


Pendulum,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,意為“鐘擺,擺錘”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈpendʒələm] 美 [ˈpendʒələm]
n. 鐘擺,擺錘;(局勢意見等的)搖擺不定,變化不定
[ 複數 pendulums ] [1] 


inverted pendulum 倒立擺;倒擺
simple pendulum 單擺;數學擺
compound pendulum [物]復擺;[物]物理擺(等於physical pendulum)
foucault's pendulum 傅科擺
torsion pendulum 扭秤;扭轉擺
pendulum swing 測錘擺幅
pendulum clock 擺鐘 [1] 


  • The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals. 政治的鐘擺已經擺向了自由派。
  • The pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. 鐘擺似乎擺到另一方向去了。
  • I mentioned three reason why we want to shift this pendulum. 我提過三個原因,關於為什麼我們想要改變這個搖擺不定的事態。
  • In short, the shinbashira was acting like an enormous stationary pendulum. 簡而言之,這個中心支柱就像一個巨大而靜止的鐘擺。
  • His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious. 他對鐘擺附錄的全面理解是顯而易見的。
  • Big Ben's timekeeping is strictly regulated by a stack of coins placed on the huge pendulum. 大本鐘的計時是由放置在巨型鐘擺上的一堆硬幣嚴格調節的。
  • By the 16th century, a pendulum clock had been devised, but the pendulum swung in a large arc and thus was not very efficient. 到了16世紀,人們發明了擺鐘,但鐘擺擺動的幅度很大,因此效率不高。
  • Unlike the original form used in early pendulum clocks, the anchor escapement permitted the pendulum to travel in a very small arc. 與在早期擺鐘中使用的原始形式不同,錨擒縱裝置允許鐘擺沿非常小的弧線運動。
  • Who shift the pendulum and who focus more on their strength, are not only happier, but they are also, on the long run, more successful. 那些改變鐘擺的人,那些更關注自己力量的人,不僅更快樂,而且從長遠來看,他們更成功。
  • Words like "acid", "gravity", "electricity" and "pendulum" had to be invented just to stop their meetings turning into an endless game of charades. 像“酸”,“重力”,“電”和“鐘擺”這些詞不得不被髮明出來,只是為了防止他們的會議變成一場無止盡的字謎遊戲。
  • Encompassed in a luminous cloud, of which he was now merely the fiery heart, he swung through unthinkable arcs of oscillation, like a vast pendulum. 他現在只不過是一顆火熱的心,被一團發光的雲所包圍,他像一個巨大的鐘擺一樣,在不可思議的擺動的弧線上搖擺。
  • The motion of a pendulum rocks this device so that it catches and then releases each tooth of the escape wheel, in turn allowing it to turn a precise amount. 鐘擺的運動使這個裝置晃動,如此一來這個裝置能抓住擒縱輪的每一個齒,隨後又將其釋放,因而使其精確轉動一段距離。
  • In education, the pendulum has swung back to traditional teaching methods. 教育界又恢復了傳統教學法。
  • The motion of spherical pendulum in z-direction is described by nonlinear oscillation equation. 用非線性振動方程描述了球擺在 z 方向上的運動。
  • Let's start with the pendulum. 讓我們以擺開始。
  • The pendulum will not swing. 鐘擺不會擺動。
  • The pendulum swings back and forth. 這就像單擺一樣來回擺動。
  • I have here a pendulum. 這裏是一個鐘擺。
  • Now go to the pendulum. 現在看鐘擺。
  • Here is the pendulum. 這是擺錘。
  • It is a pendulum... 這是個鐘擺。
  • For the pendulum, center of mass is here. 對擺來説,重心在這裏。
  • And we can have the disk versus the pendulum. 也可以讓圓盤和擺。
  • Here is the pendulum, the torsional pendulum. 這是擺,這裏是扭擺。
  • The period of the pendulum will be infinitely long. 擺動週期就會,無限漫長。
  • I predict that the pendulum is about to swing back. 我預計鐘擺會擺回來的。
  • It's like a pendulum which has a length of 115 meters. 就像一個鐘擺,長度115米。
  • But now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. 但現在鐘擺似乎轉到另一方向去了。
  • I have a pendulum, and the pendulum at time t equals zero. 我畫一個單擺,在這一點t為零。 [1] 