

graph,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時意為圖表,曲線圖;座標圖”,作動詞時意為“用曲線圖表示” [1] 
詞    性


英 [ɡrɑːf] 美 [ɡræf]
n. 圖表,曲線圖;座標圖;代表聲音單位(或其他言語特徵)的書寫符號
v. 用圖表表示
【名】 (Graph)(英)格拉夫(人名) [1] 


graph theory 圖論
directed graph 有向圖;定向圖
bond graph 鍵合圖
flow graph [數學]流向圖;流程圖
undirected graph 無向圖
acyclic graph 非循環圖;無圈圖
line graph 線狀圖表
bipartite graph 兩偶圖
connected graph 連接圖,連通圖
bar graph 柱狀圖;條形圖(等於bar chart)
graph paper 方格紙;座標紙
planar graph 平面圖;正規圖
plane graph 平面圖
weighted graph 加權圖;帶權圖
scene graph 場景圖(應用廣泛的虛擬世界構建技術)
complete graph 完全圖
oriented graph 有向圖(等於directed graph)
relational graph 相關圖形;關係圖
graph manipulation 圖形處理 [1] 


  • 1They made a bar graph to display the results.他們用條形圖來顯示結果。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The graph shows how house prices have risen since the 1980s.此圖表明瞭自20世紀80年代以來房價上漲的情況。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The graph below shows the results.下圖顯示了結果。
  • 4See the graph above and below for the numbers.看看上面的圖和下面的數字吧。
  • 5We shall abbreviate the "directed graph" to digraph.我們將把“有方向的圖”簡稱為方向圖。
  • 6A bar graph will show you the busy and quiet times during the week.柱狀圖會顯示一週中繁忙和平靜的時間段。
  • 7I first saw a graph similar to this one in a software magazine article.我在一篇軟件雜誌的文章中第一次看到與此類似的圖。
  • 8You should start your essay with a brief description of the graph and comment on China's achievements in poverty alleviation.你應該在文章的開頭簡要描述這張圖表,並評論中國在扶貧方面取得的成就。
  • 9All the land tortoise species formed a tight cluster of points in the upper part of the triangle; all the water turtles cluster in the lower part of the triangular graph.所有陸龜品種都在三角形的上部形成一個緊密的點羣;所有的水龜都聚集在三角圖的下方。
  • 10We plotted about eight points on the graph.我們在圖表上繪出了大約有八個點的曲線。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11They used a kind of triangular graph paper to plot the three measurements against one another.他們用一種三角形的座標紙把三個測量值畫在一起。
  • 12After the 2006 election, Sean Trende constructed a graph comparing the incumbent campaign spending advantages with their eventual margins of victory.2006年大選後,肖恩•特倫德製作了一張圖表,將現任總統的競選開支優勢與他們最終的獲勝優勢進行比較。
  • 13Sure enough, these amphibious species show up on the triangular graph approximately half way between the "wet cluster" of sea turtles and the "dry cluster" of land tortoises.可以肯定的是,這些水陸兩棲物種的數據出現在接近三角座標中間的位置,位於水棲海龜和陸棲烏龜的座標點之間。
  • 14Does every apply to the bar graph, broken line graph, pie diagram?是否每個都適用於條形圖,折線圖,餅圖?
  • 15The concept of square-free coloring was introduced in graph theory by Alon in 2002.無正方形着色的概念由阿龍在2002年引入圖論。
  • 16And then we'll plot this graph.然後我們會繪製這張圖。
  • 17First of all, it's graph based.首先,它是基於圖的。
  • 18But that's our first graph.那是我們的第一個圖像。
  • 19Delete triples from an RDF graph.從RDF圖中刪除三元組。
  • 20Let's draw the graph of that life.我們把那種生活畫成圖表。
  • 21In fact, I've drawn a graph.實際上,我還畫了一張圖。
  • 22Let's look at the business graph now.現在,讓我們看一下業務圖表。
  • 23Its graph will be a surface in space.圖像是空間裏的一個曲面。
  • 24But look at the graph!但看看這張圖!
  • 25Analysis models are typically graph based.分析模型通常是以圖為基礎的。
  • 26Each dot on the graph represents a company.圖上的每一點代表一個公司。
  • 27We just created the simplest possible graph.我們剛剛創建了可能是最簡單的圖。
  • 28RDF defines a directed graph of relationships.RDF 定義了關係的導向圖。
  • 29My surface is given by the graph of a function.我們的曲面是由一個函數圖像給出的。
  • 30We are replacing the graph by its tangent plane.我們用函數的切平面來替代它的圖像。 [1] 