


onetime,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞副詞,意為“從前的;一度的”。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈwʌntaɪm] 美 [ˈwʌnˌtaɪm]
adj. 從前的;一度的
adv. 一度;從前 [1] 


Onetime mandatory call 一次性強制轉換的認購
onetime friend 曾經的朋友
onetime former 指時間上某點
onetime programmablee 可一次性編程
onetime former previous 指時間上某點
at onetime 曾經 ; 一度
onetime loss 一次性虧損
onetime charges 一次性重組費 [1] 


  • The legislative body had voted to oust the country's onetime rulers. 立法機構已投票罷黜了該國以前的統治者們。
  • Shackleton, a onetime British merchant-navy officer, started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money from movie. 沙克爾頓,一位英國商人兼海軍軍官,在他1914年探險之旅之前靠拍電影賺錢。
  • "People like me may be making a difference in a small way," Jan McCourt, a onetime investment banker now running his own 40-hectare spread in the English Midlands stocked with rare breeds. “像我這樣的人可能正在以一種很小的方式產生影響。”簡·麥考特曾經是一名投資銀行家,現在在英國中部地區經營着自己的40公頃土地,囤積着一些稀有品種。
  • The onetime star became an outcast. 一時的明星已被社會所拋棄。
  • Gucci: She is a real star. Not a onetime thing. 古奇:她是真正的明星,絕非曇花一現。
  • Come on. It happens to all of us at onetime or another. Admit it. 拜託,這種事誰身上沒發生過啊。快承認吧。
  • A onetime college drinking game has turned into some serious business. 大學飲酒賽已經變成一種正規的競賽了。
  • So it's not just a onetime sale, but can lead an ongoing revenue stream. 所以這並不是一次性的交易,而是可以帶來持續的收入。
  • Is OneTime binding in code different from setting local value directly? 是一次性綁定代碼不同的地方直接設置值?
  • But their onetime companion Alferd has been cast into the deadly Labyrinth. 他們從前的夥伴艾福瑞被關進死亡迷宮。
  • Not a onetime thing. May: But I also heard some people didn't like her music. 阿美:可是我聽説也有人不喜歡她的音樂哦。
  • When Palpatine rose to power, Ashgad was exiled to the onetime prison planet Nam Chorios. 帕爾·帕廷掌權後,阿什·加德被流放到曾經的監獄星球納姆喬里奧斯。
  • Onetime when my friends pushed me to watch movie at the outdoor theater, he was there too. 有的時候我的朋友推我去看電影,去露天劇院去看電影。
  • A onetime Libyan Arab Airlines engineer, Osama had, with Suzi, raised four children in Benghazi. 曾經是利比亞阿拉伯航空公司的工程師的奧薩馬和妻子在班加西養育着四個孩子。
  • The trial of a suspected gunman, a onetime lawyer of Mr. Pang's, ended in a hung jury years later. 此案嫌犯曾經是彭日成的律師,對其的審判歷時多年,卻以未決告終。
  • Because it was important to arrive onetime, they both began to concentrate and got the bus back on schedule. 由於按時到達很重要,她們開始入定並且讓公共汽車正點到達。
  • Generally speaking, protect 100 thousand yuan more appropriate, common thing onetime capital can be dealt with. 一般來説,保10萬元比較合適,一般的事故都能應付。
  • If the supplier could not provide price discount, the company could choose onetime payment or installment payment. 如果供應商不提供價格折扣,公司可以選擇一次性付款或者分期付款。
  • As for Schriever, who married a onetime pop music star and died in 2005, he proved to be a prophet with little honor. 施裏弗在2005年去世,他曾與一位紅極一時的流行歌星結婚。
  • It's an iron will that directors - starting with Zhang Yimou, her mentor and onetime companion - love to see broken. 與啓蒙導演張藝謀——她的良師和曾經的愛人分手是需要多麼鋼鐵般的意志啊。
  • Zhu Jun, chairman of The 9 Limited and onetime China rich lister, is reportedly in talks to buy the Liverpool Football Club. 據報道,第九城市(The9Limited)總裁、一度榮登中國富豪榜的富翁朱駿正在洽談購買利物浦足球俱樂部(Liverpool Football Club)。
  • He greeted me with a firm handshake and a strong voice. But it was not until later that I recognized him as my onetime 10-year-old buddy. 他用緊緊的握手和有力的語音來迎接我,直到後來我才想到,他是曾經陪伴了我10年的夥伴。
  • His onetime Illinois colleague, Senator Orville Browning, said that Lincoln explicitly told him that he intended to provoke an incident over Fort Sumter. 他從前的伊利諾斯州的同僚,OrvilleBrowning議員説林肯明確告訴過他[Or ville Browning],説他[林肯]想在薩姆特堡挑起些事端。
  • A project is a complex, non-routine, onetime effort limited by time, budget, resources, and performance specification designed to meet customer needs. 項目是一種複雜的,非日常性的、一次性的努力,並受時間、預算、資源以及能滿足客户要求績效或規格的限制。
  • I come all the way from Hangzhou to Qingdao, from Qingdao, to catch the Beiping reasons, but also to have a taste of this "autumn", the onetime capital. 我的不遠千里,要從杭州趕上青島,更要從青島趕上北平來的理由,也不過想飽嘗一嘗這“秋”,這故都的秋味。 [1] 