


progressive,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“進步的,先進的;進步分子”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [prəˈɡresɪv] 美 [prəˈɡresɪv]
adj. 進步的,先進的;逐步發生的,逐步發展的;向前移動的;(音樂)現代的,新潮的;(税制,税種)累進的;(動詞)進行式的;(紙牌遊戲,舞蹈)搭檔輪換的
n. 進步分子,改革派人士;進行時(或體);(印刷)分色打樣
[ 複數 progressives 比較級 more progressive 最高級 most progressive ] [1] 


progressive die [機]級進模;順序沖模
progressive development n. 前進發展
progressive cavity pump 螺桿泵;螺桿抽油泵
progressive forces 進步力量
progressive tax 累進税
progressive movement 進步運動;漸進運動
progressive scan 逐行掃描
progressive rate 累進税率 [1] 


  • One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory. 這種病的一個突出症狀是記憶的逐步喪失。
  • Willan was able to point to the progressive changes he had already introduced. 威蘭能夠指出他已經帶來的有進步意義的變化。
  • Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education. 哈爾西被認為是進步教育價值觀的首要支持者。
  • I finally decided on "The Most Progressive Reader". 我最終決定了“最進步讀者”這一榮譽稱號的人選。
  • As far as social mobility is concerned, San Jose beat many other progressive cities in America. 就社會流動性而言,聖何塞勝過美國其他許多先進城市。
  • China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically. 中國需要大量吸收外國的進步文化,但絕不能無批判地兼收幷蓄。
  • The nineteenth century passed relatively peacefully for these countries, with progressive democratization taking place in all of them. 隨着這些國家的逐步民主化,19世紀相對平靜地過去了。
  • Several more progressive programs have introduced free play as a way out for the heavy intellectualizing in some Japanese kindergartens. 一些更加先進的項目加入了自由玩耍的模式,為日本一些課業繁重的幼兒園提供了出路。
  • San Jose had social mobility comparable to Denmark's and Canada's and higher than other progressive cities such as Boston and Minneapolis. 聖何塞的社會流動性同丹麥和加拿大旗鼓相當,高於波士頓和明尼阿波利斯等先進城市。
  • We need progressive policies that shape collective action (and rein in polluting businesses), alongside engaged citizens pushing for change. 我們需要先進的政策來打造集體行動(並遏制污染企業),同時需要參與其中的公民推動變革。
  • Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation. 最近這些歷史學家繼承了比爾德、貝克等二十世紀早期“進步派”歷史學家的一些觀點,他們提出的觀點值得我們仔細分析。
  • Sadly, the spirit of inquiry once at home on campus has been replaced by the use of the humanities and social sciences as vehicles for publicizing "progressive" or left-liberal propaganda. 可悲的是,曾經在校園裏盛行的探究精神已經被作為“進步”或左翼自由主義的宣傳工具的人文和社會科學所取代。
  • The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established. 土壤吸收水分的能力減弱使土壤逐漸變得乾燥,導致植被進一步減少,從而建立了一個漸進的地表退化循環。
  • A self-described "Jeffersonian Marxist," Stone combined progressive politics, investigative zeal and a compulsion to tell the truth with a commitment to human rights and the exposure of injustice. 斯通自稱是“傑斐遜馬克思主義者”,他把進步的政治、調查的熱情、説出真相的衝動與對人權和揭露不公正的承諾結合在一起。
  • These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff. 這些缺點抹殺了他本來對工作人員的開明態度。
  • The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre was formed in the 1950s and quickly established itself as a leading exponent of progressive choreography and contemporary dance. 阿爾文·艾利美國舞蹈劇形成於20世紀50年代,並很快樹立自己為激進舞蹈藝術和現代舞蹈的最主要的典範。
  • The doctor said it was a progressive brain disorder which could destroy a person's memory. 醫生説這是一種漸進性大腦紊亂,會破壞人的記憶。
  • The reactionary policemen broke and arrested many progressive students. 反動警察打垮並逮捕了許多激進學生。
  • Like I said, Julian was a brilliant businessman, with progressive ideas. 正如我所言,朱利安是個聰明的商人,思想很前衞。
  • The reactionary policemen broke in and arrested many progressive students. 反動派警察破門而入,逮捕了許多激進學生。
  • For example, the value of a treatment for a progressive disease may vary according to a patient's stage of disease. 例如,進行性疾病的治療價值可能因病人的疾病階段而異。
  • There has been a progressive decrease in population every year in this city. 這個城市的人口在逐年遞減。
  • Along with the global development of the music, I discovered genres such as progressive house and chillout. 隨着音樂的全球發展,我發現如前衞浩室和馳放音樂等流派。
  • The clinical observation of treatment with acupuncture and herbs for muscular pseudohypertrophy and progressive myodystrophy are required. 需要用針灸和草藥治療肌肉假性肥大和進行性肌營養不良的臨牀觀察。
  • Have a "progressive" dinner together. 共進一次“循序漸進的”晚餐。
  • It's like progressive weight training. 這有點像漸進式重量訓練。
  • How's that for progressive programming? 這對漸進編程來説意味着什麼呢?
  • Now the reserve requirement is progressive. 現在這個法定準備金率是逐步上升的。
  • On such matters, the SPD is more progressive. 但在這些事務上,SPD更具進步性。
  • If so, this would be a a progressive step. 如果真是這樣,這就前進了一大步。 [1] 