


周莉,女,1975年生,博士,博士生導師,中科院水生生物研究所研究員。 [1] 
職    業
性    別
職    稱
學    歷


1996年畢業於武漢大學生命科學學院,獲學士學位;2001年畢業於中國科學院水生生物研究所,獲博士學位;同年到中國科學院水生生物研究所從事魚類發育遺傳學和遺傳育種工作,2002年晉升為副研究員,2007年晉升為研究員。 [1] 


魚類發育遺傳學,魚類遺傳育種。 [1] 


主持中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項子課題“抗病鯽新品種分子設計與培育”和國家自然基金委-廣東省聯合重點基因子課題“雌雄同體石斑魚性腺發生與性別分化的分子機制”。主要以具有特殊生殖方式或性別決定方式的養殖魚類為研究對象,開展生殖調控機制、性別決定和分化相關基因克隆和鑑定研究,並進行生長快、抗病力強等異育銀鯽新品種的培育工作。揭示了雌核生殖銀鯽克隆系間的高度遺傳同質性以及不同克隆系間的遺傳異質性,在雌核生殖銀鯽中揭示出有性生殖的遺傳證據,闡明瞭雄魚在保持銀鯽克隆多樣性中的作用;在石斑魚中克隆鑑定了sox3等調控性腺分化的基因,揭示了石斑魚性別反轉的初步級聯調控通路。以第2完成人身份培育新品種異育銀鯽“中科3號”並進行大規模示範推廣;在國內外期刊發表論文60多篇,授權專利4項; [1] 


[6]2010年獲得第二屆武漢青年科技獎 [1] 


[1] Zhou, L., Wang, Y., Gui, J.F., 2000. Genetic evidence for gonochoristic reproduction in gynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) as revealed by RAPD assays. J. Mol. Evol. 51: 498-506.
[2] Zhou, L., Wang, Y., Gui, J.F., Analysis of genetic heterogeneity among five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, based on detection of RAPD molecular markers. Cytogenet Cell Genet, 2000(88): 133-139。
[3] Zhou, L., Wang, Y., Gui, J.F., 2001. Molecular analysis of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) clones by SCAR markers. Aquaculture, 201: 219-228.。
[4] Zhou L, Gui JF.,2002. Karyotypic diversity in polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch. Genetica, 2002, 115(2): 223-232.
[5] Zhou, L., Wang, Y., Yao, B., Li, C.J., Ji, G.D., Gui, J.F., 2005. Molecular cloning and expression pattern of 14 kDa apolipoprotein in orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (B), 142: 432-437.
[6] Zhou, L., Yao, B., Xia, W., Li, C.J., Wang, Y., Shi, Y.H., Gui, J.F., 2006. EST-based identification of genes expressed in the hypothalamus of male orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Aquaculture, 256: 129-139.
[7] Zhou, L., Li,C.J., Wang,Y., Xia,W., Yao,B., Jin,J.Y., Gui,J.F., 2007. Identification and characterization of a MBP isoform specific to hypothalamus in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 34: 47-59.
[8] Yao, B.*, Zhou, L.*, Wang, Y., Xia, W., Gui, J.F., 2007. Differential expression and dynamic changes of SOX3 during gametogenesis and sex reversal in protogynous hermaphroditic fish. J. Exp. Zool. 307A: 207-219.
[9] Zhou, L., Gui, J.F., 2010. Molecular mechanisms underlying sex change in hermaphroditic groupers. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 36: 181-193.
[10] Jin J.Y, Zhou L, Wang Y, Li Z, Zhao J-G, Zhang Q.Y. Gui J.F., 2010. Antibacterial and Antiviral Roles of a Fish β-Defensin Expressed Both in Pituitary and Testis. PLoS ONE 5(12): e12883.
[11] Zhai, Y.H., Zhou, L., Gui, J.F., 2012. Identification and characterization of one novel type of Triactinospomyxon with short spore axis. Parasitology Research, 110:2385-2393
[12] Zhai, Y.H.*, Zhou, L.*, Wang, Y., Wang, Z.W., Li, Z., Zhang, X.J., Gui, J.F., 2014. Proliferation and resistance difference of a liver-parasitized myxosporean in two different gynogenetic clones of gibel carp. Parasitology Research, 113: 1331-1341
[13] Zhong, J.X., Zhou, L., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Gui, J.F., 2014. Zebrafish Noxa promotes mitosis in early embryonic development and regulates apoptosis in subsequent embryogenesis. Cell Death and Differentiation, 21:1013-1024.
[14] Li, W.H., Zhou, L.*, Li, Z., Wang, Y., Shi, J.T., Yang, Y.J., Gui, J.F.*, 2015. Zebrafish Lbh-like is required for Otx2-mediated photoreceptor differentiation. International Journal of Biology Sciences, 11(6):688-700.
[15] Zhou, L., Gui, J.F., 2016. Jian-Kang Liu: A pioneer of sex determination studies in vertebrates. Protein and Cell, 7(1):1-3. [1] 