

詞    性
英 [ˈtʃɑːtə(r)] 美 [ˈtʃɑːrtər]
釋    義


英 [ˈtʃɑːtə(r)] 美 [ˈtʃɑːrtər] [1] 


Earth Charter 地球憲章
Charter transport 租船運輸 ; 運輸合同
open charter 貨港未定的租船合同 ; 普通租船契約 ; 公開招標
Standard Charter 渣打集團 ; 渣打銀行
Old Charter 老憲章波本威酒 ; 老租船 ; 老租船老租約 ; 老租船老租船老租約
Charter Communications 特許通訊公司 ; 特許通訊 ; 查特通信公司 ; 查特傳播公司
bank charter [金融] 銀行執照 ; 銀行業務的文件 ; 翻譯
trip charter 定程租船 ; 航次租船合同 ; 航次租船 ; 程租船
new charter 新租約 ; 新執照 ; 新租船契約新執照 [1] 


  • 1The charter proclaimed that all states would have their own government.憲章規定,各州皆允建立各自的政府。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Seats on charter flights are usually sold as part of a package deal with hotel accommodations.包機的座位通常是作為酒店住宿打包出售的一部分。
  • 3Green awareness is now entrenched—along with sport and culture—as a permanent dimension of the Olympic Charter.環保意識現在已經根深蒂固,它連同體育和文化一樣,成為奧林匹克憲章的永久內容。
  • 4NATO and Russia are reporting some progress in efforts to finalize a charter governing their post-Cold War relationship.報道稱北大西洋公約組織與俄羅斯就敲定處理冷戰後關係的憲章一事上取得了進展。
  • 5The movement includes independent public charter schools, such as BASIS in Tucson, with only 120 high-schoolers and 18 graduates this year.這項活動包括獨立的公立特許學校,例如圖森的 BASIS 學校,這所學校今年只有120名高中生和18名畢業生。
  • 6The movement includes independent public charter schools, such as BASIS in Tucson, with?only?120?high-schoolers?and?18?graduates?this?year.這項活動包括獨立的公立特許學校,例如圖森的 BASIS 學校,這所學校今年只有120名高中生和18名畢業生。
  • 7Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.改革一直遭到強烈反對,最讓人驚訝的可能是在教育業,其中的特許學校、學會和績效工資都面臨着持久的鬥爭。
  • 8The Royal College received its charter as a university in 1967.皇家學院於1967年獲得升格為大學的特許狀。《牛津詞典》
  • 9The new law will be a charter for unscrupulous financial advisers.新的法律會使不誠實的金融顧問有機可乘。《牛津詞典》
  • 10The North Atlantic Treaty begins with the affirmation that its parties "reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations."《北大西洋公約》以公開肯定其成員“重申其對《聯合國憲章》的目的以及原則的信念”開頭。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11Once impotent due to Cold War rivalries, it has regained much of the authority accorded by the UN charter.它曾經由於冷戰對立而無能為力,現已重獲《聯合國憲章》賦予的大部分權力。
  • 12Embarrassed by environmental protests, the I.O.C. claims that green awareness is not entrenched—along with sport and culture—as a permanent dimension of the Olympic Charter.令國際奧委會感到尷尬的是,它聲稱,綠色意識並沒有像體育和文化一樣,這是《奧林匹克憲章》中永久的內容。
  • 13The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical Charter clearly states: "We are aware of and take responsibility for the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals, especially on young people."新修訂的《丹麥時尚道德憲章》明確指出:“我們意識到時尚界對完美身材的影響,尤其是對年輕人的影響,併為此承擔責任。”
  • 14Its charter is anti-Semitic.它的章程是反猶太主義的。
  • 15Ten states still ban charter schools.十個州仍然禁止特許學校。
  • 16Maria: I'll call the bus charter later.瑪麗亞:我待會給巴士租賃公司電話。
  • 17Create a 'team charter.'創建一個“團隊綱領”。
  • 18They have a charter.他們有一個綱領。
  • 19A charter was granted to the town many years ago.該市鎮多年前已獲得特許狀。
  • 20I can invoke the "state charter" of corporate values.我可以動用企業價值的“國家執照”。
  • 21I am a charter member of the cult of the founder.我自己就是一家公司的創始團隊成員之一。
  • 22Define the mission statement, charter, and goals.定義任務陳述、章程和目標。
  • 23When you earn a charter, you become a CFA charterholder.你拿到這個證書後,你就成為一個特許金融分析師。
  • 24Those were then incorporated into the project charter and plan.那些是項目合同與計劃中有限的內容。
  • 25B: Yes, every bank must have a charter or license to do business.銀行家:是的,每個銀行都必須立案或者得到准許證才能營業。
  • 26Nor are good intentions -- or else more charter schools would succeed.同樣,良好的意願亦不足矣,否則更多的特許學校早就取得成功了。
  • 27There is a project charter which explains its purpose in the ecosystem.它的項目章程説明了它在生態系統中的目的。
  • 28Charter airlines fly directly from the U.S. to Havana, mainly via Miami.包機從美國直達哈瓦那,途徑邁阿密。 [1] 