


Prima,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“第一的,主要的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈpriːmə] 美 [ˈprimə]
adj. 第一的,主要的;最重要的
n. 第一遍結尾
n. (Prima)(美)普里馬(人名) [1] 


Media Prima 首要媒體集團
materia prima 原料 ; 第一原質 ; 原初質料 ; 原始質料
prima facie adj. (拉)初步印象;乍看的
prima facie evidence 初步的證據
prima facie 表面證據 ; 初步證據 ; 表面的
prima facie evidence 表面證據 ; 初步證據 ; 表見證據 ; 表面上真實的證據
prima donna 女主角,首席女歌手;愛慕虛榮的人 [1] 


  • Prima facie, there is a strong case against him. 據初步認定,證據對他極其不利。
  • Nobody who comes to this club is allowed to behave like a prima donna. 任何參加本俱樂部的人都不能耍大牌。
  • Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company. 她的事業從在皇家卡爾羅莎歌劇團擔任首席女歌手開始。
  • There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed. 初步看來,這是一起蔑視法庭的案子。
  • Eric Fawkins, two-time Prima Music Prize winner, will perform an evening of classical and jazz ballads. 兩屆普里瑪音樂獎得主埃裏克·福克斯將在這個晚上表演古典和爵士民謠。
  • The ticket constitutes prima facie evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the passenger named on the ticket. 客票是客票上所列承運人和旅客之間運輸合同的初步證據。
  • Sing, prima Donna, once more! 唱吧歌劇紅伶再次開唱吧!
  • E la prima volta che viene a Roma? 您是第一次來羅馬嗎?
  • Prima donna, enchant us once again! 首席女高音,請再次讓我們痴迷!
  • This is the fossil of Sinosauropteryx prima. 這就是中華龍鳥化石。
  • I've come to claim the right of prima noctes. 聽着,我來行使我的初夜權。
  • No one feels comfortable around a prima do a. 跟自視甚高的人在一起,沒有人會感覺舒服。
  • The stress that falls upon a famous prima donna! 焦點落在了著名的首席女高音身上!
  • Coach Brown envisions Mary as a prima ballerina. 考區·布朗想象瑪麗將來成為首席芭蕾舞星。
  • We chose Punt Prima as our base and have never looked back. 我們選擇我們的首要邦特基地和從來沒有回頭。
  • The mother envisioned her little girl as a prima ballerina. 母親想她女兒成為芭蕾舞團首席演員。
  • My daughter is a dancer and my ex-wife was a prima ballerina. 我的女兒是一名舞蹈演員,我的前妻是首席芭蕾舞演員。
  • She is beyond all doubts the finest prima ballerina of her day. 她無疑是她那個時代最優秀的芭蕾舞首席演員。
  • An unpaved road for an architect who is planning his Opera Prima. 一個未道路建築師誰是他的歌劇初步規劃。
  • Series awarded 'Best Buy' by the readers of "Prima Baby" magazine. 系列榮獲'最佳買'的“表面寶貝”雜誌的讀者。
  • In her new film, Victoria plays a prima Donna television presenter. 維多利亞在她的新片裏扮演一位妄自尊大的電視節目主持人。
  • My prima facie duty to keep my promise doesn't make that act obligatory. 我堅持允諾的顯見義務未必是必須要做的。
  • However , even if I was correct in my belief, that I lied is still prima facie wrong. 然而,即使我所認為的是對的,説謊也仍然顯然是不當的。
  • Slippers crowned with tulle pom-poms will satisfy the longings of future prima-ballerinas. 頂部飾有絨球的拖鞋會滿足那些未來芭蕾舞團首席女演員願望。
  • The bones actually belonged to an ancient meat-eating dinosaur named Sinosauropteryx prima. 這些骨頭其實是古代一種名叫中華鳥龍的肉食恐龍的化石。
  • Thus , aiding the patient is both a prima facie duty and, in this situation, my actual duty. 因此,在這種情況下救助我的病人就既是我的一個顯見義務又是我的實際義務。
  • I also have a prima facie duty to aid my patient, and this is a reason that outweighs the first one. 我也有一個救助我的病人的顯見義務,這是比去見你更有理性的做法。
  • So one of my approaches to management is to avoid prima donnas and to actually ease up an organization. 我管理的策略之一就是避免,愛做主角的人,給組織營造輕鬆的氛圍。 [1] 