


Undead,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞名詞,主要意思為“已死但能復生的人”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ʌnˈded] 美 [ʌnˈded]
adj. 已死但能復生的
n. 已死但能復生的人 [1] 


Undead Knights 不死騎士
Undead Hunter 不死獵人 ; 亡靈獵手 ; 亡靈獵人
Animate Undead 亡靈復生
Undead Unrest 消滅亡靈 ; 不死不安 ; 亡靈不安 [1] 


  • There's no doubt I look like the evil undead. 毫無疑問我看上去就像個不死的惡魔。
  • Undead targets take an additional 158 to 170 damage. 不死系目標受到額外158 - 170點傷害。
  • Undead targets take an additional 264 to 282 damage. 不死系目標受到額外264-282點傷害。
  • Every day out a lot of thought, the undead is called dream. 每天都冒出很多念頭,那些不死的才叫做夢想。
  • Pets - We saw an Undead Warlock get his first level pet quest. 寵物——我們看到一名不死族術士接受了他的初級寵物任務。
  • The undead also serve as a wonderfully utilitarian cultural symbol. 不死人也是一個非常實用的文化象徵。
  • Of All The Undead Things You Could Become, Zombies Are The worst. 在所有你可能會變成的不死之軀中,殭屍是最低劣的一類。
  • I've faced the undead several times, but you never get used to it. 我雖然曾經面對過不死生物,但我想你無論如何都不會適應。
  • Wood Axe: best used for separating unwanted limbs from the undead. 木斧:最適用於幫殭屍擺脱它們不想要了的的四肢。
  • Blessed Hammer - no longer ignores resistances of undead and demons. 不再忽視不死和惡魔系怪物的抗性。
  • Natale, despite a fear of demons, was effective at banishing undead. 納泰爾,打擊不死生物十分有成效,只是害怕惡魔。
  • Hungry undead craftsmen all over the world, also just hungry undead. 天下餓不死手藝人,也只是餓不死而已。
  • Muradin Bronzebeard: Bloody hell! You're not undead! You're all alive! 穆拉丁·銅須:可惡!你們不是不死族!你們都是有生命的!
  • And lastly, in under 500 words explain your fascination with the undead. 最後,請用500字以下解釋一下你作為不死之物的魅力。
  • Throw the ashes into some water and rest easy, knowing the undead is undone. 把骨灰扔到水裏,不死殭屍終於被被消滅了,你就可以高枕無憂了。
  • Turning undead that are lower level than you is significantly more effective. 驅散比你等級低的不死系是非常有效的。
  • For some time it even seemed as if our undead friends might shuffle away into oblivion. 一段時間以來,我們的這些不死的朋友似乎被慢慢的遺忘掉了。
  • If the townsfolk see your undead minions, they'll call the local guards to stop you. 如果鎮上的居民看到你的不死族部下,他們會呼叫當地的守衞來阻止你。
  • Hollywood is planning a film version next year, the latest in a series of movies to star the undead. 好萊塢正盤算着在明年推出該小説的同名電影——最新的主演不死人的影片。
  • Acolyte: Be wary. If the townsfolk see your undead minions, they'll call the local guards to stop you. 寺僧:小心點。如果鎮上的居民看到你的不死族部下,他們會呼叫當地的守衞來阻止你。
  • The chain's burgers can resist rot for years. Scientists explain why they have the shelf life of the undead. 麥當勞出售的漢堡包放上幾年也不會腐爛,科學家們解釋了其中的原因。
  • Huntress: Priestess the undead have constructed a new settlement. They are mustering new forces to send at us! 女獵手:女祭司,不死族建立了新的基地。他們正在集結新顛榪隊向我們進攻!
  • Red nosed, with a dark hungry stare and an over sized bow tie this zombie clown is by far the movies’ scariest undead. 紅鼻子,憂鬱的眼神和過大的蝴蝶結成了這部殭屍小丑電影永遠的懼點。
  • Red nosed, with a dark hungry stare and an over sized bow tie this zombie clown is by far the movies' scariest undead. 紅鼻子,憂鬱的眼神和過大的蝴蝶結成了這部殭屍小丑電影永遠的懼點。
  • Arthas: the plague was never meant to simply kill my people. It was meant to turn them... into the undead! Defend yourselves! 阿爾塞斯:這種疫癘並不只是簡略地殺死我的羣眾。而是要把她們…釀成不死族!掩護好本身!戰士們!
  • Middle age is flown, but it is attitude, not years, that condemns one to the ranks of the Undead, or else proffers salvation. 中年已逝去,但不是歲月而是態度,才能決定一個人是成為行屍走肉的一員還是得到拯救。
  • Manchester United's foray into the land of Dracula on Tuesday night resulted in an undead performance by the English champions. 週二晚上曼聯在德古拉城的進攻造就了英格蘭冠軍隊的不老神話。 [1] 