


詞    性


Cape Farewell費爾韋爾角 ; 法韋爾角 ; 送別角 ; 費爾韋爾角計畫
bid farewell告別 ; 臨行前向親友等告別 ; 辭別 ; 送別
Ashokan Farewell道別 ; 告別阿修肯 ; 再見阿育王
Jamaica Farewell再會牙買加 ; 牙買加驪歌 ; 告別牙買加 ; 牙買加再見
farewell buoy港口最外邊的浮標 ; 告別浮標 ; 進出口浮標 ;
farewell ceremony歡送儀式 ; 告別儀式 ; 遺體告別儀式
Farewell Concubime霸王別姬
Farewell ballad告別民謠 ; 告別歌謠 ;
farewell whistle告別汽笛 [1] 


  • 1I bade all my friends farewell.我告別了所有的朋友。《牛津詞典》
  • 2I bade farewell to all the friends I had made in Paris.我告別了我在巴黎結交的所有朋友。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She bowed farewell to her friend.她向朋友鞠躬告別。
  • 4I now bid you farewell.現在我要向你告別。
  • 5James Hook, thou not wholly unheroic figure, farewell.詹姆斯·胡克,你也不是完全不英勇的人物,再會吧。
  • 6She said "Good-bye" to Heidi and "Farewell" to the uncle, and started down the mountain.她對海蒂説了聲“再見”,對老頭兒説了聲“永別”,然後開始下山。
  • 7Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway wouldn't have written his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.如果沒有戰時的經歷,海明威就寫不出著名的小説《永別了,武器》。
  • 8Waving can mean welcome and farewell, whereas scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss.揮手錶示歡迎和告別,而撓頭則表示不知所措。
  • 9Gerda stretched out her hands with the large wadded gloves towards the robber maiden, and said, "Farewell!"格爾達把她戴着大手套的雙手向那個強盜姑娘伸過去,説:“再會吧!”
  • 10The Alpine shepherds have a beautiful custom of ending the day by singing to one another an evening farewell.阿爾卑斯山上的牧童有一個美麗的習俗,他們在一天結束時,互相對唱一首再見歌。
  • 11After the College Entrance Examination, we will bid farewell to each other and set sail for an unknown future.高考結束後,我們將告別彼此並啓航駛向未知的未來。
  • 12To say we "grew up" with Harry, Ron and Hermione might be clichéd, but to me, the end of the series is like a farewell to childhood.説我們是跟哈利、羅恩以及赫敏“共同成長”的可能有點老套,但在我看來,哈利波特系列電影的完結就像我們對童年的告別。
  • 13Bid farewell to guilt and regret.跟內疚和遺憾告別吧。
  • 14Shall we have a farewell dinner tonight?今晚我們要不要開個送別晚宴呢?
  • 15He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey.他辭別了妻子便啓程了。
  • 16When Grandma left this earth for her new residence in Heaven, I bid farewell to my loving grandmother.當外婆離開這個世界去往天堂時,我和她道了別。
  • 17I'm now writing on behalf of the classmates to invite you to come and attend our farewell party on Saturday.我代表全班同學給您寫信,邀請您來參加我們的送別晚會。
  • 18We gave him a farewell dinner.我們設宴為他餞行。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 19I have come to bid you farewell.我是來向你辭行的。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 20It was a painful farewell.那是痛苦的告別。
  • 21He bade the hostess farewell.他向女主人告辭。
  • 22I hope you enjoy the farewell waltz.希望你們享受這個告別的華爾茲。
  • 23Farewell, my university.再見了,我的大學。
  • 24Jane: Take care of yourself, farewell.珍妮:照顧好自己,再見。
  • 25Bid farewell to the daily routines.向日常生活揮手告別。
  • 26He bade his farewell by waving his hat.他揮動帽子表示告別。
  • 27Farewell! I hope we meet again soon.別了!希望很快我們能再見面。
  • 28Station to bid farewell.車站送別,依依惜別。 [1] 