


legion,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“軍團;眾多的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈliːdʒən] 美 [ˈliːdʒən]
n. (古羅馬)軍團;眾多;軍隊
adj. 眾多的;大量的
[ 複數 legions ] [1] 


Arab Legion 詳細翻譯
Legion of Merit 功績勳章 ; 功勳勳章 ; 勳章 ; 優異軍團章 [1] 


  • Certainly, the borders of our world seemed to be impacted when some white man or woman showed up where he or she did not belong, such as at the black Legion Hall. 當然,當一些白人男性或女性出現在不屬於他們的地方,比如在黑人軍團大廳,我們世界的分界線就似乎受到了影響。
  • Certainly, the borders of our world seemed to be impacted on when some white man or woman showed up where he or she did not belong, such as at the black Legion Hall. 當然,當一些白人男性或女性出現在不屬於他們的地方,比如在黑人軍團大廳,我們世界的分界線就似乎受到了影響。
  • The medical uses of herbs are legion. 草本植物的醫藥效用數不勝數。
  • Abadon has gathered all of chaos legion and still you resist? This is madness! 亞巴頓聚集了所有混亂的軍團,你仍然抗拒嗎?這太瘋狂了!
  • He tried to create an Arab Legion. 他曾嘗試創立阿拉伯軍團。
  • Their motivations for doing so may be legion. 這樣做的動機可能多種多樣。
  • But elsewhere missed opportunities are legion. 但是其他地方錯過機會的大有人在。
  • He has just been awarded the Cross of the Legion of Honor. 他到底得到了十字勳章。
  • And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many. 回答説,我名叫羣,因為我們多的緣故。
  • On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor. 在他的鐵甲上,有個銀質的功勳十字章。
  • Mr Galliano was admitted to the French Legion of Honour in 2009. 加里·亞諾於2009年獲得了法國榮譽軍團勳章。
  • Whatever his motives, the Legion are delighted to receive the money. 無論他出於何種動機,退伍軍人協會都會滿懷欣喜地接受這筆錢。
  • The variables that lead to the decision to quit or not to quit are legion. 決定辭職或不辭職的變量有很多。
  • The causes are legion; in many cases it is all due to a single interrupted contact. 原因眾多;在大量案例中,它們都因一個單點接觸器的斷開造成。
  • In late August, we both appeared before the American Legion Convention in Chicago. 8月下旬,我和老布什出席了美國退伍軍人協會在芝加哥舉行的代表大會。
  • Pentreath says the British Legion began to be inundated with calls from the public. 彭特里斯説:英國隊伍軍人協會開始收到很多來自公眾的呼籲聲。
  • Postal rates were relatively cheap, but anecdotal accounts of lost letters are legion. 雖然郵費相對低廉,但是丟失信件的軼事簡直舉不勝舉。
  • His work eventually earned him the Legion of Merit, America's highest military non-combat medal. 其工作成果最終使他獲得了功勳章,即美國最高的軍人非戰鬥獎章。
  • His business is typical of the Mittelstand (Germany's legion of small and medium-sized family firms). 漢格先生的業務是德國眾多中小家族企業的一個典型代表。
  • He thought France "paradise", and enlisted in the Foreign Legion at 16, under-age, by way of thanks. 他認為法蘭西是個天堂。在16歲的時候,雖然沒到年齡,出於感謝,蒙蒂·塞利應徵入伍加入外籍軍團。
  • He also shifted his attention to the legion of small businesses that were redefining the corporate world. 他還把注意力轉向重新定義企業界的眾多小公司。
  • By having a community help out, you are basically building a legion of coders to build a quality product. 由於社區的幫助,就基本上形成了一個編碼人員的團隊,一起構建高質量的產品。
  • This was a firm that was supposed to lend to Germany's famed legion of middle-sized companies, or Mittelstand. 就是這家公司向德國眾多知名中型企業或Mittelstand放貸。
  • A few musicians were hanging around after a gig at the Legion and were dropping nickels in the pinball machine. 樂團的一些音樂人演出後在那兒消磨時間,往彈球機裏投幣。
  • He commands a legion of young administrators, many of whom cut their teeth preparing for Poland's EU entry in 2004. 多夫蓋萊維奇領導着許多年輕的官員,他們中許多人在2004年波蘭準備加入歐盟時才初展頭角。
  • It's an ordinary moment in an ordinary day. But for Allen and his legion of followers, it holds the key to salvation. 這只是一個普通日子的普通時刻,但是對艾倫和他的團隊來説,這一刻是救贖的關鍵。
  • It keeps you in touch with the people you already know. It lets them know you haven't died or joined the French Foreign Legion. 這讓你和你早已認識的人保持聯繫,讓他們知道你還活着或是沒有加入法國外籍軍團。
  • If all goes well, this will eventually build a legion of solar power stations in Africa and Arabia, and connect them to Europe. 如果一切運轉順利,最終將會在非洲和阿拉伯半島建設一批太陽能發電站,並把它們和歐洲相連。 [1] 