛灰深度脱除燃煤煙氣中重金屬汞技術及應用
(3) 2016年度中國電力科學技術進步獎三等獎(7/7):燃煤電廠煙氣脱汞創新技術研究及其應用 [2] 


所在的能源環境科學與工程研究所所成立於2014 年9 月,形成具有國際水平的重金屬污染物監測與控制技術研發團隊,本人為研究所所長。
實驗室儀器包括國際先進的重金屬污染監測及控制平台、熱分析平台、燃燒實驗平台和電廠現場監測平台等大型設備40多台套。包括:PSA公司煙氣汞在線分析儀3套、APEX公司OHM安大略法汞測定儀及30B吸附管採樣儀各3套、Leeman Hydra C全自動固相汞分析儀、Leeman Hydra IIAA全自動液相汞分析儀、Lumex RA915+ 汞分析儀、PSA測汞儀、PSA測砷儀、等離子體發射光譜儀ICP-OES、電感耦合等離子體質譜ICP-MS、微波消解系統、以及TA公司的熱分析儀器10餘套、testo煙氣分析儀、氣相色譜-質譜分析儀、原子吸收光譜儀、離子色譜儀、傅立葉變換紅外光譜儀、氮吸附儀等。 [2] 