


類    別
詞    性


英[ˈkæbɪdʒ]美[ˈkæbɪdʒ] [1] 


Braised cabbage紅燒元菜 ; 燜白菜 ; 燴白菜 ; 乾鍋包菜
cabbage lettuce結球萵苣 ; 捲心菜 ; 捲心萵苣 ; 捲心萵巨
celery cabbage大白菜 ; 甘藍 ; 結球白菜 ; 白菜
Little Cabbage小白菜
wild cabbage甘藍
feed cabbage羽衣甘藍
cabbage lifter甘藍收穫機 ; 捲心菜收穫機
Korean Cabbage朝鮮辣白菜
spoon cabbage青江菜 [1] 


  • 1I've always hated cabbage.我從來都討厭吃捲心菜。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Do you like cabbage?你喜歡捲心菜嗎?《牛津詞典》
  • 3"It's corned beef and cabbage," said Malone. "Yuck," said Maureen.馬倫説:“是鹹牛肉和白菜”。“嗯,真噁心”,毛琳説。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4It is a member of the cabbage family.它是捲心菜家族的一員。
  • 5The cabbage slid from the kitchen shelf.捲心菜從廚房裏的架子上滑落。
  • 6Two of their favorites are cabbage soup and beef soup.他們最喜歡的兩種是捲心菜湯和牛肉湯。
  • 7He knows every cabbage stump in the gardens, let alone the people.它連菜園裏的每一棵捲心菜殘渣都記得,更別説是人了。
  • 8Russia Cabbage soup and beef soup are Russian children's favourites.俄羅斯捲心菜湯和牛肉湯是俄羅斯孩子的最愛。
  • 9Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are all part of the cruciferous vegetable family.西蘭花、菜花和捲心菜都是十字花科蔬菜。
  • 10There are many different kinds of kimchi--some made with cabbage, others made with cucumber or radish.泡菜有非常多不同的種類,一些是由白菜做成的,一些是由黃瓜或者蘿蔔做成的。
  • 11A cousin of cabbage and broccoli, kohlrabi is a turnip-like root vegetable that is either light green or purple and white striped.大頭菜是捲心菜和西蘭花的近親,是一種類似於蕪菁的根類蔬菜,有淡綠色或紫色和白色的條紋。
  • 12Some foods, such as goat meat and spinach, are seen as "hot", while others, such as Chinese cabbage and radish, are seen as "cold".一些像羊肉和菠菜之類的食物,被視為“熱性”食物,其它如大白菜及小紅蘿蔔等,則被視為“涼性”食物。
  • 13They have never worried about the soaring price of cabbage but when they fail to cash deposit money they are more anxious than housewives.他們從不擔心白菜價格飆升,但當他們無法兑現存款時,他們比家庭主婦更焦慮。
  • 14Included in the green group of vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables and contain powerful carcinogen blockers.椰菜、抱子甘藍和捲心菜屬於綠色組蔬菜,都是十字花科蔬菜並且含有強有效的致癌物阻斷劑。
  • 15The deep color of the Purple Majesty variety comes from the same compounds found in blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, red cabbage, and aubergines.這種紫色貴族品種的深顏色來自於在藍莓、黑茶藨子、紅球甘藍和茄子中發現的同種化合物。
  • 16Cabbage soup and beet soup are the most popular two soups.捲心菜湯和甜菜湯是最受歡迎的兩種湯。
  • 17There are many different kinds of kimchi—some made with cabbage, others made with cucumber or radish.泡菜有非常多不同的種類——一些是由包菜做成的,另一些是由黃瓜或者蘿蔔做成的。
  • 18Some goods, like English newspapers, keep the same price for years, but Chinese flowering cabbage can double and then halve in price in months.一些產品,比如英文報紙,多年來都保持着同一個價格,但是菜心的價格在幾個月內可能翻一番,接着又減半。
  • 19The cabbage is overcooked.白菜早就咕嘟爛了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 20Do you grow cabbage yourself?你們自已種捲心菜嗎?
  • 21Purple cabbage goes into the pot.紫色的捲心菜進入鍋中。
  • 22Not a cabbage girl, cabbage leaf.不是捲心菜女孩,是捲心菜葉。
  • 23It'll make the cabbage plants grow.這會讓捲心菜生長。
  • 24I hate eating cabbage.我討厭吃捲心菜。
  • 25Does Tom like cabbage?湯姆喜歡捲心菜嗎?
  • 26Let's hope the neighbours like cabbage.讓我們希望鄰居都喜歡吃捲心菜吧。
  • 27The hot cabbage is called super world diet food.辣白菜被稱為世界性超級減肥食品。
  • 28When the water boils add the meat and the cabbage.水開時加入肉和洋白菜。
  • 29Sauerkraut is cabbage fermented in its own juice.德國泡菜是在自己的汁中發酵的捲心菜。 [1] 