


scepter,英語單詞,主要用作動詞名詞,意為“節杖;王權”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈseptə(r)] 美 [ˈseptər]
n. (象徵君權的)節杖王權
v. 授予……王權 [1] 


scepter /ˈsɛptə/
[美國英語] →see sceptre [1] 


Mighty Scepter 強威權杖
Divine Scepter 神屬權杖
Rune Scepter 符文權杖
Grand Scepter 雄偉權杖 [1] 


  • He will rule them with an iron scepter. 他必用鐵杖轄管他們。
  • Ephraim is my helmet, Judah my scepter. 以法蓮是護衞我頭的。猶大是我的杖。
  • Surprised to see you. How's the scepter? 真沒想到會遇到你權杖做得怎麼樣了?
  • The scepter and orb start to freeze over. 權杖和寶球開始結冰。
  • The crown and the scepter are the insigne of Kings. 王冠與權杖是國王的標誌。
  • Drake's Breath is an elementalist scepter cone skill. 龍息是元素使權杖錐形技能。
  • Later, the Cullinan I was placed in the monarch's scepter. 卡利南一號後來鑲嵌在了英王權杖上。
  • The conqueror governed his new subjects with an iron scepter. 征服者以鐵腕統治其新臣民。
  • It clothes you with self-honor, and puts a scepter in your hands. 它為你披戴自尊的錦袍,把權杖放在你的手中。
  • The Empress possesses a scepter which controls Izmer''s Golden Dragons. 女皇擁有一個能指揮里斯美爾金龍的權杖。
  • Only a fool looks upon the scepter with anything other than fear in his heart. 只有傻瓜視珽與以外的任何恐懼在他的心中。
  • You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery. 你必用鐵杖打破他們。你必將他們如同狛匠的瓦器摔碎。
  • Rylai's Scepter if you really love slows, but honestly it's not the best for Fiddle. 減速的水晶節杖如果你很喜歡減速。但説真的它不太適合預言者。
  • Against a very caster heavy team I go straight for Abyssal Scepter for the spell resist. 在匹敵有對比多法師的步隊時,我會直接遴選深淵節杖用來增補神通抗性。
  • Elsa manages to set the orb and scepter back down on the pillow before anyone notices the ice. 安娜設法在別人注意到冰塊之前把寶球和權杖放回墊子上。
  • The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion; you will rule in the midst of your enemies. 耶和華必使你從錫安伸出能力的杖來。你要在你仇敵中掌權。
  • Just then someone in a white rabbit costume walked by, holding a scepter topped with a fuzzy red heart. 就在那時一個穿着白色的兔子服裝拿着權杖再配上一個模糊的紅心的人一個走過,。
  • His right hand held a figure of Nike, the goddess of victory, and his left held a scepter topped by an eagle. 右手舉行了數字耐克的勝利女神,並留下了他的心理,達到了一個老鷹球。
  • This World Expo Shanghai Ruyi Scepter is made by authorization of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination. “世博如意”經上海世博會事務協調局授權制造發行。
  • She takes off her gloves and mimics the painting by holding a candlestick and ornament in place of an orb and scepter. 她摘下手套,拿起燭台和飾物來代替權杖和寶球,模仿這幅繪畫。
  • To challenge her rule, Profion must have the scepter, and tricks the Council of Mages into believing Savina is unfit to hold it. 為了挑戰女皇的權威,皮維安必須擁有權杖,為此他哄騙魔法師議會相信薩威娜不適合擁有權杖。
  • The symbol for Aries, "The Ram, " suggests an upright, bold scepter of authority with the horns ofa ram flaring from its top end. 白羊座:白羊座的符號象徵羊的頭,是一種象形的方法,取出羊最明顯的羊角和鼻樑部分;
  • The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil. 惡人的杖不常落在義人的份上,免得義人伸手作惡。 [1] 