

abundant,英語單詞,形容詞,意為“豐富的;充裕的;盛產”。 [1] 
詞    性
屬    性


abundant rainfall過量降雨 ; 充沛的雨量 ; 雨量充沛
abundant emotions豐富的感情
abundant funds資金雄厚 ; 雄厚的資金
Abundant Resources豐富的資源
abundant leather厚革
Abundant factors豐富要素
abundant supplies充足的供應
abundant information資料豐富 [1] 


  • 1There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.有豐富的廉價勞動力供應。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2I have ever had abundant love experiences.我曾經有過豐富的感情經歷。
  • 3Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources.我國土地遼闊, 資源豐富。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4The early Earth contained abundant radioactive materials.早期地球含有豐富的放射性物質。
  • 5Galeata remains near the warm surface where food is abundant.Galeata 留在食物豐富的温暖表面附近。
  • 6Books provide abundant material for readers' imagination to grow.書籍為提高讀者的想象力提供了豐富的素材。
  • 7Though small, the country has abundant plants from desert grasses to tropical jungle.這個國家雖然小,但植物種類豐富,從沙漠草原到熱帶叢林都有。
  • 8Many visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types.許多遊客被這裏複雜的建築空間和豐富的建築類型驚訝到了。
  • 9It is a charming land that boasts abundant historical relics and enjoys superb natural environment.這是一個迷人的地方,歷史遺蹟豐富,自然環境優美。
  • 10An early study gave participants abundant time to complete problem solving and word association exercises.一項早期研究給參與者充裕的時間來解答問題並完成詞彙聯想訓練。
  • 11Some of the ventures focus on the Antarctic resources that are already up for grabs, like abundant sea life.一些項目把重點放在已經可以獲取的南極資源上,比如豐富的海洋生物。
  • 12For years, we have assumed it was the abundant plant life of the Mesozoic that allowed these giants to thrive.多年來,我們一直認為是中生代豐富的植物種類使這些巨型生物得以繁衍生息。
  • 13Countries that are abundant in natural resources should know how to turn this potential advantage into prosperity.那些自然資源豐富的國家應學會發揮這種潛在的優勢,讓國家繁榮昌盛。
  • 14By far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle.到目前為止,最豐富的地下水資源是雨水;這是地下水在水循環中的一個環節。
  • 15In fact, 24 per cent of our galaxy elemental mass consists of helium, which makes it the second most abundant element in our universe.事實上,銀河系中24%的元素質量是由氦組成的,這使它成為宇宙中第二豐富的元素。
  • 16They had found, accidentally, that a rare metal, iridium, suddenly became very abundant exactly at the boundary and then slowly fell away.他們偶然發現一種稀有金屬銥的含量在邊界處突然變得很豐富,然後又慢慢地消失了。
  • 17Wine, bread, olive oil and nuts are other staples of the region, and the Mediterranean Sea has historically yielded abundant quantities of fish.該地區的其他主要產品還有葡萄酒、麪包、橄欖油和堅果,並且地中海歷來盛產魚類。
  • 18This sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and other elements that are relatively abundant in a meteorite but very rare in the crust of Earth.這一沉積層富含稀有金屬銥,以及其他在隕石中較豐富而在地殼中十分罕見的元素。
  • 19He received rudimentary village schooling, but mostly he roamed his uncle's farm collecting the fossils that were so abundant in the rocks of the Cotswold hills.他只在鄉村學校接受了最基本的教育,但大部分時間都在叔叔的農場裏遊蕩,收集科茨沃爾德丘陵中充裕的化石。
  • 20If atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide were as abundant now as they were in Earth's earliest atmosphere, the planet's temperature would likely be too hot for most species living today.如果大氣中的甲烷和二氧化碳像地球最早期的大氣那樣豐富,那麼地球的温度對今天生活的大多數物種來説可能太熱了。
  • 21Fish are abundant in the lake.湖裏魚很多。《牛津詞典》
  • 22They are very abundant because of the absence of the jaguar, which causes imbalances in the ecosystem.因為沒有美洲虎,它們非常豐富,這導致了生態系統的不平衡。
  • 23They value quiet forests, clear streams and abundant wildlife.他們珍惜安靜的森林、清澈的溪流和多種多樣的野生動物。
  • 24They value quiet forests, clear streams, and abundant wildlife.他們珍惜安靜的森林、清澈的溪流和多種多樣的野生動物。
  • 25The hare actually has abundant food in the small twigs it finds.事實上,野兔在它找到的小樹枝裏有大量的食物。
  • 26Once out there, skilled seafarers would have detected abundant leads to follow to land.一旦到了那裏,熟練的船員就會發現有大量的線索可以追蹤到陸地。
  • 27I mean maybe the shrubs will be abundant for a few years, and then it'll change back to tundra.我的意思是,也許在未來幾年裏,這裏的灌木會很充足,然後它就會變回苔原。
  • 28It migrates first to unexploited areas and chomps the abundant low-quality stems before moving on.它會先遷移到未開發的地區,吃掉大量的低質量的莖稈,然後再繼續遷移。
  • 29Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?麥當娜和邁克爾·傑克遜都很出名,但誰又能斷定他們歌迷的生活會因為他們而覺得生活更加充盈呢? [1] 