

fearful,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,主要意思為“害怕的,擔心的;可怕的;極壞的,極端的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈfɪəf(ə)l] 美 [ˈfɪrf(ə)l]
adj. 害怕的,擔心的;可怕的;極壞的,極端的
[ 比較級 more fearful 最高級 most fearful ] [1] 


fearful of 懼怕
Fearful aggression 恐懼性攻擊
gossip is a fearful thing 人言可畏 ; 言言語
Fearful Symmetry 可怕的對稱
Alert on the Fearful Protests 警惕可怕的抗議者
Her Fearful Symmetry 她的對稱幽靈
The Fearful Rise of Markets 可怕的市場崛起
fearful of doing sth 害怕做某事 [1] 


  • 1Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.銀行家們害怕會有一場世界性的銀行業危機。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.沒有比獨自一人處於戰鬥環境中更可怕的事了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million.他們擔心失業人數不久將突破300萬大關。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4What on earth are we fearful of?我們到底在害怕什麼?
  • 5He wants to do something fearful.他想要做些可怕的事情。
  • 6Fearful alchemy is a useful definition of slavery.可怕的鍊金術是奴隸制的一個有建設性的定義。
  • 7The boy smiled, and said, "Poor fool, why so fearful?"這孩子笑着説:“可憐的傻瓜,為什麼這麼害怕?”
  • 8I wonder how you would like to pass those fearful nights!我想知道您想如何度過那些可怕的夜晚!
  • 9He had such a fearful appearance that one look at him would fill you with horror.他有一副可怕的樣子,你看他一眼就會感到恐怖。
  • 10Against such fearful evidence it was not their belief in him that he needed, it was his own.面對這些可怕的證據,他需要的不是他們對他的信任,而是他自己的信任。
  • 11Cheerful or fearful—you make the decision. But remember God tests the sincerity of your love by how generous you are in life.開心或是害怕——你得做出選擇。但是請記住,上帝通過你生活的慷慨程度來檢驗你的愛的誠意。
  • 12The publisher, fearful of being cheated, forced her to submit to his scholarly examination by a board of educated men, including the colonial governor.出版商擔心被騙,強迫她接受包括殖民地總督在內的一羣受過教育的人的學術審查。
  • 13The story about a fearful angel starting first grade was quickly "guided" by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson.在我的“指導”下,這個從一年級開始可怕的天使的故事很快就變成了另一個故事,關於有着狂野的想象力的小女孩上第一節音樂課。
  • 14We made a fearful mess of the room.我們把房間弄得一團糟。《牛津詞典》
  • 15She was fearful that she would fail.她生怕失敗。《牛津詞典》
  • 16The region is in a fearful recession.該地區處於極嚴重的經濟衰退中。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17Parents are ever fearful for their children.父母總是為子女擔憂。《牛津詞典》
  • 18Feeling fearful is healthy because it helps you slow down and evaluate risks properly.感到恐懼是有益於健康的,因為它可以幫助你慢下來,正確評估風險。
  • 19Fearful parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever.憂心忡忡的父母督促他們的孩子比以往申請更多的學校。
  • 20It is impossible to be fearful, anxious, irritated and healthy at the same time.人不可能同時感到恐懼、焦慮、煩躁和健康。
  • 21Epidemic meningitis is not the biggest killer in Africa, but it is one of the most greatly fearful of all diseases.流行性腦膜炎並非是非洲最大的殺手,但是,它是所有疾病中最令人感到恐懼的一個。
  • 22If a person is about to tell the truth, then they should not be fearful that they would encourage him lying in any way.如果一個人將要説出真相,那麼在某種程度上,他們就不用擔心他們以任何方式鼓勵他説謊了。
  • 23They are fearful of another business depression.他們擔心會再次發生商業蕭條。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 24Now that should make you fearful.現在這應該可以讓你感到害怕了吧。
  • 25But Mr Bradshaw is also fearful.但布萊德肖先生同樣感到擔心。
  • 26He felt like doing something fearful.他想要做些可怕的事情。
  • 27What on earth are we fearful of, then?我們害怕的東西到底是什麼?
  • 28He was also fearful.他也會恐懼。
  • 29His stomach is churning and he is fearful.他的胃在翻騰,他很害怕。
  • 30They were hungry exhausted always fearful.他們飢寒交迫、疲憊不堪,經常感到害怕。 [1] 