


詞    性
性    質


英[kəˈrʌpt]美[kəˈrʌpt] [1] 


corrupt official 贓官 ; 貪污的官僚 ; 貪官
corrupt administration 腐敗的行政管理
Corrupt Bargain 腐敗交易 ; 骯髒的交易 [1] 


  • 1Power tends to corrupt.權力容易造成腐化。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The whole system is inefficient and corrupt.整個體系都效率低下並且腐敗墮落。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal.伊恩·特里默貪污受賄,唯利是圖到了極點。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end.政變結束了他的腐敗統治。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him.腐敗的政府官員那時正向他勒索錢財。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers.警察腐敗,與那夥毒品販子內外勾結。《牛津詞典》
  • 7Does it corrupt or instruct our children?那它會使我們的孩子墮落,還是會教導他們呢?
  • 8Their self-proclaimed leaders have often proved quarrelsome and corrupt.他們自封的領導人往往被證明是好鬥和腐敗的。
  • 9This young man was influenced by bad people and became corrupt without being aware of it.這個青年受壞人引誘,開始墮落而不自覺。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10A recent study attempts to separate them by looking at bribery prosecutions under America's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).最近的一項研究試圖通過研究美國《反海外腐敗法》(FCPA)下的賄賂指控來區分它們。
  • 11Assuming that your teacher is neither biased nor corrupt and that her system conforms to school rules, you can't fault her ethics.假設你的老師既不偏心也不腐敗,而且她的制度符合學校的規定,你就不能指責她的道德。
  • 12The text on the disk seems to be corrupt.這張磁盤上的文件好像有錯誤。《牛津詞典》
  • 13The disk will corrupt if it is overloaded.磁盤如果過載,數據就會出錯。《牛津詞典》
  • 14It is difficult for corrupt officials to hide abroad nowadays.如今腐敗官員很難在國外藏身。
  • 15Money can corrupt any line of business, but it doesn't have to.金錢可以腐蝕任何行業,但事實並非一定如此。
  • 16Obviously, poverty and racism and oppression can also corrupt one's spirit and turn the person into someone who is bitter and angry, filled with rage.顯然,貧窮、種族主義和壓迫也會腐蝕一個人的精神,使他變成一個痛苦、憤怒、滿腔怒火的人。
  • 17The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate.新生力量必然戰勝腐朽力量。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 18The whole system is corrupt.整個體系都是腐爛的。
  • 19Possibly corrupt user data.損壞用户數據。
  • 20Does it corrupt your data?它會損壞您的數據嗎?
  • 21You'll corrupt your data.你將會損壞數據。
  • 22Don't let him corrupt your innocent mind.別讓他污了你的純情。
  • 23Evil communications corrupt good manners.不良的交往敗壞良好的舉止。
  • 24Corrupt the young; get them away from religion.腐化他們的青年,讓他們遠離信仰。
  • 25The model definition contains corrupt data.模型定義包含損壞的數據。
  • 26He tried to corrupt the policeman with money.他設法用金錢向警察行賄。
  • 27Many prisons have no door—or corrupt guards.許多監獄沒有門——或者有貪贓的獄卒。
  • 28The wrong setting can corrupt the file system.錯誤的設置可能損害文件系統。
  • 29Drop the corrupt instance on the affected node.在受影響節點上刪除受損實例。
  • 30Doing so can corrupt the translation document generated.這樣做可能損壞已產生的翻譯文件。 [1] 