

詞    性


英 [sʌk] 美 [sʌk] [1] 


Vampires Suck 吸血鬼了沒 ; 暮色大電影 ; 暮光夠了沒 ; 戲説吸血鬼
suck down 往下吸 ; 吸下
Suck Chocolate 吮巧克力 [1] 


  • 1Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.蚜蟲的確能把一株植物吸乾。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Good writers suck in what they see of the world, re-creating their own universe on the page.好的作家吸收他們所看到的世界,在書裏重新創造自己的世界。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3You can suck the refreshment out through the straw.你可以用吸管把飲料吸出來。
  • 4They might suck their thumb, seek out a blanket or so on.他們可能吮吸他們的大拇指,尋找毯子或者其他之類的。
  • 5"They suck everything out of you," says one European bank boss.“他們會吸乾你的一切。”一位歐洲銀行的老闆説道。
  • 6How do they suck even one person in, where is that famed programmer independence?他們是怎樣吸引人加入的? 那個聲名遠揚的程序員的獨立性在哪裏?
  • 7Nowadays forests are increasingly welcome because they suck in carbon pollution from the air.因為森林能吸走空氣中的碳污染,所以現在它們變得越來越受歡迎了。
  • 8One of the things they can do is suck, and these babies would suck on a pacifier when hearing French.他們能做的事情之一就是吮吸,這些嬰兒聽到法語時會去吮吸奶嘴。
  • 9To see such effects, physicists first have to suck out every possible quantum and leave a beam in its least-energetic "ground state".為了目睹這種效應,物理學家首先需要吸出每一個可能的量子,讓光束處於能量最小的“基態”。
  • 10Most children suck their thumbs but they grow out of it.大多數孩子都吮拇指,大了就好了。《牛津詞典》
  • 11People suck up clean water to make products.人們抽取乾淨的水來製造產品。
  • 12It's good for you to suck in fresh shore air.吸進清新的海濱空氣對你有好處。
  • 13Did the farmer suck the poison out of the wound?那位農民將毒液從傷口裏吸出來了嗎?
  • 14Christ, Henry, that's one of the reasons why you guys suck as a couple.我的老天,亨利,你們倆為什麼是這麼糟糕的一對,這就是原因之一。
  • 15I dare you to knock it off--and anybody that'll take a dare will suck eggs.我諒你也不敢——誰敢的話,我就揍扁誰。
  • 16"We always admire her as she passes by." Mr. Pim watches Pippa suck the concoction.“她路過的時候我們都仰慕她。”皮姆先生看着皮帕在啜飲着混合飲料。
  • 17BP has plans to lower a massive dome over the leak site to suck oil from the seabed into vessels that can take it for safe disposal.英國石油公司計劃在漏油點上方建造一個巨大的圓頂,將海底的石油吸到船上,以便安全處理。
  • 18Rational choice in this case, people are not choosing a dominated strategy but a dominant rational choice can lead to outcomes that Suck.理性的選擇,即本案例中人們不去選擇劣勢策略,反而選擇優勢策略會使結果變得糟糕。
  • 19"Tech is designed to really suck you in," says jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, "and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement."詹妮·拉德斯基在她的數字產品研究中宣稱:“發展科技的目的就是為了讓你沉浸其中,生產數字產品是為了促進最大的參與度。”
  • 20No matter how many times you have seen images of the golden mask of boyking Tutankhamen, come face to face with it in Egypt's Cairo museum, and you will suck in your breath.無論你看過多少次圖坦卡蒙國王的金色面具的圖片,在埃及的開羅博物館與它面對面,你都會深深吸氣。
  • 21Maybe I will suck their blood.也許我會吸她們的血。
  • 22God, these people all suck!我的天!這裏的人都太糟糕了!
  • 23They suck juices out of the plant.他們從植物裏吸取汁液。
  • 24Suck out some marrow. That one was.要我説“吸取一些精髓”,那才是話中有話。
  • 25They just want to suck on our blood.他們只是想吸我們的血而已。
  • 26Why does my game suck?為什麼我的遊戲這麼糟糕?
  • 27What a shame that you suck your thumb.吮拇指可夠羞人的。 [1] 
  • 1.    suck  .有道詞典[引用日期2019-10-18]