


unholy,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,主要意思為“不神聖的;罪惡的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ʌnˈhəʊli] 美 [ʌnˈhoʊli]
adj. 不神聖的;罪惡的;不適宜的
[ 比較級 unholier 最高級 unholiest ] [1] 


Unholy Aura 邪黑氣 ; 邪惡光環 ; 穢邪光環 ; 邪惡靈光
Unholy Quest 可怕的遠征
Unholy Island 邪惡島
unholy frenzy 邪惡狂熱 ; 邪惡狂暴 [1] 


  • "This ought to be fun," he told Alex, eyes gleaming with an almost unholy relish. “這應該很好玩。”他對阿歷克斯説,眼睛裏流露出一種近乎邪惡的樂趣。
  • The economy is still an unholy mess. 經濟仍是一團糟。
  • She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess. 她不知道自己如何弄得如此狼狽不堪。
  • Art shouldn't enter an unholy alliance with business. 藝術不該和商業成為錯誤的同盟。
  • We're still working on Unholy. 我們仍在關注邪惡天賦。
  • There it is…little pink plus sign is so unholy. 在那裏…粉紅色的小加號是如此的不神聖。
  • Unholy Blight: Will no longer cause spell pushback. 邪惡蟲羣:不再造成施法推遲效果。
  • How can I as an unholy human being live with holy God? 作為人類,我們不是聖人,要如何生存在神的國度裏?基督教。
  • The mysteries practised among men are unholy mysteries. 人們所奉行的神秘教乃是不神聖的神秘教。
  • It is unholy — take not thy gifts through its unclean hands. 它是不聖潔的——不要從它不潔的手中接受禮物。
  • They can be used as if they were a Blood, Frost, or Unholy rune. 可以當作血魄、冰霜或者穢邪符文來用。
  • Unholy Blight no longer causes Blood Plague, but had its cooldown removed. 邪惡蟲羣不再造成血疫效果,但同時冷卻時間移除。
  • Unholy has always had a strong niche with diseases, magic, and command over pets. 邪惡總是有着強大的疾病、魔法並可以控制寵物。
  • I close my eyes slowly, wondering what kind of unholy deal they've struck in the night. 我慢慢地閉上眼睛,琢磨他們在夜裏達成了什麼樣的邪惡交易。
  • You hated them because of their detestable practices, their sorcery and unholy worship. 因為他們操行巫術和邪惡的祭祀,做出了最可憎惡的事。
  • His was no ordinary failure, and he leaves not just an unholy mess but also some genuine mysteries. 他的失敗不是個例,他留下的不只是雜亂攤子,還有撲朔迷離。
  • Glyph of Corpse explosion: Additional explosions from this glyph will no longer consume Unholy Runes. 屍爆雕文:此雕文造成的額外爆炸不再消耗邪惡符文。
  • My unholy addiction has corrupted Mary's blood and not a day goes by that I don't pray for her mortal soul. 我邪惡的癮玷污了瑪麗的血了我每天都為她的靈魂祈禱。
  • The holy (or unholy) trinity of chick flicks, these three movies together almost add up to one decent film. Almost. 女性電影的神聖(或邪惡)組合,這三部電影幾乎足以構成一部上佳的影片。
  • The result of all that bad lending was an unholy financial mess that will cause trillions of dollars in losses. 所有這些糟糕的借貸行為帶來的結果就是骯髒的金融混亂,數以萬億計的美元在混亂中被蒸發掉。
  • Soon, he will be a forgotten god, slumbering away for centuries until dark priests seek to awaken his unholy power. 很快,他會成為一名被遺忘的神靈,蟄伏許多個世紀,直到邪惡的祭司們試圖喚醒他的不潔之力。
  • Having discovered the unholy Ritual Chamber, you now have a way to enter the dark and dangerous dungeons beneath the city. 通過發現了邪惡的儀式廳,玩家們現在可以繼續進入城市下面的黑暗和危險的地下城。
  • Notice in this book how Paul sees believers as ones who are holy and called – in spite of their sometimes unholy behaviour. 注意本書中保羅視信徒們仍舊為聖潔並且蒙呼召的——儘管他們有時會有不潔的行為。
  • Presently the success stories are the plural, liberal societies - what I call the unholy alliance of consumerist unbelievers. 目前成功的經驗都是多元的自由社會——我稱之為消費主義無信仰者的非神聖同盟。
  • For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. 因為那時人要專顧自己,貪愛錢財,自誇,狂傲,謗讟,違背父母,忘恩負義,心不聖潔。
  • Adapting content for the Kindle e-book reader requires that you follow an unholy mix of usability guidelines for other environments. 要設計能適配Kindle電子書閲讀器的內容需要混合利用其他環境下的一些可用性指南。 [1] 