


詞    性


根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:
  1. N-COUNT A servant is someone who is employed to work at another person's home, for example, as a cleaner or a gardener. 僕人; 傭人
  2. N-COUNT You can use servant to refer to someone or something that provides a service for people or can be used by them. 僱員 [1] 


civil servant 公務員;文職人員
public servant 公務員;公僕;公用事業公司或其員工
servant girl n. 女僕
national public servant n. 國家公務員
fellow servant n. 同主僱員 [1] 


  • 1"What does your father do?"—"Well, he's a civil servant."“你父親是做什麼工作的?”— “哦,他是個公務員。”《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.他是一個忠誠、出色、很有能力的公務員。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy.他以公務員的工作作為搞間諜活動的掩護。《牛津詞典》
  • 4He's a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant.他是地方政府的行政官員,也就是公務員。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The minister warned that any civil servant not at his desk faced immediate suspension.那位部長警告説任何擅自離崗的公務員面臨着立即停職。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6She couldn't lift a spoon without a servant anticipating her wants and getting it for her.若沒有傭人揣摩她想要什麼而且遞給她,她連個湯勺都舉不起來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Are you going to be my servant?你要當我的僕人嗎?
  • 8A servant took her upstairs.一個僕人帶她上樓。
  • 9This is my servant--set him free!這是我的僕人,把他放了!
  • 10The servant stood by and listened.僕人站在旁邊聽着。
  • 11Your obedient servant, Susan Sowerby.你的恭順的僕人,蘇珊·索爾比。
  • 12The entire suspicion fell upon the servant.嫌疑全落在[集中在]這個僕人身上。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 13You shall go with the servant to go find them.你應該和僕人一起去尋找它們。
  • 14"I'm Mrs. Medlock's servant," she said stoutly.“我是梅德洛克太太的僕人。”她堅定地説。
  • 15He is a civil servant, with a bachelor's degree.他是一名公務員,擁有學士學位。
  • 16They sent away the servant, and made me sit down.他們打發僕人走,讓我坐下。
  • 17At that moment a servant entered with the breakfast.這時,一個僕人端着早餐進來了。
  • 18The servant accepted his dismissal without any complaint.那僕人毫無怨言地接受解僱。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 19The mayor, however, said, "'But my servant must go first."可是鎮長説:“但是我的僕人得先去。”
  • 20This servant was equally alarmed, and he got out as fast as he could.這個僕人也同樣嚇了一跳,趕緊跑了出去。
  • 21My behavior as an international civil servant must be beyond reproach.作為一名國際公務員,我的行為必須無可責備。
  • 22"You are a strange servant," she said from her pillows, rather haughtily.“你還真是個奇怪的僕人。”瑪麗躺在枕頭上説,表情傲慢極了。
  • 23"It is certainly hard," said the shadow, "for he was a faithful servant!"“這件事的確難以抉擇,”影子説,“因為他一直是一個忠實的僕人!”
  • 24A servant who served the family faithfully for 10 years stayed with them.一位忠心耿耿為這家服務了10年的僕人和他們住在一起。
  • 25His younger brother became his servant, never leaving him alone for years.他的弟弟成了他的僕人,多年來從未離開過他。
  • 26He wanted nothing for himself but to be the humble servant of his country.他自己別無他求,只想成為他祖國謙卑的僕人。
  • 27Abraham makes his servant put his hand under his thigh while swearing to God.亞伯拉罕讓他的僕人向上帝發誓時,把手放在他的大腿下。
  • 28The woman said to the servant: "Just go down into the cellar and see where Elsie is."母親對僕人説:“到地窖去看看愛爾莎在哪兒。”
  • 29The servant was greatly frightened, and said, "It may perhaps be only a cat or a dog."僕人嚇壞了,説:“也許只是一隻貓或是一條狗。”
  • 30The fifth servant, however, crept into the stove to hear if the doctor knew still more.但是第五個僕人爬進爐子裏,想聽聽大夫是否還知道些什麼。 [1] 