


Nightfall,主要用作名詞,主要意思為“黃昏;傍晚;日暮”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈnaɪtfɔːl] 美 [ˈnaɪtfɔːl]
n. 黃昏;傍晚;日暮 [1] 


Nightfall in Pamplona 日落
Just Before Nightfall 夜幕剛降臨之前
towards nightfall 到夜幕降臨時
Nightfall Lands 夜幕降臨 ; 夜幕來襲
at nightfall 到了晚上 ; 黃昏 ; 傍晚
Nightfall Starlight Panoramic 黃昏與星光全景
The Homeland Nightfall 黃昏的故鄉 [1] 


  • I need to get to Houston by nightfall. 我需要在黃昏時趕到休斯頓。
  • They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall. 夜幕降臨時,他們已推進了20英里。
  • By nightfall the whole city was burning. 到黃昏時,全城已是一片火海。
  • The rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move. 叛亂者一直等到夜幕降臨才開始行動。
  • The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall. 觀光客們會被這裏的一切所吸引,然後在黃昏前離開小鎮。
  • Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small ship which was bound tor London. 就在夜幕降臨,希望即將破滅時,一艘開往倫敦的小船搭救了我。
  • They cast anchor at nightfall. 他們傍晚拋錨停泊。
  • The engine is gulping two tons of fuel an hour in order to make New Orleans by nightfall. 引擎每小時消耗兩噸燃料以便在天黑之前趕到新奧爾良。
  • Hardly any temptation could persuade the boy to stir abroad after nightfall. 天黑以後,幾乎沒有什麼誘惑能説服這孩子到外面去活動活動。
  • We hope to be back by nightfall. 我們希望傍晚時能回來。
  • You can see the star at nightfall. 黃昏時你能看到那顆星星。
  • The man walked on until nightfall. 那人一直走到天黑。
  • The performance is held after nightfall. 通常這種演出是在夜幕來臨時開始的。
  • In the trench he will die before nightfall. 戰壕中的他將在夜暗前死去。
  • Got off work at nightfall, Afa send her back to Guangzhou. 傍晚下班,阿發送她回廣州。
  • And almost always we're able to finish before the nightfall. 我們幾乎總是能在天黑以前走完一天該走的路。
  • Close to nightfall a dolphin took the small hook he had rebaited. 黃昏之際,一條海豚吞食了他重新放上魚餌的小鈎子。
  • By nightfall on Sunday, they had advanced more than 32km to Tripoli. 在週日天黑之前,他們已經向的黎波里前進了超過32公里。
  • Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 快到黃昏的時候,我發現自己被一陣大風颳到了海上。
  • The moon lurks low in your southwest sky, and sets about one hour after nightfall. 這輪新月低隱於西南方天空中,在黃昏後一小時左右落下。
  • Some people who felt well in the morning became sick by noon and were dead by nightfall. 有些人早上感覺還不錯,到中午病倒,傍晚就死了。
  • Jin took this shot from the ferry that docks at the tower's base, shortly after nightfall. 夜幕降臨後不久jin在渡船上拍攝了這張照片,渡船碼頭就在大樓腳下。
  • How about we take the night course so we can see that sunset and nightfall on the boat? 你覺得我們乘坐晚上的航線怎麼樣?這樣我們就能欣賞到日落和夜景。
  • By nightfall, officials reported that at least 35 people had been killed and 168 wounded. 當夜幕降臨,官方報告説,至少有35人遇難,168人受傷。
  • Palmer immediately accuses Jack of wanting him dead because of a failed mission in Kosovo called Operation Nightfall. 帕默立即指責傑克,因為一次在科索沃進行的“黃昏行動”的失敗而想致他於死地。
  • By nightfall, thousands had set up camp along the cold desert road between 25 and 51 kilometers away from the town. 夜幕降臨時,上千人在距城市25公里和51公里遠的寒冷沙漠路邊紮起帳篷。 [1] 