

(The Saturdays演唱歌曲)

《fall》是The Saturdays演唱的一首英文歌曲。
chasing lights
The Saturdays



I gave you all you desired
all that you needed
Boy, i provided
I let you into my head, into my bed
and that's a privilege
I had you back in the enters
You took the dollars
I took the chances
Defended bantled and fought
Cause I really thought you loved me
I don't know where to start or where to stop (no)
But I know I am done, I've had enough
So fall, out of my head, out of my heart
and when you hit the ground
You'll be sorry that i'm not around
I will watch where you are
You fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy
when you hit the wall, think of me
I'll be on the top, just watching you fall
you said that you were the strong one
I was the girl and i was the young one
I kept your feet on the ground
My head in the rounds, I had you
You tell me you were so grateful
I was with you and I was so faithful
I stood by in all that you said
and all that you dared, i loved you
I don't know how to act or what to say
but I know i am good, I'll be ok
and fall, out of my head, out of my heart
and when you hit the ground
You'll be sorry that i'm not around
I will watch where you are
You fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy
when you hit the wall, think of me
I'll be on the top, just watching you fall
I'll beon the top, just watching you fall
fall, fall, fall, fall
fall, fall
I want you to fall..........
Fall, out of my head, out of my heart
and when you hit the ground
you'll be sorry that i'm not around
I will watch where you are
You fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy
when you hit the wall, think of me
I'll be on the top, just watching you fall
Fall, out of my head, out of my heart
and when you hit the ground
You'll be sorry that i'm not around
I will watch where you are
You fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy
When you hit the wall, think of me
I'll on the top, just watching you fall [1] 


The Saturday是支來自英國倫敦的五人女子組合,成員包括:前S Club 8組合的成員Frankie Sandford、Rochelle Wiseman和Mollie King,另兩個則是Una Healy和Vanessa White。
樂隊於2007年剛剛組建,但是不久後發行的首支單曲「If This Is Love」馬上於8月3日登上UK官方榜Top 40第八位,緊接着她們於同年年底發行首張專輯。
無論是上班族、學生、看到星期六嘴角就會抹上一絲笑意,可以好好放鬆心情,度個小假,也是派對起跑的最佳時機。帶給所有樂迷最歡樂、五光十色音場,還有視覺享受效果的The Saturdays,追尋同門師姐Girls Aloud的步伐,將女孩之聲快意唱出,引爆最鮮豔亮麗的流行音樂色澤。
由出生愛爾蘭、擁有好歌喉、能創作、把玩吉他、身兼演員和模特兒的全才性感妞Una Healy+曾和自己的團隊Fallen Angelz參加X Factor歌唱比賽,能彈吉他也是電視劇演員的Mollie King+演出過經典舞台劇“西城故事”、“獅子王”,有菲律賓血統的Vanessa White+前英國小朋友組合S Club 8的成員Frankie Sandford以及Rochelle Wiseman,共五位漂亮美眉搭建起The Saturdays,簽入2006年才設廠完成的Fascination Records旗下,成為Girls Aloud、美國當紅男孩團體Jonas Brothes、英國新世代舞曲女伶Sophie Ellis-Bextor小師妹,也是年度重點主打團體。
作為一支Pop組合,她們的歌曲同樣帶點Dance的味道。 [2] 