


convert,英語單詞,主要用作動詞名詞。作動詞時意為“使轉變,使轉換;使改變信仰,使皈依”,作名詞時意為“皈依宗教者,改變信仰者;剛迷上……的人”等 [1] 
詞    性
英 [kən'vɜːt]美 [kən'vɜːrt]


英 [kənˈvɜːt] 美 [kənˈvɜːrt]
v. (使)轉變,(使)轉換;(使)改變信仰,(使)皈依;(達陣後)得附加分;使……迷上,使……熱衷於
n. 皈依宗教者,改變信仰者;剛迷上……的人,最近開始熱衷於……的人
【名】 (Convert)(法)孔韋爾(人名) [1] 


convert into 使轉變;把…轉化成;摺合
WinMPG Video Convert 視頻轉換大師 ; 視頻轉換巨匠 ; 轉換大師 ; 換巨匠
Convert to Shape 轉換為形狀 ; 轉換形狀 ; 轉變為外形
Convert Selection 轉化選定 ; 轉換選擇 ; 轉換選集 ; 切換選擇
Convert to Profile 轉換為配置文件 ; 轉換色彩配置 ; 轉換為配置檔 ; 轉換到色彩檔案
Hero Video Convert 豪傑視頻通 ; 英豪視頻通
to convert a try 對方球門線後觸地得分
Hero Audio Convert 豪傑音頻通 ; 音頻轉換通 ; 好漢音頻通 ; 俊傑音頻通
Audio Convert 豪傑音頻轉換通 ; 豪傑音頻通 ; 音頻轉換 ; 好漢音頻轉換通
MpegSoft Video Convert 視頻轉換終極王 ; 轉換終極王 ; 視頻轉換最終王 ; 視頻文件轉換最終王 [1] 


  • 1This requires open investments to help doctors convert.這需要開放投資來幫助醫生們完成這一轉變。
  • 2Joseph has learned that a farmer has to have a certain mindset to successfully convert.約瑟夫瞭解到,一個農民必須具備一定的心態才能成功地作出轉變。
  • 3Another grass-fed booster spurring farmers to convert is EPIC, which makes meat-based protein bars.另一個促使農民進行轉變的草飼推動者是 EPIC,它生產肉類蛋白棒。
  • 4Some big banks, like Wells Fargo, are now offering to convert your magstripe card to a chip-and-PIN model.一些大銀行,比如富國銀行,現在正提供一種服務,能將你的磁條卡轉換成芯片和個人識別碼的模式。
  • 5The product they're selling is data, and we, the users, convert our lives to data for the benefit of the digital giants.他們銷售的產品是數據,而我們作為用户,為了數字巨頭的利益,將我們的生活轉化為數據。
  • 6Specifically, both mantis shrimps and DVD or CD players are able to convert light into different forms so it can be stored and then retrieved.具體來説,無論是螳螂蝦還是 DVD 或 CD 播放機都可以將光轉換成不同的形式,從而將光信號存儲起來,之後還能再調取出來。
  • 7The public, he concluded, was often being duped by a convert patrician conservatism, conveyed through commercial culture, that restrained the people's radical instincts.他總結説,公眾經常被一種通過商業文化傳播的皈依貴族保守主義所欺騙,這種保守主義抑制了人們的激進本能。
  • 875 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible, the potential liability they now face is dramatically greater.據凱捷諮詢公司估計,他們需要750億才能將所有寄存器轉換成芯片和 PIN 碼兼容型,因而他們現在面臨的潛在債務劇烈增長。
  • 9She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism.她也改信羅馬天主教了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10The indies convert their digital movies to film.獨立製片公司把他們的數字電影轉為膠片電影。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros?如果我把美元兑換成歐元,匯率是多少?《牛津詞典》
  • 12If you try to convert him, you could find he just walks away.如果你想讓他改變信仰,他會扭頭就走。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13It takes 15 minutes to convert the plane into a car by removing the wings and the tail.拆除機翼和機尾,把那架飛機改成汽車需要15分鐘的時間。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14The house is currently run as a country inn, but could easily convert back into a private residence.這棟房子目前被當作一家鄉村客棧用,但可以容易地改回成一所私用住宅。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15Once large issuers convert together, the chip costs should drop.一旦大型發行機構合併,芯片成本應該就會下降。
  • 16They insist they were in Afghanistan to help the poor, not to convert them.他們堅稱,他們來阿富汗是為了幫助窮人,而不是讓他們改變信仰。
  • 17Brush buttocks with bumf before, how do you convert now to wipe the mouth with bumf?以前用衞生紙擦屁股, 現在你怎麼改用衞生紙擦嘴了?
  • 18If people convert the wetlands to farmland, birds will not have enough space to live.如果人們將濕地轉化為農田,鳥類就沒有足夠的生存空間。
  • 19Siduria recently implemented a program to convert heating systems from oil to natural gas.Siduria 最近實施了一項計劃:將供暖來源從石油改為天然氣。
  • 20If the farm is well managed and has enough land, and the desire to convert is sincere, a relationship can begin.如果把農場管理得很好,並且有足夠的土地,也很真誠地想去轉變(農場運營方式),就可以開始一段合作關係了。
  • 21Interactive whiteboard and its system convert the traditional blackboard lecture mode into electronic lecture mode.交互式白板及其系統將傳統的黑板課堂教學模式轉化為電子課堂教學模式。
  • 22A recent annual study of countries and their ability to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on that question.最近的一項針對各國概況及其將經濟增長轉化為人民福祉的能力的年度研究給這個問題提供了一些線索。
  • 23Last time we talked about photosynthesis, the process by which plants use light to convert carbon dioxide and water into food.上次我們討論了光合作用,即植物利用光將二氧化碳和水轉化為食物的過程。
  • 24Since 2010, the couple has helped 125 small dairy farms convert to grass-fed, with more than 80%of those farms coming on board during the last two years.自2010年以來,這對夫婦已經幫助125家小型奶牛場轉型為草飼農場,其中超過80%的牧場是在過去兩年內才開始運營的。
  • 25Since 2010, the couple has helped 125 small dairy farms convert to grass-fed, with more than 80% of those farms coming on board during the last two years.自2010年以來,這對夫婦已經幫助125個小型奶牛場轉變為草飼模式,其中超過80%的奶牛場在過去兩年中加入了這個行列。
  • 26The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medical system to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted.這個刺激計劃提供了資金,將低效的紙質化醫療系統轉換成便於查看和傳輸的電子記錄。
  • 27Plants also convert carbon dioxide into different forms of carbon-containing molecules and the conversion process used relies on the very same enzyme that works in humans.植物也會將二氧化碳轉化成不同形式的含碳分子,而轉化過程所使用的酶與人體內的酶完全相同。
  • 28Spartina has the ability to take up sulfides and convert them to sulfate, a form of sulfur that the plant can use; this ability makes it easier for the grass to colonize marsh environments.米草類植物有能力吸收硫化物並將其轉化為硫酸鹽——一種植物可以利用的硫的形式;這種能力使這種草更容易在沼澤環境中生長。 [1] 