


張春,現任上海高級金融學院金融學教授、匯付天下講席教授。 [5] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別
職    稱





張春教授目前的研究領域是公司金融、宏觀金融、組織和制度經濟學。他的研究發表於《經濟理論期刊》、《金融學期刊》、《金融研究評論》、《貨幣經濟》、《商業期刊》、《貨幣、信貸與銀行期刊》等眾多刊物,併合作出版多本專著。2006年,北大出版社出版了張春的著作《寫給中國企業家的公司財務》。2008年,人大出版社出版了他的新書《公司金融學》。由他任組長的深圳發展銀行中歐課題組的應用型研究專著《供應鏈金融》於2009 年出版。其中,張春教授的論文“資本管制和最優中國貨幣政策”獲得了2016年度孫冶方金融創新獎。
張春教授於1987年在西北大學Kellogg商學院獲得管理經濟學與決策科學博士學位。 [5] 
交大上海高級金融學院執行院長張春教授 交大上海高級金融學院執行院長張春教授


公司金融、宏觀金融、組織和制度經濟學, [4] 


展望未來的研究規劃和目標,張春教授説,“我還是想把更多的時間投入到研究裏面去,尤其是對中國的研究,比如中國的金融體系應該如何建立?在市場化以後銀行直接融資和間接融資的比例佔多少對中國比較好?銀行的國際資本化戰略怎麼走?中國的人民幣國際化的戰略怎麼走?這些問題對中國來説都很重要也很急需。” [1] 
中央電視台:《銀行刷卡手續費將下調 張春院長稱中間業務自由發展是長遠趨勢》 [2] 
網易:《專訪上海交通大學上海高級金融學院張春院長:中國企業還不夠透明開放》 [3] 


1. Chang, Chun, Zheng Liu, Mark M. Spiegel and Jingyi Zhang. 2019. Reserve Requirements and Optimal Chinese Stabilization Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics.
2. Chang, Chun, Yao-Min Chiang, Yiming Qian, and Jay Ritter. 2017. Pre-market Trading and IPO Pricing, Review of Financial Studies.
3. Chang, Chun, Kaiji Chen, Daniel Waggoner, and Tao Zha. 2016. Trends and Cycles in China's Macroeconomy, Nber Macroeconomics Annual. [4] 
4. Chang, Chun, Zheng Liu, and Mark M. Spiegel. 2015. Capital Controls and Optimal Chinese Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics.
5. Chang, Chun, Guanmin Liao, Xiaoyun Yu, and Zheng Ni. 2014. Information from Relationship Lending: Evidence from Loan Defaults in China, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
6. Chang, Chun, Xin Chen, and Guanmin Liao. 2014. What are the Reliably Important Determinants of Capital Structure in China?, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
7. Chang, Chun, and Xiaoyun Yu. 2010. Informational Efficiency and Liquidity Premium as the Determinants of Capital Structure, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
8. Chang, Chun, and Walid Y. Busaba. 2010. Bookbuilding vs. Fixed Price Revisited: The Effect of Aftermarket Trading, Journal of Corporate Finance.
9. Chang, Chun, John Boyd, and Bruce Smith. 2004. Deposit Insurance and Bank Regulation in a Monetary Economy: a General Equilibrium Exposition, Economic Theory.
10. Chang, Chun, and Xiaoyun Yu. 2004. Investment Opportunities, Liquidity Premiums and Conglomerate Mergers, Journal of Business. [4] 
11. Chang, Chun, Brian McCall, and Yijiang Wang. 2003. Incentive Contracting versus Ownership Reforms: Evidence from China’s Township-Village Enterprises, Journal of Comparative Economics.
12. Boyd, John, Chun Chang, and Bruce Smith. 2002. Deposit Insurance: A Reconsideration, Journal of Monetary Economics.
13. Chang, Chun. 2001. The Informational Requirement on Financial Systems at Different Stages of Economic Development: The Case of South Korea, China Economic Review.
14. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang. 2000. Choosing between Up-or-Out and Spot Contracts: Human Capital Investment versus Job-Matching Considerations, Annals of Economics and Finance.
15. Chang, Chun. 1999. Capital Structure as Optimal Contracts, North American Journal of Economics and Finance.
16. Boyd, John H., Chun Chang, and Bruce Smith D.. 1998. Moral Hazard under Commercial and Universal Banking, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
17. Wang, yijiang, and Chun Chang. 1998. Economic transition under a semifederalist government: The experience of China, China Economic Review.
18. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang. 1996. Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information: the Pigovian Conjecture Revisited, Journal of Labor Economics.
19. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang. 1995. A framework for understanding differences in labor turnover and human capital investment, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
20. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang. 1994. The Nature of Township-Village Enterprises, Journal of Comparative Economics.
21. Chang, Chun. 1993. Payout Policy, Capital Structure, and Compensation Contracts when Managers Value Control, Review of Financial Studies.
22. Chang, Chun. 1992. Capital Structure as an Optimal Contract between Employees and Investors, Journal of Finance.
23. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang. 1992. Optimal Liquidation Rule and Debt in the Principal-Agent Model, Economics Letters.
24. Chang, Chun. 1990. The Dynamic Structure of Optimal Debt Contracts, Journal of Economic Theory. [4] 


1. Chun Chang and Xiaoming Li, 2020, Universal Banking and Optimal Financial Structure.
2. Chang, Chun, and Sen Li, 2019, Contract Coordination and Uninformative Transfer Prices as the Benefit and Cost of Vertical Integration.
3. Chang, Chun, and Huiyan Qiu, 2019, On the Popularity of and a Comparison of Convertible Preferred and Participating Preferred Equities in Venture Financing.
4. 張春,蔣一樂,仲文娜,董兵兵, 貨幣和財政政策動態關係演變及深層次原因 ——非常規政策的一個新理論框架. [4] 


1. 2020新冠疫情的全球蔓延對中國經濟影響的分析 , 張春,王江,屠光紹,李峯,嚴弘.
2. 2020應對突發全球性災難:疫期全球主要經濟體經濟政策分析 , 屠光紹,李峯,王江,嚴弘,張春.
3. 2021擁抱十字路口的挑戰-中國金融科技新篇章 , 胡捷,張春. [4] 


1. 張春,中國宏觀經濟模型研究 ,重點項目,國家自然科學基金委員會
2. 張春,弱債權人保護條件下的上市公司貸款違約問題研究 ,面上項目,國家自然科學基金委員會 [4] 