

bureaucracy是一個英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時意為“ 官僚主義;官僚機構;官僚政治”等。 [1] 
詞    性
英 [bjʊəˈrɒkrəsi] 美 [bjʊˈrɑ:krəsi]


英 [bjʊəˈrɒkrəsi] 美 [bjʊˈrɑːkrəsi]
n. 官僚制度,官僚機構,官僚作風;官僚,政府官員
[ 複數 bureaucracies ] [1] 


Professional Bureaucracy 專業型企業 ; 專業官僚機構 ; 專業型組織 ; 化官僚制度
Machine Bureaucracy 機械型企業 ; 機械型組織 ; 機械式官僚型
Missionary Bureaucracy 使命型企業;使命型組織
Adhocracy Bureaucracy 靈活型企業;靈活型組織
education bureaucracy 教育體制 ; 教育體
The Bureaucracy 科層制度的組織觀點
bureaucracy model 科層體制模式
bureaucracy theory 官僚理論
The Machine Bureaucracy 機械科層構形 ; 機械型組織 [1] 


  • 1They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.他們面臨着一大堆的官僚制度。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Bureaucracy can entangle applications for months.官僚主義會使申請耽擱數月之久。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3We need to free business from the dead hand of bureaucracy.我們必須擺脱官僚主義對工作的嚴重影響。《牛津詞典》
  • 4They're making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy.他們正努力提高其通常臃腫的官僚機構的效率。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5NASA has already begun to take action, hiring management consultants ProOrbis to develop a plan to cut through the bureaucracy.美國國家航空航天局已經開始採取行動,聘請管理顧問 ProOrbis 制定一項計劃,以削減官僚機構。
  • 6Served by a large class of Confucian literati selected through civil service examinations, the government system of Tang Dynasty was gradually perfected under the support of Confucian bureaucracy.唐朝通過科舉制度在全國選出優秀的儒家文人為政府效力,而唐朝的政府體系在儒學官僚的支持下也日臻完善。
  • 7A formidable wall of bureaucracy has been erected to protect their prime nesting on the Atlantic coastlines.政府建立了一堵堅不可摧的牆,來保護它們在大西洋沿岸的主要築巢地。
  • 8Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.與其讓各個省開列審批藥物、單位、廠商名錄以及劃定藥價,還不如整合資源,與渥太華合作來創立一個全國性的醫藥代理機構。
  • 9A new bureaucracy will deal with claimants.一個新成立的機構將會處理這些索賠者的賠償問題。
  • 10Enforcement requires a huge and powerful bureaucracy.政策的強制執行需要一個龐大且強有力的執行部門。
  • 11In fact, the palace has long patronised loyalists in the army and bureaucracy.實際上,王室長期以來一直支持軍政界中忠於王室者。
  • 12And you don't have to manage them, cutting out on some of the bureaucracy of your life.而且你沒有必要管理他們,讓自己生活遠離條款。
  • 13Because everybody knows everybody else, such groups can run with a minimum of bureaucracy.由於每個人互相認識,這樣的團體就可以維持一個最小化的行政系統。
  • 14But the Winter Olympic sports remain a tougher sell even to the absorptive Indian bureaucracy.但是冬季奧運會向甚至廣收人員的印度機關推銷也仍然很困難。
  • 15At first sight, the law seems like just another piece of European bureaucracy: slow and onerous.乍看起來,這部法律就像其另一個歐洲機構部門一樣:耗時和費力。
  • 16As a result I was still dealing with bureaucracy during the famous "lowering of the flags" ceremony.結果,當名聞遐邇的“降旗儀式”進行時,我正在和官衙門打交道。
  • 17It became clear in our discussions that we do not need lots of new institutions and layers of bureaucracy.我們的討論得出的一項明確結論是,我們並不需要太多的新機制和重疊的機構。
  • 18America is a wonderful place to visit, but its border bureaucracy is arguably the worst in the rich world.美國固然是個美妙的遊覽勝地,但經證明,其邊境機構在富裕國家中是最差的。
  • 19There's a lot of paper pushing and bureaucracy going on in the traditional world, but that's not discipline.在傳統的世界裏,有大量的論文和機構,但這些並不是訓練。
  • 20The post was created in April 2005, but rejigging the bureaucracy has not fixed America's intelligence flaws.這個職務產生於2005年4月。 但是機構的調整並沒有解決美國情報工作中的漏洞。
  • 21The federal bureaucracy did not mobilize for Katrina - or even follow its own procedures for emergency response.聯邦機構沒能有效應對卡特里娜,甚至沒能按照既定步驟作出緊急反應。
  • 22The eunuch bureaucracy began to grow in Chenghua's reign and reached 'seventy thousand' by the end of the ming.12.成化年間宦官機構開始急速膨脹,至明朝末年竟達到七萬人之多。
  • 23Provide for reduction in federal bureaucracy and lay out a plan to return responsibility for education to the states.為削減聯邦機構規模做準備並且制定一份把教育下放到各州從而讓各州重新擔起責任的方案。
  • 24Decades of shambolic administration have left a legacy of shoddy infrastructure, tangled bureaucracy and administrative incompetence.數十載的無序統治造成了基礎設施簡陋、吏治混亂以及管理無能等遺留問題。
  • 25If it accelerated the region's recovery, the Japanese might then ask themselves: why not make the whole country a low tax, bureaucracy-free zone?如果這加速經濟的恢復,日本到時也許要問問自個兒:為什麼不讓整個國家都低税率、少官文?
  • 26"We have to build capacity at every level - hospital, bureaucracy, insurance companies - for effective implementation of the scheme," says Swarup.“我們需要在醫院、管理部門、保險公司等每一層面開展能力建設以便有效實施方案”,Swarup説。
  • 27Mr Khodorkovsky’s other problem was that he behaved as a private owner of his vast oil company, refusing to accept the supremacy of the state bureaucracy.霍多爾科夫斯基的另外一個問題是他表現得像是自己龐大的石油公司的私人所有者,拒絕接受官僚的至高無上。
  • 28This would have the great virtue of not adding another layer of bureaucracy by requiring that Medicare establish financial status before paying medical bills.這樣做的好處就是不再增加一層官僚手續,不需要“老年醫保計劃”在支付醫療費用單之前確認財務狀況。 [1] 