

cordial,英語單詞,名詞、形容詞,作名詞時意為“ 甜果汁飲料;鎮定藥;興奮劑;甜香酒”,作形容詞時意為“熱情友好的;由衷的;興奮的”。
詞    性


英[ˈkɔːdiəl]美[ˈkɔːrdʒəl] [1] 


Nikko Cordial日興證券 ; 券商日興
Cordial Medoc考地亞美度利口酒
cordial service親情服務
grape cordial葡萄露
Not cordial不親切
cordial liu劉木蘭
More cordial倍感親切
cordial thankss衷心的感謝
most cordial最親切 [1] 


  • 1
  • strong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal
  • Synonym:liqueur
  • 1
  • diffusing warmth and friendliness
  • an affable smile
  • an amiable gathering
  • cordial relations
  • a cordial greeting
  • a genial host
  • Synonym:affable [2] 
  • 2
  • sincerely or intensely felt
  • a cordial regard for his visitor's comfort
  • a cordial abhorrence of waste
  • 3
  • politely warm and friendly
  • a cordial handshake


  • 1I wish to take this opportunity to extend to you cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese Government and people!藉此機會,我謹代表中國政府和人民,向在座各位,致以誠摯的祝賀和良好的祝願!
  • 2He had never known him to be so chatty and cordial.他以前從來不知道他是這樣一個健談而友善的人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3One taught me reading, the other taught me composition, both of whom were cordial and strict.一個教我閲讀,一個教我寫作,他們都是誠懇而嚴格的。
  • 4I am very grateful to you for the cordial hospitality you accorded me.承蒙熱情招待,十分感激。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.宴會始終充滿親切友好的氣氛。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6Relatives will be cordial.親戚是熱忱的。
  • 7Coffee is a cordial drink.咖啡是有興奮作用的飲料。
  • 8You have to be assertive and cordial.你必須要非常自信、很熱忱。
  • 9His friends gave him a cordial hug.他的朋友熱誠擁抱他。
  • 10The two sides held cordial and friendly talks.賓主進行了親切友好的談話。
  • 11Both sides held talks in a cordial atmosphere.雙方進行了親切交談。
  • 12The two sides held a cordial and friendly talk.雙方進行了親切友好的交談。
  • 13Not exactly cordial, but at least we were talking.不完全是親切的,但至少我們在會談。
  • 14Both sides held cordial talks in a friendly atmosphere.雙方在友好的氣氛中進行了親切交談。
  • 15The host and the guest held cordial and friendly talks.賓主進行了親切友好的談話。
  • 16They got a cordial reception, as did the Bush people.他們受到了熱情的接待,老布什方面的代表也是如此。
  • 17Both sides held talks in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.雙方在親切友好的氣氛中進行了交談。
  • 18The hall was circumfused with a cordial and friendly atmosphere.大廳中充滿了親切友好的氣氛。
  • 19Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help.請接受我誠摯的謝意,感謝您適時的幫助。
  • 20The two sides held talks in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.雙方進行了親切友好的交談。
  • 21It pleases her brother to see us cordial, and that pleases me.她哥哥看見我們和睦就高興,這也使我高興。
  • 22The atmosphere of the reception has been cordial and friendly.招待會在十分親切、友好的氣氛中進行。
  • 23But she has also managed to forge cordial relations with business.不過,她也與商界建立了良好的關係。
  • 24The old lady and gentleman were taken in by her cordial ingenuity.老先生和老夫人被她的乖巧騙住了。
  • 25Even the murals of scowling ayatollahs had been repainted with cordial smiles.就連一向嚴肅的阿亞圖拉肖像壁畫也被重新描畫,帶上了親切的笑容。
  • 26He said the two peoples always hold cordial and friendly feelings towards each other.他説,中智兩國人民在情感上一直是親切的、友好的。
  • 27But with so much at stake, the two nations have tried to keep their rapport cordial.儘管有如此多的危機,但是兩國還是想方設法維持雙方的友好關係。
  • 28Their reception from Mr. Bennet, to whom they then turned, was not quite so cordial.然後新夫婦轉身到班納特先生跟前,他對他們可沒有他太太那麼熱誠。
  • 29That was one topic of discussion Friday at a meeting all sides described as cordial.各方都表示週五進行的會議氣氛熱烈,高管薪酬是其中的一個討論話題。
  • 30It is merely choosing to add capacity in a state where Labour relations are more cordial.波音只不過是想在一個勞資關係更加友好的地方增加些生產能力而已。 [1] 