


詞    性
類    型


atom一詞來源於希臘語。希臘語中,原子被稱作atomos,由 a(not)+tomos( cut )構成,意思就是“不可分割”。後來這個詞進入英語,演變為atom。 [2] 


英[ˈætəm]美[ˈætəm] [1] 


hydrogen atom氫原子
atom bomb原子彈
bohr atom玻爾氏原子
neutral atom中性原子 [1] 


  • 1He patented the idea that the atom could be split.他得到了原子可以分裂的這個見解的專利。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.在一個原子的核內,中子和質子聚合在一起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.水分子由兩個氫原子和一個氧原子構成。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.兩個氫原子和一個氧原子結合組成一個水分子。《牛津詞典》
  • 5An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements.原子本身是個整體,含電子、質子、中子以及其他組成部分。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Each one is about the size of an atom.每一個都有一個原子的大小。
  • 7Any substance is made of atom. Whether it is solid, liquid or gas.任何物質都是由原子構成的。無論是固體、液體還是氣體。
  • 8The energy for single hydrogen atom is negative 1312 kilojoules per mole.單個氫原子的能量是 -1312 千焦每摩爾。
  • 9They take an atom of lead, accelerate it, and have it collide with an atom of nickel.他們選取一個鉛原子,將其加速,讓它與鎳的原子碰撞。
  • 10If the atom is fixed mass, and the electron is tiny, it must be the positives have all the mass.如果是原子質量一定,而電子很小,那麼帶正電荷的部分幾乎佔據了全部質量。
  • 11What we can do is to try using the classical description of the atom, and see where this takes us.我們能做的就是試着用經典力學描述原子,看看我們會得到什麼。
  • 12At some point, you will cut the magnet so small that you will have cut down to the size of a single atom.從某個方面看,你會把磁體切到如此之小,小到只有一個單原子那麼大。
  • 13Graphene is a flat sheet of carbon just one atom thick—with the carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice.石墨烯是一種只有單原子厚度的碳原子平面層——碳原子按蜂窩狀晶格排列。
  • 14When we talk about orbitals in multi-electron atoms, they're actually lower in energy than the corresponding H atom orbitals.當我們討論多電子原子的軌道時,它們的能量實際上比對應的氫原子軌道要低。
  • 15They take up a teeny bit, but when we're thinking about the set up of the atom, we don't have to account for them as using up a lot of the mass.它們佔據了非常小的一部分,但當我們考慮原子的構造的時候,不用考慮它們會佔用很多的質量。
  • 16I could put atom one here.我可以把原子1號放在這裏。
  • 17I don't believe there's an atom of meaning in it.我不相信這裏面有任何意義。
  • 18"Come in," said the carpenter, not having an atom of strength left with which to stand up.“進來吧。”木匠説,他連站起來的力氣都沒有了。
  • 19We are going to go into the atom and try to understand the scientific basis for this observed behavior.我們將深入研究原子並試圖理解這種觀察行為的科學基礎。
  • 20It is arranged according to increasing atomic number, which is the number of protons in each atom of an element.它是根據原子序數的增加來排列的,原子序數是一種元素單個原子的質子數。
  • 21Such united atom approximations have been used in simulations of biological membranes.這種聯合原子近似已被用於生物膜的模擬。
  • 22That is to say in a given atom.也就是説對於一個給定的原子。
  • 23Schrodinger's atom will decay.薛定諤的原子一定會衰變。
  • 24Well, I could put atom one here.好,我可以在這裏放一個原子。
  • 25This is electron volts per atom.這是每個原子所具有的電子伏特。
  • 26Atom two, I can put anywhere else.對第二個原子,我可以放在別的地方。
  • 27Each one about the size of an atom.每個體積元的體積都只有一個原子的大小。
  • 28Might be an atom there.可能這裏有一個原子。
  • 29A tritium atom has two extra neutrons.氚原子多了兩個中子。
  • 30Each atom has three degrees of freedom.每個原子有三個自由度。 [1] 