


Vapor,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,意為“蒸氣;水蒸氣”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈveɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈveɪpər]
n. 蒸氣;水蒸氣(等於 vapour)
[ 複數 vapors 第三人稱單數 vapors 現在分詞 vaporing 過去式 vapored 過去分詞 vapored ]


Vapor Chamber 均熱板 ; 均温板 ; 真空腔均熱板 ; 真空均熱板
vapor extractor 抽汽器 ; 排煙風機 ; 排風機
wet vapor [熱] 濕蒸汽 ; 濕飽和蒸汽
vapor blasting 蒸汽噴砂清理 ; 蒸汽噴砂
mercury vapor 汞蒸氣 ; 汞汽 ; 汞汽整流器
vapor pocket 氣化阱 ; 氣袋 ; 汽袋 ; 汽囊
vapor oxidation 蒸汽氧化
petroleum vapor 石油蒸氣 [1] 


  • Then it snows because as the air rises, it cools off and loses its capacity to hold water vapor. 然後就會下雪,因為當空氣上升時,它就會冷卻並失去保持水蒸氣的能力。
  • Such feedbacks might involve ice on land and sea, clouds, or water vapor, which also absorb radiant heat. 這種反饋可能涉及陸地和海洋上的冰、雲或水蒸氣,這些也會吸收輻射熱。
  • Astronomers therefore prefer dry sites with little water vapor, which is generally found at higher altitudes. 因此,天文學家更喜歡水蒸氣很少的乾燥地點,而水蒸氣通常出現在海拔較高處。
  • "Efficient" irrigation is often used to describe systems that result in 85% of the water disappearing in vapor. “有效”灌溉通常指的都是一些讓85%的水最終以水汽的形式逸散的做法。
  • One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation—conversion of liquid water to water vapor. 其中之一是通過蒸發的方式,把液態水轉化為水蒸氣——來減少海洋中的水分。
  • The same structure that permits the one gas to enter the leaf, however, permits another gas—water vapor—to be lost from it. 同樣的結構允許一種氣體進入葉子,然而,也使得另一種氣體——水蒸氣——從葉子中消失。
  • Within about a millimeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with water vapor. 在離水不到一毫米的地方,空氣的温度接近於地表水的温度,空氣中的水蒸氣幾乎飽和了。
  • Fluorescent lights use electricity to excite mercury vapor. This produces ultraviolet light that causes a phosphor coating inside the bulb to glow. 熒光燈用電激發水銀蒸氣。這會生成紫外線光而使得鍍在燈管內壁上的磷塗層發光.
  • With temperatures rising and more water vapor in the air, such storms can pull in more moisture and thus rain or snow more heavily than storms of old. 隨着氣温升高,空氣中的水蒸氣增多,這樣的風暴會吸收更多的濕氣,因此雨雪會比以前的風暴來得更猛烈。
  • An increase in temperature, for example, can boost the moisture content of the atmosphere, which then causes further warming because water vapor is a greenhouse gas. 例如,温度的升高會增加大氣中的水分含量,這又會導致進一步的變暖,因為水蒸氣是一種温室氣體。
  • From what I remember, water changes back and forth from water in lakes and oceans to vapor, and then back to water again when it falls as rain or snow, as precipitation. 根據我的記憶,水往復地變化,從湖泊和海洋裏的水變成水蒸氣,然後當它以雨或雪——也就是降水的形式落下時又變成水。
  • When the air was warm, vapor containing the heavier isotope, oxygen-18, condensed and formed precipitation, in the form of snow, more readily than did vapor containing oxygen-16. 當空氣温度較高時,含有較重同位素氧-18的蒸汽比含有氧-16的蒸汽更容易凝結,並形成雪狀的降水。
  • Because warm air can hold more moisture than cool air, the relative humidity will be constant only if the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases as the temperature rises. 因為温暖的空氣比冷空氣能容納更多的濕氣,所以只有當大氣中的水蒸氣量隨着温度的升高而增加時,相對濕度才會保持不變。
  • The assumption of constant relative humidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infrared wavelength. 相對濕度恆定的假設是重要的,因為大氣中的水蒸氣是紅外波長輻射的另一種有效吸收劑。
  • The pressure will result in the formation of a vapor pocket. 壓力將導致形成一個蒸汽口袋。
  • Air temperature and vapor pressure deficit were the key factors affecting transpiration. 氣温和蒸氣壓不足是影響蒸騰作用的關鍵因素。
  • Water vapor goes through my skin. 水蒸氣會穿過我的皮膚。
  • There is vapor pressure lowering. 蒸汽壓的下降。
  • The crisper keeps water vapor in. 該保鮮儲藏格可以使水汽保留在裏面。
  • You want to find the vapor pressure. 你需要找出蒸汽壓。
  • You expect the vapor pressure to go down. 可以預計蒸汽壓會下降。
  • Water vapor rose from it. It was beautiful. 在平原附近有一個湖,水汽從湖面升起。
  • We know there's vapor pressure there, right? 我們知道這裏有蒸汽壓?
  • And it's got a certain vapor pressure on top. 在上面施加特定的氣壓。
  • Vapor Strange vapors rose from the dark lake. 奇怪的蒸汽從黑暗的湖中升起。
  • Cup of water vapor emitted slightly, tea quietly afloat. 杯子冒出微微的水汽,茶葉靜靜浮着。
  • Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist areas. 在氣候潮濕地區,水汽按體積佔(空氣體積)4%左右。 [1] 