


張宏宇,博士,副教授,美國哈佛大學醫學院訪問學者,現任職温州醫科大學藥學院。中華醫學會創傷學分會創傷藥物與轉化應用學組辦公室主任、中國生物工程學會轉化醫學專業委員會秘書長、温州市生物醫藥協同創新中心副主任、中國老年醫學會燒傷分會青年委員、中國生物工程學會青年工作委員會委員,主要從事生長因子及相關蛋白類藥物在神經創傷疾病中的作用及分子機制研究,重點關注腦創傷,腦中風,脊髓損傷等急性神經系統疾病相關研究。先後主持國家自然科學基金項目兩項,省部級浙江省衞生廳科技計劃項目一項。研究成果迄今已在國內外高水平期刊發表SCI論文17篇,其中5分以上SCI論文4篇,申報專利2項,參與獲得獲得國家科技進步一等獎、北京市科技進步一等獎,中華醫學會科技三等獎等獎項。 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    務
職    稱


主要從事生長因子等蛋白多肽類藥物在腦中風、急性腦外傷、脊髓損傷、神經退行性疾病等主要中樞神經系統疾病的相關研究,探討藥物促修復與再生機制,重點關注細胞自噬和內質網應激的分子機制,針對功能恢復藥物的藥效學機制、多分子靶點、胞內代謝等方向開展基礎與轉化醫學研究。 [1] 


2000.09-2004.07 吉林農業大學 生命科學學院 生物技術 學 士
2005.09-2007.07 吉林大學 白求恩醫學院 病理學與病理生理學 碩 士
2007.09-2009.07 吉林大學 白求恩醫學院 病理學與病理生理學 博 士
2009.09-2010.09 哈佛大學 醫學院 分子藥理學 訪問學者
2010.09-2010.12 吉林大學 白求恩醫學院 病理學與病理生理學 博 士 [1] 


2011.09-至今 温州醫科大學藥學院 副教授 [2] 


2014.09-至今 中華醫學會創傷學分會創傷藥物與轉化應用學組 辦公室主任 [1] 
2015.11-至今 中國生物工程學會轉化醫學專業委員會 秘書長
2015.12-至今 中國老年醫學會燒傷分會 青年委員
2016.08-至今 中國生物工程學會青年工作委員會 委員


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,bFGF經FGFR1-c-SRC-Cav1信號級聯促進創傷性腦損傷後血腦屏障恢復的機制研究。
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,鹼性成纖維細胞生長因子調節自噬及相關的泛素化蛋白降解系統在脊髓損傷恢復中的機制研究。
3. 中國科技協會,“青年人才託舉工程”,生命科學類,2015-2017。
4. 浙江省衞生科技計劃項目,自噬相關泛素化代謝在鹼性成纖維細胞生長因子抑制神經細胞死亡中的機制研究。
5. 浙江省公益技術應用研究計劃項目,温控型水凝膠OECs-bFGF-HP生物材料促脊髓損傷恢復的研究。
6. 温州市科技計劃項目,泛素化蛋白代謝調控在bFGF抑制神經細胞自噬性死亡中的機制研究。 [2] 


1. Chen P, Shen Y, Shi H, Ma X, Lin B, Xiao T, Wu F, Zhu J, Li Z, Xiao J, Li X, Zhang H*, Geng F*. Gastroprotective effects of Kangfuxin-against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer via attenuating oxidative stress and ER stress in mice. Chem Biol Interact. 2016 Oct 28. pii: S0009-2797(16)30509-9. (Correspondenceauthor, IF=2.618).
2. Binbin Zheng, Libing Ye, Yulong Zhou, Sipin Zhu, Qingqing Wang, Hongxue Shi, Daqing Chen, Xiaoxia Wei, Zhouguang Wang, Xiaokun Li, Jian Xiao, Huazi Xu, Hongyu Zhang*. Epidermal growth factor attenuates blood-spinal cord barrier disruption via PI3K/Akt/Rac1 pathway after acute spinal cord injury. J Cell Molecular Medicine. 2016, 20(6): 1062-75. (Correspondenceauthor, IF=4.962).
3. Libing Ye, Xichong Yu , Qinghai Xia, Yingyang, Daqing Chen, Fenzan Wu, Xiaojie Wei, Xie Zhang, Binbin Zheng, Xiaobing Fu, Huazi Xu, Xiaokun Li, Jian Xiao*, Hongyu Zhang*. Regulation of Caveolin-1 and Junction Proteins by bFGF Contributes to the Integrity of Blood–Spinal Cord Barrier and Functional Recovery. Neurotherapeutics. 2016 Oct; 13(4):844-858. (Correspondence author, IF=4.676)
4. Yulong Zhou, Hongyu Zhang, Binbin Zheng, Libing Ye, Sipin Zhu, Johnson NR, Zhouguang Wang, Xiaoxia Wei, Daqing Chen, Guodong Cao, Xiaobing Fu, Xiaokun Li, Huazi Xu*, Jian Xiao*. Retinoic Acid Induced-Autophagic Flux Inhibits ER-Stress Dependent Apoptosis and Prevents Disruption of Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier after Spinal Cord Injury. Int J of Biological Sciences. 2016, 2(1): 87-99. (Co-first author, IF=3.982)
5. Dehao Yang, Zhongqian Su, Shengjie Wu, Yong Bi, Xiang Li, Jia Li, Kangliang Lou, Hongyu Zhang*, Xu Zhang*. Low antioxidant status of serum bilirubin, uric acid, albumin and creatinine in patients with myasthenia gravis. Int J Neuroscience. 2016 Jan 25:1-7. (Correspondenceauthor, IF=1.717).
6. Wang ZG, Cheng Y, Yu XC, Ye LB, Xia QH, Johnson NR, Wei X, Chen DQ, Cao G, Fu XB, Li XK, Zhang HY*, Xiao J*. bFGF Protects Against Blood-Brain Barrier Damage Through Junction Protein Regulation via PI3K-Akt-Rac1 Pathway Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Dec;53(10):7298-7311. (Correspondenceauthor, IF=5.397)
7. Libing Ye, Ying Yang, Xie Zhang, Pingtao Cai, Rui Li, Daqing Chen, Xiaojie Wei, Xuesong Zhang, Huazi Xu, Jian Xiao, Xiaokun Li, Li Lin*, Hongyu Zhang*. The Role of bFGF in the Excessive Activation of Astrocytes Is Related to the Inhibition of TLR4/NFκB Signals. Int J Molecular Science. 2015 Dec 28;17(1). (Correspondenceauthor, IF=3.257).
8. Zhouguang Wang, Yi Cheng, Xichong Yu, Libing Ye, Qinghai Xia, Johnson NR3, Xiaojie Wei, Daqing Chen, Guodong Cao, Xiaobing Fu, Xiaokun Li, Hongyu Zhang*, Jian Xiao*. bFGF Protects Against Blood-Brain Barrier Damage Through Junction Protein Regulation via PI3K-Akt-Rac1 Pathway Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Mol Neurobiol. 2015 Dec 21.doi: 10.1007/s12035-015-9583-6.(Correspondenceauthor, IF=5.397)
9. Hongyu Zhang, Zhouguang Wang, Xianghong Lu, Xiaoxia Kong, Fenzan Wu, Li Lin, Xiaohua Tan, Libing Ye, Jian Xiao*. Endoplasmic reticulum stress: relevance and therapeutics in central nervous system diseases.Molecular Neurobio. 2015, 51(3): 1343-1352. (First author, IF=5.397)
10. Hongyu Zhang, Yongsheng Gong, Zhouguang Wang, LipingJiang,Ran Chen,Xiaofang Fan,Huanmian Zhu,Liping Han,Xiaokun Li,Jian Xiao*,Xiaoxia Kong*. Apelin inhibits the proliferation and migration of rat PASMCs via the activation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signal and the inhibition of autophagy under hypoxia. J Cell Molecular Medicine. 2014, 18(3): 542-553. (First author, IF=4.962).
11. Hongyu Zhang, Fenzan Wu, Xiaoxia Kong, Jie Yang,Huijun Chen,Liancheng Deng,Yi Cheng,Libing Ye,Sipin Zhu,Xie Zhang,Zhouguang Wang,Hongxue Shi,Xiaobing Fu,Xiaokun Li,Huazi Xu, Li Lin*,Jian Xiao*. Nerve growth factor improves functional recovery by inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuronal apoptosis in rats with spinal cord injury. J Translational Medicine. 2014, 12:130. (First author, IF=3.99)
12. Hongyu Zhang, Zhouguang Wang, Fenzan Wu, Xiaoxia Kong,Jie Yang,Beibei Lin,Shiping Zhu,Li Lin,Chaoshi Gan,Xiaobing Fu,Xiaokun Li, Huazi Xu*,Jian Xiao*. Regulation of autophagy and ubiquitinated protein accumulation by bFGF promotes functional recovery and neural protection in a rat model of spinal cord injury. Molecular Neurobiology. 2013, 48(3): 452-464. (First author, IF=5.397)
13. Hongyu Zhang, Xie Zhang, zhouguang Wang, Hongxue Shi,Fenzan Wu,Beibei Lin,Xinlong Xu,Xiaojie Wang, XiaobingFu,Zhaoyu Li,Chenjie Shen,Xiaokun Li*,Jian Xiao*. Exogenous basic fibroblast growth factor Inhibits ER stress–induced apoptosis and improves recovery from spinal cord injury. CNS Neuroscience Therapeutics. 2013, 19(1):20-29. (First author, IF= 4.019)
14. Wanglei Qu, Jian Xiao, Hongyu Zhang,Qiong Chen,Zhouguang Wang,Hongxue Shi,Liang Gong, JianqiangChen,Yanlong Liu,Risheng Cao,Jieqiang Lv*. B19, a novel monocarbonyl analogue of curcumin, induces human ovarian cancer cell apoptosis via activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and the autophagy signaling pathway. Int J of Biological Sciences, 2013; 9(8): 766-777. (Co-first author, IF=4.872).
15. Zhouguang Wang, Hongyu Zhang, Xinlong Xu,Hongxue Shi,Xichong Yu,Xiaojie Wang,Yongbo Yan,Xiaobing Fu,Houwen Hu,Xiaokun Li,Jian Xiao*. bFGF inhibits ER stress induced by ischemic oxidative injury via activation of the PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 pathways. Toxicology Letters. 2012, 212(2):137-146. (Co-first author, IF=3.522)
16. Hongyu Zhang, Xiaoxia Kong, Jinsong Kang, Jing Su,Yang Li,Jiateng Zhong,Liankun Sun*. Oxidative stress induces parallel autophagy and mitochondria dysfunction in human glioma U251 cells. Toxicological Sciences. 2009, 110(2): 376-388. (First author, IF=4.478)
17. Xiaoxia Kong,Hongyu Zhang*, Zhaoqin Chen,Xiaofang Fan,Yongsheng Gong. Inhibition of Beclin 1 enhances apoptosis by H2O2 in glioma U251 cells. Acta physiologica Sinica. 2011, 63(3): 238-244. (Correspondence author [1] 


1. 中國人體表慢性難癒合創面發生新特徵與防治的創新理論與關鍵措施研究,國家科學技術進步獎,一等獎。 [3] 
2. 中國人體表慢性難癒合創面發生新特徵與防治關鍵措施研究,北京市科學技術獎,一等獎。 [4] 
3. 糖尿病心血管併發症發生的關鍵機制及防治措施研究,中華醫學會科技獎,三等獎。 [1] 
4. 中國科技協會,“青年人才託舉工程”人選,2015-2017。 [5] 