

同濟大學航空航天與力學學院教授。理學博士,專業為應用數學/固體力學。 [1] 
上海交通大學 [1] 
職    業
職    稱
教授 [1] 
性    別


2013.10– 同濟大學航空航天與力學學院教授/博士生導師
2013.03–2013.09 韓國漢陽大學研究教授
2010.04– 2013.02 接受BK21項目資助在韓國延世大學研究教授
2004.08–2007.12 上海交通大學數學系應用數學專業理學博士(期間2005.10–2006.11 清華大學工程力學系訪學博士生) [1] 


多場耦合力學本構描述、彈性、斷裂及接觸力學理論模型、數值及(半)解析求解工作 [1] 
各種數值、解析、半解析方法研究,涉及的方法包括:複變函數法、解析函數邊值問題、(週期以及雙週期核)奇異積分方程、分數階微分方程、特殊積分方程直接解、微分方程特殊函數解法、分離變量方法、積分變換法、差分格式、小波數值解、有限元、邊界元、自然邊界積分法、邊界配置法等。 [1] 


1.國家自然科學基金 No. 11472193 2015.01-2018.12 85萬 1
2.上海市浦江人才計劃A類 No. 14PJ1409100 2014.07-2016.06 20萬 1
3.中央高校基本科研業務費[同濟大學英才計劃(骨幹系列)] No.1330219140 2014.01-2015.12 20萬 1
4.中央高校基本科研業務費-學科交叉類No. 1330219162 2015.07-2017.06 20萬 1
5.國家自然科學基金 No. 11261045 2013.01-2016.12 45萬 2
6.國家自然科學基金 No. 51061015 2011.01-2013.12 40萬4
7.國家自然科學基金 No. 61063020 2011.01-2013.12 22萬4
8.國家自然科學基金 No. 10962008 2010.01-2012.12 26萬 4
9.國家自然科學基金 No. 10661009 2007.01-2009.12 25萬 4 [1] 


2009寧夏回族自治區科技進步二等獎(排名4, 共9人)
·2014上海市“浦江人才計劃”(A類)獲得者 [1] 


自2007年12月博士畢業到2017年3月, 周躍亭博士共在學科國際主流期刊發表英文文章55篇, 全部為SCI檢索; 其中第一作者SCI文章為47篇, 包括應用數學、固體力學、傳熱學等學科的Top期刊上: Applied Mathematical Modelling, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer上。 [1] 
1.Yue-Ting Zhou, Sheng-Jie Pang, Zheng Zhong. Tribological Behavior of a Flat or Circular Stamp Sliding on Piezoelectric/Piezomagnetic Composites. International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2017, 9 (2), Article no. 1750018.
2.Yue-Ting Zhou, Zheng Zhong.On periodic indentation of a rigid solid occupying a wavy surface moving on multiferroic materials.Mechanics Research Communications, 2016, 75, 49-56. (SCI)
3.Yue-Ting Zhou, Zheng Zhong. Modeling of roughness contact in piezoelectric/piezomagnetic bi-material using potentials. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2015, 82(9), Article no. 091010. (SCI)
4.Yue-Ting Zhou, Zheng Zhong. The interaction of two rigid semi-cylinders over anisotropic piezoelectric materials by the generalized Almansi’s theorem.Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24(8), Article no. 085011. (SCI)
5.Yue-Ting Zhou, Tae-Won Kim. Multi-field response of anisotropic magneto-electro-elastic materials at a rigid conducting cylinder.Journal of Elasticity, 2014, 117, 63-94. (SCI)
6.Yue-Ting Zhou, Kang Yong Lee. Dynamic behavior of a moving frictional punch over the surface of anisotropic materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38(9-10), 2311-2327. (SCI)
7.Yue-Ting Zhou, Kang Yong Lee. Investigation of frictional sliding contact problems of triangular and cylindrical punches on monoclinic piezoelectric materials. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 69, 237-250. (SCI)
8.Yue-Ting Zhou, Kang Yong Lee, Dehao Yu. Transient heat conduction in a functionally graded strip in contact with well stirred fluid with an outside heat source. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54(25-26), 5438-5443. (SCI)
9.Yue-Ting Zhou, Kang Yong Lee. Thermo-electro-mechanical contact behavior of a finite piezoelectric layer under a sliding punch with frictional heat generation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2011, 59(5), 1037-1061. (SCI)
10.Yue-Ting Zhou, Xing Li, Dehao Yu. A partially insulated interface crack between an orthotropic graded coating and an orthotropic homogeneous substrate under heat flux supply. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010, 47(6), 768-778. (SCI) [1] 