

tigress,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“雌虎;兇悍的女人”。 [1] 
詞    性


tigress /ˈtaɪɡrɪs/ ( tigresses )
1.N-COUNT A tigress is a female . 母老虎 [1] 


Lady tigress 虎妞
Media Tigress 被稱為媒體母老虎
Bengal tigress 這隻金燦燦的孟加拉虎
tiger tigress 母虎
Imperial Tigress 老虎史提芬
Aunt Tigress 虎姑婆
Master Tigress 悍嬌虎 ; 安潔莉娜裘莉
Therouge tigress 胭脂虎 [1] 


  • 1They will be swift with swiftness of the tigress.他們迅速堪比母虎。
  • 2Tigers fight to death only when a tigress is defending her young, or when a tiger is guarding a tigress from the attentions of other males.只有當母老虎在保護自己的幼崽時,或者當公虎在保護母老虎不受其他雄性動物的注意時,它們才會殊死搏鬥。
  • 3Tigress: You don't belong here.你不屬於這裏!
  • 4Tigress, you need more ferocity.嬌虎,你要更兇猛。
  • 5Tigress: Forgive us, Master.請您原諒,師傅。
  • 6Tigress politely tried to slip away.虎妞客氣地試圖溜走。
  • 7You were about to point the Tigress.你原本要指向嬌虎。
  • 8Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.嬌虎,靈蛇,仙鶴,猿猴,螳螂。
  • 9Monkey, Mantis, Orane, Viper, Tigress!猴子,螳螂,仙鶴,母蛇,考慮!
  • 10She was a huge tigress and ruled for a long time.她是一個巨大的母老虎,並裁定了很長一段時間。
  • 11The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.只受傷的母老虎正在怒吼。
  • 12Whenas god joke on me, I fall in love with a tigress.然而世事弄人,我竟會愛上一隻老虎,不對!
  • 13Tigress: Well, if he's going to stay here he should know.要是他打算留下,他也該知道。
  • 14A liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress.獅虎獸是雄性獅子和雌性老虎的後代。
  • 15The tigress is in command and swoops in for the throat bite.那隻母老虎處於上風,撲過去就咬到了喉嚨。
  • 16Tigress: OK, no problem! But what do you mean by mentioning my song?好的,沒問題!但是你説我唱歌好聽,我不太明白你的意思。
  • 17There were broad rivers like the Tigress and Euphrates to be crossed.還要橫渡像底格里斯和幼發拉底般廣闊的河流。
  • 18Panda Po: Tigress, you've just got it! My customers always call me Hero!虎大姐,你説對啦!我的顧客總是稱我為英雄!
  • 19You were about to appoint the Tigress and that thing fell in front of her.你是要指小虎的結果那東西掉到了她面前。
  • 20She used to live mostly as a tigress and kept ten or twelve tigers with her.她過去大部分時間都像一隻母老虎一樣生活,與10或12只老虎呆在一起。
  • 21Tigress might have been a termagant, but without her what home could he have?虎妞雖然厲害,但是沒了她怎能成個家呢?
  • 22Tigress might have been a termagant , but without her what home could he have?虎妞雖然厲害,但是沒了她怎能成個家呢?
  • 23The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother's cubs.醫師們決定,如果母老虎可以充做另一頭母獸所產下的幼獸的代理母親的話。
  • 24You're unlikely to suddenly transform into a tigress - but you can pretend to be one.你未必能一下子轉變成一個母老虎——但是你可以假裝你已經是。
  • 25Tigress: Oh,my god!I think this song is strange!I've never heard it.It can't be my song.我覺得這歌才奇怪呢! 我從未聽過這歌。
  • 26There's a tigress! 'exclaimed Mrs Linton, setting her free, and shaking her hand with pain.“好一個母老虎!”林惇夫人大叫,把她放開,痛得直甩她的手。 [1] 