


類    別
詞    性
英[ˈɒfset]美[ˈɔːfset] [2] 


  1. 【經】抵消,補償,彌補
  2. 分支,支脈
  3. 迂迴管
  4. 【計】偏移量
  5. 抵銷物
  6. 【植】側枝,旁枝,橫枝
  7. 【機】支管,偏置(管)
  8. 【測】支矩,偏置測線
  9. 【印】膠印,平版印刷,膠印版印刷(品)
  10. 【建】壁階
  11. 【地】水平斷錯
  12. 【船】型值
  13. 開端,出發
  1. 膠印的,透印版印刷的
  2. 偏移的,位移的
  3. 不重合的
  1. 補償,彌補,補充
  2. 抵消,消除
  3. 為…裝支管
  4. 形成支管
  5. 【印】用膠印法印刷,用平版印刷術印刷,用透印法印刷
  6. 【建】為...建壁階,建壁階於
  7. 【機】在...作迂迴管
  8. 把...並列
  9. 襯托出
  10. 帶油墨印跡
  11. 【機】偏置
  12. 形成分枝,長出分枝
  13. 【印】制膠印版 [1] 


Color Offset色彩偏移 ; 顏色偏移 ; 彩色偏移 ; 色偏
days offset偏置天數
zero offset零點誤差 ;[電子]零點偏置 ; 零位偏差
offset lithography膠印 ; 膠版印刷 ; 不乾膠印刷 ; 柯式印刷
End Offset末端偏移 ; 結束偏移 ; 物體從指定的末端偏移值處開始向始端方向沿直線分佈 ; 末了偏移
Animation Offset動畫偏移 ; 動漫片偏移 ; 動漫偏移 ; 動畫片偏移
Offset cylinder[機]偏置氣缸 ; 膠版滾筒 ; 橡皮揍筒 ; 偏置汽缸
offset address[計]偏移地址 ;[計]位移地址 ; 偏置地址
Rotation Offset角度偏移 ; 旋轉偏移 [2] 


  • 1The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.同居人數的增加跟結婚人數的減少相抵消。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.為補償原料成本的增加而提高了價格。《牛津詞典》
  • 3A moderation in food prices helped to offset the first increase in energy prices.食品價格的降低有助於抵消能源價格的第一次上漲。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Then we will offset the penalty clause.那我們就會抵消罰款。
  • 5Although everyone has to buy health insurance, this cannot be completely offset.雖然人人都得購買醫療保險,但這不能被完全抵消。
  • 6However, Martinson argues, the effect of a warmer atmosphere may be offset as follows.然而,馬丁森認為,氣候變暖的影響可能會以以下方式被抵消。
  • 7Advertisers sometimes offset or counterbalance an exaggerated claim with a disclaimer—a qualification or condition on the claim."廣告商有時會通過補償或者免責的形式,即對索賠要求的一種限定或條件,來平衡誇大的説辭。
  • 8That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong "pay-go" rules requiring that any increase in payments to providers be offset by new taxes or budget cuts.如果國會也採取強硬的“現收現付”規則,要求用新的税收或預算削減來抵消增加的支付給供應商的費用,這種情況發生的可能性就會小得多。
  • 9What expenses can you offset against tax ?什麼開支可以獲得税項減免?《牛津詞典》
  • 10The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.工資成本的增加遠非更高的生產率所能抵消的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11The widely used Split, Cycle and Offset Optimisation Technique (SCOOT) is popular with those responsible for traffic control.頗受歡迎的綠信比、週期和相位差優化技術(SCOOT)現在已得到廣泛使用,負責對交通進行控制。
  • 12I concluded that the profit from burgers is more than offset by the damage they cause in health problems and environmental harm.我得出的結論是,漢堡對身體健康和環保事業所造成的危害超過了它所帶來的利潤。
  • 13The last fragment has a non-zero Fragment Offset field, differentiating it from an unfragmented packet.最後一個片段有一個非零的片段偏移字段,將它與未碎片化的包區分開。
  • 14The gains offset the losses.損益相抵。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 15You could prefabricate the offset bend.你可以預製迂迴管。
  • 16Also, the money received will then be offset against the trade debtors and reflected in the bank account.同樣,收到的錢也將抵銷貿易應收款,並在銀行帳户中反映出來。
  • 17The heft of the concrete walls is offset by the riotous plantings of Texas elderberry, coralberry, and wax myrtles.混凝土牆的厚重感被一叢叢茂盛的德克薩斯接骨木、珊瑚莓和蠟楊梅消減了不少。
  • 18Policies can offset these effects.政策可抵消這些影響。
  • 19You cannot modify the path or the offset.您不能修改路徑或偏移量。
  • 20End_offset - end offset into device.end_offset -到設備的結束偏移量。
  • 21Some behaviors offset environmental gains.有些行為抵消了環境改善的成果。
  • 22Chinese demand will not offset a global slowdown.中國的需求不會抵消全球經濟放緩的影響。
  • 23This offset an 11.9% decline in international sales.這就抵消了其11.9%的國際銷量下滑幅度。
  • 24A farm's losses can be offset against their bonuses.農場損失可以由他們的分紅來抵消。
  • 25They were offset only by gains among black women.這部分降低的收入,被黑人女性的收入所填補。
  • 26There are ways to offset the higher costs of deposits.這裏有些抵消更高儲蓄耗費的方法。
  • 27The hope is that such savings can offset their own fees.他們希望,節省的部分可以抵消他們自己的服務費。 [2] 