


Polygon,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“多邊形;多角形物體”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈpɒlɪɡən] 美 [ˈpɑːliɡɑːn]
n. 多邊形;多角形物體 [1] 


regular polygon 正多邊形;正多角形
convex polygon 凸多邊形;凸面多角形
equilateral polygon 正多邊形 ; 等邊多邊形正多邊形 ; 等邊多角形
polygon mesh 多邊形網格 ; 菜單 ; 多邊形網
polygon of force 力多邊形 ; 多邊形力學 ; 多邊形
Frequency polygon 頻數多邊圖 ; [統計] 頻率多邊形 ; 多邊形圖
star polygon [數] 星形多邊形
equiangular polygon [數] 等角多邊形
Polygon Properties 多邊形參數 ; 多邊形屬性 ; 卷展欄
force polygon [力] 力多邊形 ; 力的多邊形 ; 力的多角形 ; 力之多邊形 [1] 


  • Next, the team built a table of the segments of the polygon. 接下來,該團隊構建了一個多邊形片段表。
  • If the horizontal line drawn is aligned with a polygon vertex, then only the segments that are below the line are counted. 如果所繪製的水平線與一個多邊形頂點對齊,那麼只計算位於該線下方的部分。
  • Although the bounding box is a polygon defining the area represented for the user, I simplify and use one point of this data. 儘管這個邊界框是一個用於定義表示用户的區域的多邊形,但我簡化並使用該數據的一個點。
  • This is called the winding of a polygon. 這就叫做多邊形環繞。
  • And this is a polygon describing a pentagram. 下面是一個描述五角星形的多邊形。
  • Polygon: calculate Full angles and Bi-sect angles. 多邊形:計算全角度和必節角度。
  • A polygon having five sides and five interior angles. 五邊形有五條邊和五個角的多邊形。
  • To reduce the polygon count I made the haystack hollow. 為了減少多邊形計數,我製作了空心草堆。
  • E. g. Boundaries of the polygon may extend to infinity. 多角形的邊界可以延伸到無窮遠處。
  • But it was too slow to create fast polygon fillers with it. 但它的速度太慢,使用它創建快速多邊形填充物。
  • The said flange connected with the central axis is a polygon. 所述的與中心軸連接的法蘭盤為多邊形。
  • I will also note that this is my first polygon object to create. 我也注意到,這是我第一次多邊形對象創建。
  • On most graphics CARDS today, polygon count does not really matter. 今天,對大多數顯卡的多邊形數量並是不真正的問題。
  • How can I turn a massive number of coordinates into a boundary or polygon? 我怎麼能把大量的座標轉換為邊界或多邊形?
  • See extremely detailed results at render time regardless of polygon count. 能夠看到非常詳細的實時渲染結果無論多邊形數。
  • How I created the roof is not the best way as it was very polygon intensive. 我是怎樣造成的屋頂是不是最好的方式是非常密集的多邊形。
  • We'll finish up by learning to output polygon geometry from our Fusion items. 我們將完成從我們的融合項目的輸出多邊形幾何學習。
  • The triangle is also a subclass of the Polygon type, which is derived from a Figure type. triangle還是Polygon類型的一個子類,後者由Figure類派生而來。
  • Basic curvature: Understanding polygon count and its importance in creating smooth curvature. 基本曲率:瞭解多邊形數量及其在創建平滑曲率中的重要性。
  • Triangles are popular with 3d implementations because you can define any polygon as a set of triangles. 任何多邊形都可定義為一組三角形的集合,因此三角形在3d實現中應用十分廣泛。
  • Draw another polygon on top of the player interface. Repeat Step 36, adding texture and layer styles. 畫出另一個多邊形上的球員的界面。重複步驟36,增加紋理和層風格。
  • If the point is within the polygon, the line will intersect the edges of the polygon an odd number of times. 如果該點位於多邊形內,該線將與多邊形的邊相交奇數次。
  • This repeats recursively for each new 'correct' polygon until no more neighboring polygons can be found. 對每個處理後的多邊形遞歸執行這個步驟,直到沒有鄰接多邊形。
  • However, if you were viewing the actual surface instead of a texture mapped polygon, you would see point B. 但是,當你看着一個實際表面而不是帶材質貼圖的多邊形的時候,你將會看到的是點b。
  • The compact, polygon structures have been positioned so that they interact with the countryside and the lake. 該建築採用緊湊的多邊形結構,以便它們與鄉村和湖泊和諧共處。
  • Results After induction , fibroblasts changed their morphology from spindle shape to typical polygon shape of chondrocytes. 結果誘導後成纖維細胞細胞形態由梭形向軟骨細胞樣多角形、多邊形轉變。
  • For the simplicity and suitability of the polygon meshes, they have become the most appropriate representation of those models. 由於多邊形網格的簡單性和普適性,使之成為該類模型較為適宜的表示方法。
  • Convex polygons are a usefulrepresentation, since we know that there are no obstructions between any twopoints inside a polygon. 凸多邊形是一個很有用的表示法,因為我們知道凸多邊形內部任意兩點之間沒有障礙。 [1] 