


國    籍
職    業
學    位
博士 [2] 
性    別


2019年7月 - ,西北工業大學,準聘副教授
2014年9月 - 2019年6月,上海交通大學,工學博士
2010年9月 - 2014年6月,上海交通大學,工學學士


人機計算、多智能體系統、社交網絡。 [2] 


  1. Jiaqi Liu, Cheng Deng, Luoyi Fu, Huan Long, Xiaoying Gan, Xinbing Wang*, Guihai Chen, and Jun Xu. Evolving Bipartite Model Reveals the Bounded Weights in Mobile Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF A類期刊), 2020.
  2. Yixuan Zhang, Jiaqi Liu, Bin Guo*, Zhu Wang, Yunji Liang, and Zhiwen Yu. App Popularity Prediction by Incorporating Time-Varying Hierarchical Interactions, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF A類期刊), 2020.
  3. Bin Guo*, Yixuan Zhang, Jiaqi Liu, Tong Guo, Yi Ouyang, and Zhiwen Yu. Which App Is Going to Die? A Framework for App Survival Prediction with Multi-Task Learning, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF A類期刊), 2020.
  4. Jiaqi Liu, Luoyi Fu, Yuhang Yao, Xinbing Wang*, and Guihai Chen. Modeling Analysis and Validation of Evolving Networks with Hybrid Interactions, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (CCF A類期刊), 2018, 27(1): 126-142.
  5. Jiaqi Liu, Luoyi Fu, Xinbing Wang*, Feilong Tang, and Guihai Chen. Joint Recommendations in Multilayer Mobile Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF A類期刊), 2019年7月20日在線發表.
  6. Jiaqi Liu, Qin Zhang, Luoyi Fu, Xinbing Wang*, and Songwu Lv. Evolving Knowledge Graphs, IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A類會議), Paris, France, 2019-4-29至2019-5-02.
  7. Jiaqi Liu, Qi Lian, Luoyi Fu, and Xinbing Wang*. Who to Connect to? Joint Recommendations in Cross-layer Social Networks, IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A類會議), Chennai, India, 2018-4-16至2018-4-19.
  8. Jiaqi Liu, Luoyi Fu, Zhe Liu, Xiao-Yang Liu, and Xinbing Wang*. Interest-Aware Information Diffusion in Evolving Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (CCF B類期刊, Q1分區, 影響因子: 6.394), 2018, 17(7): 4593-4606.
  9. Jiaqi Liu, Luoyi Fu, Jinbei Zhang, Xinbing Wang*, and Jun Xu. Modeling Multicast Group in Wireless Social Networks: A Combination of Geographic and Non-geographic Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (CCF B類期刊, Q1分區, 影響因子: 6.394), 16(6), 4023-4037, 2017.
  10. Jiaqi Liu, Yuhang Yao, Xinzhe Fu, Luoyi Fu, and Xinbing Wang*. Evolving K-Graph: Modeling Hybrid Interactions in Networks, ACM MobiHoc poster, Chennai, India, 2017.
  11. 劉佳琪,傅洛伊,孔令坤,甘小鶯,王新兵,多類型實體演進學術網絡:觀察,建模和分析,計算機學報,2020, 43(10):19. [2] 
  12. 任浩陽,劉佳琪,郭斌,李諾,於志文,基於圖神經網絡的多圖關聯用户偏好預測方法,第十六屆全國普適計算學術會議(PCC 2020). [1] 
  13. Xuehan Zhao, Jiaqi Liu*, Zhiwen Yu, and Bin Guo. HADT: Human-AI Diagnostic Team via Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2024.
  14. Yun Zhang, Jiaqi Liu*, Haoyang Ren, Bin Guo, and Zhiwen Yu. Autonomous Communication Decision Making based on Graph Convolution Neural Network, International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing (GPC), 2023.
  15. Xin Zhang, Zhiwen Yu*, Jiaqi Liu*, Hui Wang, Liang Wang and Bin Guo. HMPT: A Human-Machine Cooperative Program Translation Method, Automated Software Engineering, 2023.
  16. Jiaqi Liu, Zhiwen Yu*, Bin Guo, Cheng Deng, Luoyi Fu, Xinbing Wang, Chenghu Zhou. EvolveKG: A General Framework to Learn Evolving Knowledge Graphs, Frontiers of Computer Science, 2023.
  17. Yixuan Chen, Jiaqi Liu, Zhiwen Yu*, Hui Wang, Liang Wang and Bin Guo. HM-MDS: A Human-machine Collaboration based Online Medical Diagnosis System, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2022.
  18. Juanjuan Du, Jiaqi Liu, Zhiwen Yu*, Liang Wang. Collaborative Task Allocation in Mobile Crowd Sensing, BigCom, 2022. (Best Paper Award).
  19. Haoyang Ren, Jiaqi Liu, Bin Guo*, Chen Qiu, Liyao Xiang, and Zhetao Li. MGRec: Multi-Graph Fusion for Recommendation, BigCom, 2022.
  20. Bin Guo*, Jiaqi Liu, Sicong Liu, Jiayao Wang, Mengyuan Li, Chen Wang, Zhiwen Yu.CrowdIM: Crowd-Inspired Intelligent Manufacturing Space Design, IEEE Internet of Things, 2022.
  21. Ke Li, Bin Guo*, Jiaqi Liu, Jiangtao Wang, Haoyang Ren, Fei Yi, Zhiwen Yu. Dynamic Probabilistic Graphical Model for Progressive Fake News Detection on Social Media Platform, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2022.
  22. Jiaqi Liu, Cheng Deng, Luoyi Fu, Huan Long, Xiaoying Gan, Xinbing Wang*, Guihai Chen, and Jun Xu. Evolving Bipartite Model Reveals the Bounded Weights in Mobile Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF A類期刊), 2022, 21(3): 971-985.
  23. Jiaqi Liu, Luoyi Fu, Xinbing Wang*, Feilong Tang, and Guihai Chen. Joint Recommendations in Multilayer Mobile Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF A類期刊), 2020, 19(10): 2358 - 2373.
  24. Jiaqi Liu, Luoyi Fu, Yuhang Yao, Xinbing Wang*, and Guihai Chen. Modeling Analysis and Validation of Evolving Networks with Hybrid Interactions, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (CCF A類期刊), 2018, 27(1): 126-142.
  25. 劉佳琪,郭斌*,任磊,王晨,張莉,於志文,羣智融合的製造業智慧空間建模方法,計算機集成製造系統,2022.
  26. 郭斌,仵允港,王虹力,王豪,劉思聰,劉佳琪,於志文,周興社,深度學習模型終端環境自適應方法研究,中國科學:信息科學,2020. [2] 


  1. “異質社會網絡演化過程建模與知識推理方法研究”,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2021.01.01-2023.12.31,主持,24.00;
  2. “異質演化社會網絡建模與關鍵技術研究”,陝西省自然科學基礎研究計劃一般項目(青年),2020.01.01-2021.12.31,主持,3.00萬元;
  3. “融合羣體智能的製造企業智慧空間構建理論與協同運行技術”,國家重點研發計劃課題,2019.12-2022.11,骨幹參與,118.00;
  4. “面向肝膽胰疑難病的人機融合醫療會診方法研究與平台建設”,2030“新一代人工智能”重大項目子課題,2021.12-2024.11,主持,28.91萬元。
  5. “人機異構羣智計算資源建模與協作方法研究”,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2024.01.01-2027。12.31,主持,50.00萬元。 [2] 


  1. 2022ACM中國西安分會新星獎
  2. 2022HHME-CHCI最佳論文提名獎
  3. 2022 BigCom Best Paper Award
  4. 2021 西北工業大學一流本科課程“智能感知與普適計算虛擬仿真實驗”
  5. 2019 IEEE INFOCOM Best In-Session Presentation Award
  6. 2019ACM中國上海分會優博獎
  7. 2019屆上海市優秀博士畢業生