


詞    性
類    別



  1. vi. 以假象欺騙,吹牛 deceive by pretending to be stronger,cleverer,surer of the truth,etc.,than one is
  2. vt. 以虛張聲勢找出或達成 find or make one's way by doing this
  1. [U][C]欺騙,恐嚇 pretense;make-believe
  2. [C]懸崖,峭壁 a cliff
  1. 直率的,爽快的 (of a person or his/her manner) rough,plain,and cheerful [1] 


  • 1The letter was a bluff.這封信是虛張聲勢。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man, trap him, and outfox him.沒有什麼比虛張聲勢嚇唬別人、讓他鑽入圈套並用計將他擊敗更加刺激了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He said he would resign if he didn't get more money, but it was only a bluff.他説如果不給他加薪他就辭職,但那不過是虛張聲勢而已。《牛津詞典》
  • 4It is essential to build up the military option and show that this is not a bluff.重要的是準備軍事解決途徑來證明這並不是虛張聲勢。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5It was answered from under the bluff.斷崖下有人回答。
  • 6Every conversation with anyone selling anything is a pantomime of pain and bluff.和任何一個賣東西的人的每一次交談,都是一部充滿痛苦和虛張聲勢的啞劇。
  • 7It was just a game of bluff.那隻不過是唬人的把戲。《牛津詞典》
  • 8Beneath his bluff exterior he was a sensitive man.他外表大大咧咧,但其實是個敏感的人。《牛津詞典》
  • 9The socialists have decided to call the opposition's bluff.社會黨人已經決定讓反對黨攤牌了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10The bluff strident words struck the note sailors understood, and they cheered him lustily.水手們聽明白了他直率而粗魯的話語,他們熱烈地為他歡呼。
  • 11Oedipa Maas in Crying of Lot 49 will sit upon a bluff overlooking San Narciso, and she'll look down at the pattern of light.《拍賣第四十九批》裏的奧狄芭·馬斯會坐在懸崖上,俯瞰納西索,她會向下看各式光的圖案。
  • 12That my smile is merely a bluff.我的微笑只是虛張聲勢。
  • 13I said, calling her bluff.我説,想戳穿她的虛張聲勢。
  • 14It is time to call his bluff.是時候戳穿他的老底了。
  • 15Emily had always been able to bluff Henry.艾米麗總是能夠嚇唬住亨利。
  • 16This was all bluff, Gorbachev told me.戈爾巴喬夫告訴我説,那不過是嚇唬嚇唬他們。
  • 17I think it's my favorite after Bluff Limbo.我想這是自《地獄邊緣的絕壁》後我最喜歡的作品了。
  • 18And then it was simply a matter of the bluff.然後,只剩下虛張聲勢的問題。
  • 19Or a bluff?還是虛張聲勢?
  • 20Such a bluff is generally not an ideal option.一般情況下這樣吹噓不是一種理想的選擇。
  • 21Anything could happen in this game of nuclear bluff.核恐嚇較量中任何事都有可能發生。
  • 22Some exchanges saw this as a bluff by their customers.一些交易所把這看為對客户的**。
  • 23He called younger's bluff to swim the river in public.他當眾激年青人遊過那條河。
  • 24Many managers, faced with this situation, will simply call your bluff.很多經理人,面對這種情形的時候,會很簡單就認為你在虛張聲勢。
  • 25Yeah, that was like odd stuff from after Bluff Limbo from '94 to' 95.對,一些古怪的素材來自94年到95年,就是《地獄邊緣的絕壁》灌好以後。
  • 26The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it's all a bluff.老闆威脅説要解僱他,但這不過是恐嚇而已。
  • 27The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it is all a bluff.老闆威脅説要解僱他,但這不過是恐嚇而已。
  • 28The frill is that ruff-like collar it uses to bluff its enemies, like feral cats.皺褶是用於嚇唬敵人的輪狀衣領,就像野貓一樣。
  • 29One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above.有一架直升機在他們下面的海灘上降落,其餘的直接降落在斷崖上。 [2] 