


劉承 瑞典卡羅琳斯卡醫學院博士畢業。上海市交通大學泌尿外科研究生副所長,上海市第一人民醫院泌尿外科臨牀醫學中心副主任、泌尿腫瘤二科主任。 [1]  [3-4] 
國    籍
學    歷
專    業
職    務
學    位


1995/09-2000/07, 北京大學醫學部,醫學學士












中國泌尿外科疾病診斷治療指南》、 《外科學》(第4版)




劉承長期以來將前列腺癌、腎癌等泌尿系統腫瘤的醫療實踐與基礎研究密切結合,專注於前列腺癌、腎癌等泌尿系統腫瘤的治療研究。劉承自從瑞典卡羅林斯卡醫學院博士畢業歸國以來,在從事大量泌尿外科臨牀診療工作的同時,密切結合臨牀問題,持續不懈地對前列腺癌等泌尿系統腫瘤的發病機制及臨牀治療進行深入探索,並逐步完善自己的臨牀團隊和研究平台,取得較豐碩的研究成果。申請人歸國工作後,作為通訊作者或第一作者(包括並列)發表高水平研究論文20多篇,總影響因子70多分,其中2篇發表在腫瘤學頂尖刊物《Journal of the National Cancer Institute, JNCI》(影響因子15.16),並且主持5項國家自然科學基金。主持國家級研究項目六項,發表SCI 50餘篇。 [2-3] 


1.國家自然科學基金國際合作交流項目,81711530048,基於TERT 啓動子突變/甲基化的對尿路上皮癌的無創診斷以及瑞典人與中國人尿路上皮細胞癌基因突變差異,主持人
4.國家自然科學青年基金項目,30901497,組蛋白甲基化酶 SMYD3 及其靶基因在前列腺癌中的作用研究,主持人


1.Liu L, Liu C, Fotouhi O, Fan Y, Wang K, Xia C, Shi B, Zhang G, Wang K, Kong F, Larsson C, Hu S, Xu D. TERT Promoter Hypermethylation in Gastrointestinal Cancer: A Potential Stool Biomarker. Oncologist. 2017 Oct;22(10):1178-1188.
2.Yuan X, Liu C, Wang K, Liu L, Liu T, Ge N, Kong F, Yang L, Björkholm M, Fan Y, Zhao S, Xu D. The genetic difference between Western and Chinese urothelial cell carcinomas: infrequent FGFR3 mutation in Han Chinese patients. Oncotarget. 2016 ,7(18):25826-35.
3.Wang K, Liu T, Liu C, Meng Y, Yuan X, Liu L, Ge N, Liu J, Wang C, Ren H, Yan K, Hu S, Xu Z, Fan YD*, Xu D.TERT promoter mutations and TERT mRNA but not FGFR3 mutations are urinary biomarkers in Han Chinese patients with urothelial bladder cancer. Oncologist. 2015,20(3):263-9.
4.Wang K, Liu T, Ge N, Liu L, Yuan X, Liu J, Kong F, Wang C, Ren H, Yan K, Hu S, Xu Z, Björkholm M, Fan Y, Zhao S, Liu C, Xu D.TERT promoter mutations are associated with distant metastases in upper tract urothelial carcinomas and serve as urinary biomarkers detected by a sensitive castPCR.Oncotarget. 2014 Dec 15;5(23):12428-39.
5.Han H, Xu D, Liu C, Claesson HE, Björkholm M, Sjöberg J. Interleukin-4-mediated 15-lipoxygenase-1 trans-activation requires UTX recruitment and H3K27me3 demethylation at the promoter in A549 cells. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 20;9(1):e85085.
6.Wang K, Liu T, Liu L, Liu J, Liu C, Wang C, Ge N, Ren H, Yan K, Hu S, Björkholm M, Fan Y, Xu D.TERT promoter mutations in renal cell carcinomas and upper tract urothelial carcinomas. Oncotarget. 2014 Apr 15;5(7):1829-36.
7.Liu C, Wang C, Wang K, Liu L, Shen Q, Yan K, Sun X, Chen J, Liu J, Ren H, Liu H, Xu Z, Hu S, Xu D, Fan YD.SMYD3 as an oncogenic driver in prostate cancer by stimulation of androgen receptor transcription. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013,105(22):1719-28.
8.Yan K, Liu C, Xu Z, Liu Z, Wang K, Jiang Y, Fan YD.Renal cell carcinoma presenting as exfoliative dermatitis (erythroderma) - a case report. Clin Nephrol. 2013,80(1):63-6.
9.Liu C, Schain F, Han H, Xu D, Andersson-Sand H, Forsell P, Claesson HE, Björkholm M, Sjöberg J .Epigenetic and transcriptional control of the 15-lipoxygenase-1 gene in a Hodgkin lymphoma cell line, Exp Cell Res. 2012, 318(3):169-76.
10.Liu C, Xu D, Han H, Fan Y, Schain F, Xu Z, Claesson HE, Björkholm M, Sjöberg J. Transcriptional Regulation of 15-Lipoxygenase Expression by Histone H3 Lysine 4 Methylation/Demethylation. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52703.
11.Liu L, Liu C, Lou F, Zhang G, Wang X, Fan Y, Yan K, Wang K, Xu Z, Hu S, Björkholm M, Xu D*. Activation of telomerase by seminal plasma in malignant and normal cervical epithelial cells. J Pathol. 2011,225(2):203-211.
12.Ge Z, Li W, Wang N, Liu C, Zhu Q, Björkholm M, Gruber A, Xu D. Chromatin remodeling: recruitment of histone demethylase RBP2 by Mad1 for transcriptional repression of a Myc target gene, telomerase reverse transcriptase. FASEB J. 2010 Feb;24(2):579-86.
13.Strååt K, Liu C, Rahbar A, Zhu Q, Liu L, Wolmer-Solberg N, Lou F, Liu Z, Shen J, Jia J, Kyo S, Björkholm M, Sjöberg J, Söderberg-Nauclér C, Xu D*. Activation of Telomerase by Human Cytomegalovirus,J Natl Cancer Inst. 2009, 101(7):488-97
14.Liu C, Xu D, Liu L, Schain F, Brunnström A, Björkholm M, Claesson HE, Sjöberg J. 15-Lipoxygenase-1 induces expression and release of chemokines in cultured human lung epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009, 297(1):L196-203.
15.Zhu Q, Liu C, Ge Z, Fang X, Zhang X, Strååt K, Björkholm M, Xu D*. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) Is required for the transcriptional repression of the telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene, PLoS One. 2008, 16;3(1):e1446.
16.Differential expression of cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 and 15-lipoxygenase-1 in non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Schain F, Schain D, Mahshid Y, Liu C, Porwit A, Xu D, Claesson HE, Sundström C, Björkholm M, Sjöberg J. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma. 2008 Dec;8(6):340-7.
17.Liu C, Fang X, Ge Z, Jalink M, Kyo S, Björkholm M, Gruber A, Sjöberg J, Xu D*. The telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene is a direct target of the histone methyltransferase SMYD3, Cancer Ressarch. 2007 ,67(6):2626-31.
18.Jalink M, Ge Z, Liu C, Björkholm M, Gruber A, Xu D. Human normal T lymphocytes and lymphoid cell lines do express alternative splicing variants of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) mRNA. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Feb 23;353(4):999-1003.
19.Ge Z, Liu C, Björkholm M, Gruber A, Xu D.Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade-mediated histone H3 phosphorylation is critical for telomerase reverse transcriptase expression/telomerase activation induced by proliferation. Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Jan;26(1):230-7.
20.Chen F, Liu C, Lindvall C, Xu D, Ernberg I. Int J Cancer.Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane 2A (LMP2A) down-regulates telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) in epithelial cell lines. 2005 Jan 10;113(2):284-9.
21.Liu C, Xu D, Sjöberg J, Forsell P, Björkholm M, Claesson H. Transcriptional regulation of 15-lipoxygenase expression by promoter methylation. Exp Cell Res. 2004 , 297(1):61-7.
22.Zhang A, Wang J, Zheng B, Fang X, Angström T, Liu C, Li X, Erlandsson F, Björkholm M, Nordenskjörd M, Gruber A, Wallin KL, Xu D.Telomere attrition predominantly occurs in precursor lesions during in vivo carcinogenic process of the uterine cervix. Oncogene. 2004 Sep 23;23(44):7441-7.
23.Liu C, Xu D. Inhibition of histone deacetylases. Methods Mol Biol. 2004;287:87-97.


  • 1.    劉承  .中華人民共和國衞生健康委員會官網[引用日期2022-05-10]
  • 2.    劉承  .北京大學第三醫院[引用日期2022-05-10]
  • 3.    劉承  .上海市第一人民醫院[引用日期2024-01-26]
  • 4.    劉承  .上海第一人民醫院[引用日期2024-01-26]