


Stigma,英文單詞,主要用作名詞,意為“恥辱、污名;外在特徵”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈstɪɡmə] 美 [ˈstɪɡmə]
n. 恥辱,污名;(植物花朵的)柱頭;(病的)外在特徵(或特點);(皮膚上的)斑點,小斑;(基督教傳統中的)聖痕 (stigmata)
[ 複數 stigmas或stigmata ] [1] 


Corn Stigma 玉米鬚 ; 玉米鬚粉末
Stigma Croci 西紅花 ; 藏紅花 ; 紅花
stigma and discrimination 醜化與歧視 ; 恥辱與歧視 ; 醜化與鄙視
social stigma 社會烙印 ; 社會污名 ; 社會恥辱 ; 社會污點 [1] 


  • The stigma of being a bankrupt is likely to haunt him for the rest of his life. 作為一名破產者的恥辱很可能在他的餘生不斷來糾纏他。
  • Recognising obesity as a chronic disease with severe complications rather than a lifestyle choice "should help reduce the stigma and discrimination experienced by many people with obesity," he adds. 認識到肥胖是一種伴有嚴重併發症的慢性疾病,而不是一種生活方式的選擇,“應該有助於減少許多肥胖人士所經歷的恥辱和歧視。”他補充道。
  • There is still a stigma attached to cancer. 癌症仍被人看作是一種見不得人的事。
  • There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced. 離婚不再是什麼丟臉的事。
  • A recent study found that absence claims labels can create a stigma around foods even when there is no scientific evidence that they cause harm. 最近的一項研究發現,即使沒有科學證據表明食品有害,帶有“不含”字樣的標籤也會使其污名化。
  • There was a stigma in the past. 在過去有一段恥辱。
  • Those living in the shadow of stigma. 這些人生活在污名的陰影中。
  • And there was so much stigma attached. 與之有關的恥辱太多了。
  • 'Stigma is a Major Killer'. ‘羞辱是一大殺手’。
  • NEWS: Fat Stigma on the Rise worldwide. 新聞一:肥胖是恥辱的標誌。
  • This stigma goes back over a century. 這種屈辱可追溯到一個多世紀前。
  • It's true that stigma can restrain obesity rates. 的確,恥辱可以抑制肥胖率。
  • But Plato begins this dialogue with this stigma. 但柏拉圖以辱降開始對話。
  • It's also the stigma and the stress that kills faster. 社會的恥辱和壓力對艾滋病人的折磨更厲害。
  • But the industry rejects the stigma of commodity status. 但是這個產業拒絕成為商品這樣一個恥辱的稱呼。
  • Smoke billows out of bars. There is little social stigma. 酒吧煙霧繚繞,卻算不上社會污點。
  • I want to break the stigma that being fat is a bad thing. 我想要打破人們固有的觀念,胖並不恥辱。
  • And silence, stigma and misinformation about the disease. 對於艾滋病的沉默、誤傳。
  • Stigma and misinformation are rife. Treatment is expensive. 患病倍感羞辱,錯誤信息盛傳,疾病治療昂貴。
  • Even the fund admits there is a stigma to borrowing from it. 即便該組織自身也承認從其借款有失面子。
  • Still wary of social stigma, she did not want her full name used. 由於不想接受社會恥辱,她不想使用她的全名。
  • There is still a huge stigma attached to having a mental illness. 巨大的污名仍高懸在精神疾病患者頭上。
  • There was so much stigma within my own mind that I didn't do it. 瓊斯説:“當時,我的頭腦中有很多自卑的想法,所以,我沒有去看醫生。
  • The database access, ODBC, has suffered from performance stigma. 數據庫訪問組件odbc已經遭受到性能上的尷尬。
  • Small Banks are just as wary of the TARP stigma as larger rivals. 小銀行和他們的大銀行對手一樣,厭倦了TARP的羞辱。 [1] 