


詞    性


英 [səˈraʊnd] 美 [səˈraʊnd] [1] 


surround speaker 環繞聲音箱 ; 小音箱應該接在環繞聲 ; 尺寸到環繞聲 ; 環繞聲的尺寸
abiotic surround 無生命環境 ; 無生命的環境 ; 詳細翻譯
Surround Gaming 環視遊戲 ; 環繞遊戲 ; 環視遊戲技術 ; 環顧遊戲
Back Surround 後環繞聲道 ; 後中置 ; 後環繞
surround computing 環繞計算
Razer Surround 耳機環繞聲音效軟件 ; 雷蛇音質增強軟件 ; 雷蛇環繞聲模擬軟件
surround decorder 環繞聲解碼器
Surround Back 後置環繞 ; 後環繞 ; 後環繞聲道 ; 後中置
surround vt 圍繞 ; 包圍 ; 暗示 [1] 


  • 1The police fanned out to surround the house.警察散開包圍了這座房子。《牛津詞典》
  • 2How can one ever separate out the act from the attitudes that surround it?如何才能將行動同圍繞着它的種種看法區分開來呢?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3I surround you with my light.我用我的光包圍着你。
  • 4Turtle Beach XP400 Gaming Headset offers surround sound with superior technology.烏龜海岸XP400遊戲耳機採用先進技術,配有環繞立體聲。
  • 5The countries that have inspired the Mediterranean diet all surround the Mediterranean Sea.鼓勵地中海飲食的國家都處在地中海周圍。
  • 6In downtown Vancouver, some roads are already closed, and rings of security fencing surround some key venues.在温哥華市中心,一些道路已經關閉,一些主要場所周圍設置了安全圍欄。
  • 7Some animals that represent mythical powers and military might surround him, and some are buried alive in cages.一些動物作為神和軍事的力量的象徵置放在他的周圍,有些裝在籠子裏一起活埋。
  • 8Does this sound familiar? Similar ideas surround poverty in the U.S. These assumptions give a false picture of reality.這聽起來是不是很熟悉?類似的觀點圍繞着美國的貧困主題,而這些假設給出了一幅錯誤的現實畫面。
  • 9For the most part, however, we breathe in the aromas which surround us without being consciously aware of their importance to us.然而,在大多數時候,我們呼吸着周圍的香氣,卻沒有意識到它們對我們的重要性。
  • 10When you want to enjoy the surround sound effects, someone begins to enjoy their drinks and popcorn and thus makes a lot of noises.當你想要享受環繞聲效果的時候,有人開始享受他們的飲料和爆米花,因此製造了很多噪音。
  • 11Just below the chromatophores is a layer of cells that reflect light from the environment, and these cells help the octopus create a precise match with the colors that surround them.色素團下面是一層細胞,它可以反射周圍環境的光,這些細胞可以幫助章魚精確地匹配周圍的顏色。
  • 12Tall trees surround the lake.環湖都是大樹。《牛津詞典》
  • 13I like to surround myself with beautiful things.我喜歡身邊老有漂亮的東西。《牛津詞典》
  • 14He had made it his business to surround himself with a hand-picked group of bright young officers.他把確保身邊有自己親手挑選的一羣聰明的年輕軍官當作自己的職責。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15It seems harder and harder for the president to dissociate himself from the scandals that surround Mr. Galdos.看來總統越來越難以從纏繞蓋爾多斯先生的醜聞中脱身。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16To win, one player must use black or white playing pieces, named stones, to surround more areas.為了獲勝,玩家必須用黑色或白色棋子來包圍更多區域。
  • 17He likes to surround himself with amusing people.他喜歡與有趣的人為伍。
  • 18Surround yourself with people who uplift, encourage and understand you.和那些可以鼓舞、鼓勵和理解你的人在一起。
  • 19Problems surround the use of machines to spot deception, at least until it has been rigorously tested.至少在經過嚴格測試之前,使用機器測謊帶來的問題仍然存在。
  • 20Robots are breaking free from the cages that surround them, learning new skills and new ways of working.機器人正掙脱周圍的牢籠,學習新技能和新的工作方式。
  • 21If you're serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, it's extremely important to surround yourself with people who'll provide you with the proper emotional support.如果你真的想過一種健康的生活方式,那麼多結交一些能為你提供適當情感支持的人是非常重要的。
  • 22Surround yourself with pink.讓你的周圍充滿粉紅色。
  • 23Surround yourself with happy people.讓自己的周圍聚集着快樂的人。
  • 24Surround yourself with positive people.讓你的周圍都是積極向上的人。
  • 25Surround yourself with other thinkers.與思考者為伍。
  • 26Softly, deftly, music shall surround you...輕輕地,靈巧地,音樂將包圍你。
  • 27Surround it by frames and hope it blends in!用相框把它圍起來,希望它不要那麼顯眼。
  • 28Would they know what a hero surround is?他們會知道現在的英雄嗎?
  • 29Many myths surround the mysteries of pregnancy.圍繞着懷孕的種種現象有許多神話。 [1] 