


ink,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時意為“墨水,油墨;文字宣傳,紙媒宣傳”,作動詞時意為“簽訂,簽署;塗墨水於某物”等 [1] 
詞    性
英 [ɪŋk] 美 [ɪŋk]


英 [ɪŋk] 美 [ɪŋk]
n. 墨水,油墨;<非正式>文字宣傳,紙媒宣傳;(章魚、烏賊等海洋生物分泌出的)墨汁
v. 簽訂,簽署(合同等);塗墨水於(某物)
【名】 (Ink)(美、俄、拉脱維亞)英克(人名) [1] 


printing ink 印刷用油墨
chinese ink 中國墨
ink jet 噴墨;墨水噴射
ink in 上墨,用墨水在添畫
red ink 紅墨水;[喻]赤字
black ink 貸方利潤贏利
water-based ink 水性油墨
ink cartridge 墨匣;墨水盒;油墨盒
ink roller 油墨滾筒
ink jet printer 噴墨印刷機
offset printing ink 膠版油墨
india ink 墨汁(等於Chinese ink)
ink stick 墨;中國墨
screen printing ink 篩網印花墨水
invisible ink 隱形墨水
ink tank 墨水罐
dry ink 幹油墨;幹墨筆
magnetic ink 磁墨水
ink bottle 墨水瓶
prepared chinese ink 墨汁 [1] 


  • 1These ink stains won't wash out.這些墨漬洗不掉。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The ink had run on the wet paper.墨跡在那張濕紙上滲開了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The ink had faded to invisibility.墨水已退色看不見了。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The message was written in indelible ink.這條信息是用不褪色的墨水寫的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5These ink stains won't come out of my dress.我衣服上的這些墨水斑點洗不掉。《牛津詞典》
  • 6She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write.她把羽毛筆蘸進墨水中,然後開始寫字。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7They knew the courts could nullify the marriage before the ink was dry.他們知道法庭可以在簽訂婚約的墨汁未乾之前,宣佈婚姻無效。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.墨點吸附在氣泡上,升到表面。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9This ink stain won't rub out.這墨水漬擦不掉。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10Her dress is spotted with ink.她的連衣裙上沾了點墨水。
  • 11She soiled her dress with ink.她的衣服被墨水弄髒了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12The desk spotted with black ink.這張桌子上墨跡斑斑。
  • 13It ejects ink to the enemy.它向敵人噴射墨水。
  • 14I am writing in violet ink.我正在用藍色的墨水寫字。
  • 15My pen is out of ink.我的筆沒有墨水了。
  • 16The ink dried easily.墨水容易幹。
  • 17It's written in ink.這是用墨水寫的。
  • 18The ball rolled ink onto the paper as it moved.球在移動時把墨水滾到紙上。
  • 19The "ink" feels like applesauce and looks like icing.“墨水”感覺像是蘋果醬,看起來卻像糖霜一樣。
  • 20His brother, George, helped him develop a special ink.他的兄弟喬治幫助他發明了一種特殊的墨水。
  • 21Let's ask Mrs. Medlock for a pen and ink and some paper.咱們向梅德洛克太太要支筆、墨水和一些紙吧。
  • 22The octopus can release a cloud of ink if it feels threatened.章魚在受到威脅時會放出一團墨劑。
  • 23Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but most ballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience.墨跡很難清除,不過,只要有足夠的恆心與耐心,大部分圓珠筆印跡都是可以清除的。
  • 24The letter was handwritten in black ink.這封信是用黑墨水手寫的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 25Spelling mistakes are circled in red ink.拼寫錯誤都用紅筆圈了出來。《牛津詞典》
  • 26The Ming and Qing dynasties saw the appearance of the Four Famous Ink Stones—Duan Ink Stone, She Ink Stone, Tao Ink Stone and Chengni Ink Stone.明清時期出現了四大名硯——段硯、歙硯、陶硯和澄泥硯。
  • 27Artists did ink wash painting with a brush and ink.畫家們用毛筆和墨水畫水墨畫。
  • 28It's a living water-ink picture.這是一幅栩栩如生的水墨畫。
  • 29In China, writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and ink stones are called the Four Treasures of Study.在中國,毛筆、墨、紙和硯台被稱為文房四寶。
  • 30The printer uses a special kind of ink.這種打印機用的是一種特殊的墨水。 [1] 