

詞    性


英[biːd]美[biːd] [1] 


glass bead玻璃珠
draw bead張力調整杆;拉深壓邊筋;拉道
bead welding堆焊;珠焊;坡口焊;窄焊道焊接
weld bead焊縫;焊珠;熔敷焊道
bead wire卷邊嵌線;輪胎鋼絲
back bead背面焊道(縫);封底焊道 [1] 


  • 1A bead curtain separated the two rooms.一掛珠簾子把兩個房間分開。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Her bead necklaces and bracelets jangled as she walked.她的珠子項鍊和手鐲在她走路時叮噹作響。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3You can imagine a bead with a wire going through it and the bead can only slide back and forth.你可以想象一個有金屬絲穿過的珠子而且這個珠子只能前後滑動。
  • 4He went out through the bead curtain.他撩開珠簾子走了出來。
  • 5She accidentally swallowed a glass bead.她不小心吞下了一顆玻璃珠。
  • 6Firstly, bead shops are available in shopping malls.首先,大型購物商場就有珠寶店。
  • 7The jade bead necklace goes really well with your skin.這條翡翠項鍊同你的皮膚很相配。
  • 8The rascal is always giving the old man a stone for bead.這流氓老是假意幫助這個老人,其實是在愚弄他。
  • 9This is possibly the cheapest means of purchasing a single bead.要買到最便宜的單個珠寶要數這裏了。
  • 10Beads are available as a single bead ors part of a jewelry item.珠子可以單顆的購買,也可以作為珠寶的一部分購買。
  • 11The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd ahead of the herd.珠子被戴在牧羣前面的死牧羊人的前額上。
  • 12It pierced her soft brown skin, and a bead of bright blood welled up.爪尖刺破了公主柔嫩的棕色皮膚,一滴鮮亮的血珠湧了出來。
  • 13The filling content of hollow glass bead generally is between 5% -20%.空心玻璃微珠的填充量一般在5%-20%之間。
  • 14One kind of the hollow bead reinforced polyurethane foam composite was prepared.製備出一種空心微珠增強聚氨酯泡沫複合材料。
  • 15Since then the researchers have reduced the bead 's size to about 250 micrometres.自那以後研究者已經將珠子的尺寸減小到大約250微米。
  • 16Then a second before his knife struck her, a sweat bead fell onto her temple, waking her up.就在他準備襲擊她的那一瞬間,一滴汗珠落在了她的太陽穴上,驚醒了她。
  • 17That big baroque bead — nothing much — if I'm offered four dollars for it tomorrow I'll be in luck.那顆奇形怪狀的值不了多少錢的大珠子-如果明天有人給我四塊錢,就算我好運氣。
  • 18Ingredient: Atractylodes Rhizome, Patchouli, wormwood leaves, Camphor leaves, carrageenan bead etc.成分描述:蒼朮、廣藿香、艾葉、樟樹葉、卡拉膠珠等。
  • 19He shakes his head at the thought of this one thing, this single hideous bead on the necklace of his life.他一邊思索着這件事一邊搖着他的頭,他生活的項鍊上唯獨可怕的一顆珠子。
  • 20I want to cry, tears happened with strong into bead helpless sad, but forgot to tear the how to flow.我想堅強着不哭,淚偏偏連成珠無助傷心的時候,卻忘了淚該怎麼流。
  • 21In Dr Toyabe's experiment, the jolt that moved the bead came from molecules in the liquid buffeting it at random.在鳥谷部博士的實驗中,使珠子產生運動的撞擊來自於液體中運動分子的隨機碰撞。
  • 22Before our country join world trade, some western hotel financial groups copy early quasi - bead triangle region.我國加入世貿之前,一些西方飯店財團早就描準了珠三角地區。
  • 23For example, I read the Wall Street Journal to keep a daily bead on how businesses in various industries are doing.例如,我閲讀《華爾街日報》獲取關於各個行業的每日精華。
  • 24Wooden bead, occasionally ceramic, copper or other materials, it also cured lacquer engraving directly without tires.胎為木製,偶爾也用陶瓷、銅或其它材料,也有用固化的漆直接刻制而不用胎。
  • 25Behind the billboard advertising an island getaway, atop the odd little building owned by the bead seller, above the city.在城市的上空,在珠子銷售商那座古怪的小房子頂上,在展台廣告背面島嶼度假勝地。
  • 26Last year his team achieved a milestone when it manoeuvred a 1.5-millimetre bead through a 5-millimetre artery in a living pig.去年他的團隊達成了一個里程碑,控制一個1.5毫米的珠子穿過一隻活豬5毫米粗的動脈血管。 [1] 
  • 1.    bead  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-11]