


spiritual,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞名詞,主要意思為“精神的,心靈的;宗教的;聖歌,靈歌”等。 [1] 
發    音
詞    性


英 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl] 美 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl]
adj. 精神的,心靈的;宗教的;(人)高尚的,不為物慾所動的
n. (原為美國黑人所唱的)聖歌,靈歌
[ 複數 spirituals 比較級 more spiritual 最高級 most spiritual ] [1] 


詞根: spirit
spiritually 在精神上地
spiritedly 活潑地;有精神地
spirit 精神;心靈;情緒;志氣;烈酒
spirituality 靈性;精神性
spiritedness 有精神;活潑;勇敢
spiritualisation 精神化
spiritualism 靈性;唯心論;招魂説
spiritualist 唯心論者;巫師
spiritualization 精神化;淨化;神靈化
spiritualise 使成精神上
spirit 鼓勵;鼓舞;誘拐
spiritualize 使精神化;使內心清淨 [1] 


spiritual, mental
spiritual 側重人內心深處的思維對客觀事物的反映,而不是人的身體對事物的反應而構成人的精神因素。
mental 側重指某人對周圍環境所具有的內心,情緒上及智力方面的反映。 [1] 


spiritual civilization 精神文明
spiritual world 精神世界
spiritual leader n. 精神領袖
spiritual pillar 精神支柱
negro spiritual n. 黑人靈歌
spiritual healing 精神治療;靈性治療 [1] 


  • 1He is the spiritual leader of the world's Catholics.他是世界天主教的宗教領袖。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam.精神領袖指責這本書褻瀆了伊斯蘭教。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He is expected to be enthroned early next year as the spiritual leader.人們預計他將於明年初作為精神領袖登位。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4She lived entirely by spiritual values, in a world of poetry and imagination.她完全靠着精神價值生活在一個詩歌和想像的世界裏。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5You can start now to tune in to your own physical, social and spiritual needs.你可以現在開始瞭解你自己身體、社交和精神方面的需要了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.接下來的關於精神掙扎的敍述有一種令人謙卑和神聖的力量。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7His avowed intention was to bring about reform and spiritual renewal for the church.他公開宣稱他目標是進行教會改革和靈性的復興。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Literature can enrich your spiritual life.文學可以豐富你的精神生活。
  • 9Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones.誠然,這些強大的力量是來自精神上的。
  • 10His spiritual depression came to an end when she kissed him.她的親吻掃除了他精神上的苦悶。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11One is the material technology, the other is spiritual culture.一種是物質技術,另一種是精神文化。
  • 12An ideal life should be fulfilled both economic and spiritual needs.理想生活中,經濟需求和精神需求都應該得到滿足。
  • 13While improving material well-being, we should also enrich our spiritual life.我們在改善物質生活的同時,也要充實精神生活。
  • 14I'm not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view, but what I was afraid of was how I'd go.從精神的角度來説,我並不害怕死亡,但我害怕的是我將如何死去。
  • 15The Internet has also become an important source of spiritual support for people with health problems.互聯網也成為有健康問題的人們精神支持的重要來源。
  • 16They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times.他們相信畫中的動物是那個時代的象徵和精神生活的中心。
  • 17In this fast-changing and competitive world, it's only natural that people are seeking a spiritual anchor.在這個瞬息萬變,競爭激烈的世界裏,人們尋找一個精神支柱是很自然的事情。
  • 18The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptiness will be enriched for a while.身心的創傷得到了暫時的平復,精神的空虛得到了剎那的充實。
  • 19It can feel like a personal rejection if, like Zoe's dad, if you have no interest in the spiritual life, and your daughter does.如果你對精神生活毫無興趣,而你的女兒卻一心向往,就像佐伊父親的處境一樣,你便會認為是針對個人的反叛。
  • 20To understand the concerns of Milton's poetry, it is important to understand this massive conjunction of economic and spiritual thought.想要了解彌爾頓詩歌的關注點,瞭解經濟和精神上的聯繫是很重要的。
  • 21They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times, animals that represented something deep and spiritual to the people.他們相信,畫上的動物是那個時代的象徵和精神生活的中心,是在人們心中代表着某種深刻和精神的東西的動物。
  • 22By studying photographs, true artists, he claimed, would be relieved of menial tasks and become free to devote themselves to the more important spiritual aspects of their work.他聲稱,通過研究照片,真正的藝術家能從技術含量較低的工作中解脱,自由地投身於他們工作中更重要的精神層面。
  • 23Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined.瓦格納在《黑人精神》一書中發現了這一點,在這本書中,對這個世界自由的渴望和對下一個世界的拯救的希望是密不可分地交織在一起的。
  • 24For this critic, photography was linked with "the great industrial madness" of the time, which in his eyes exercised disastrous consequences on the spiritual qualities of life and art.對這位評論家來説,攝影與當時“偉大的工業瘋狂”聯繫在一起,在他看來,這對生活和藝術的精神品質造成了災難性的後果。
  • 25We're concerned about your spiritual welfare.我們擔心你的心理健康。《牛津詞典》
  • 26The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness.這本書描述了從絕望到高興的心理變化過程。《牛津詞典》
  • 27Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.一定會有辦法把我們繁忙的生活安排得既舒適又能找到內心平靜。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 28Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures.山脈在很多文化中被視為精神場所。
  • 29A movie that can really express our cultural and spiritual views can be called Chinese sci-fi.真正能表達我們文化和精神思想的電影,可以稱為中國科幻電影。
  • 30I have a very strong fear that the lie we're telling is doing spiritual damage to our children.我非常害怕我們正在説的謊言會對孩子們造成心靈上的傷害。 [1] 