


Mirage,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,意為“海市蜃樓”等,英式讀音[ˈmɪrɑːʒ]。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈmɪrɑːʒ] 美 [məˈrɑːʒ]
n. 海市蜃樓;幻想,妄想
[ 複數 mirages ] [1] 


mirage /mɪˈrɑːʒ/ TEM8
1.N-COUNT A mirage is something that you see when it is extremely hot, for example in the desert, and which appears to be quite near but is actually a long way away or does not really exist. 海市蜃樓; 幻境
2.N-COUNT If you describe something as a mirage, you mean that it is not real or true, although it may seem to be. 幻想; 妄想 [usu sing] [1] 


mirage of astronomical objects 天體的海市蜃樓
Image Mirage 六菱鏡 ; 三菱鏡 [1] 


  • The girl was a mirage, cast up by his troubled mind. 那個女孩是他的幻覺,是他混亂的頭腦中妄想出來的。
  • It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis. 它在他眼前晃動,好像海市蜃樓裏的綠洲。
  • Our honeymoon was two days in Las Vegas at a luxurious hotel called Le Mirage. 我們的蜜月為期兩天,是在拉斯維加斯一家名為“幻影”的豪華酒店度過的。
  • Because light traveling down from a summit passes through many such layers, a surveyor could sight a mirage rather than the peak itself. 因為從山頂向下傳播的光會穿過許多這樣的層,所以測量員看到的可能是海市蜃樓而不是山峯本身。
  • Nepal is a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12,000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles off the left window. 尼泊爾是一個小國,從12,000英尺高度上向東飛行的飛機的舷窗望出去,可以清楚地看到左側窗外30英里外高聳的喜馬拉雅山脈明亮的白色海市蜃樓。
  • When driving in a car on a hot summer day, you may see what looks like shimmering water on the road, which, as science tells us, is really just a mirage, an illusion caused by the heating of the air. 在炎熱的夏天開車時,你可能會在路上看到閃閃發光的水,但科學告訴我們,這其實只是海市蜃樓,是空氣加熱造成的幻覺。
  • His idea of love was a mirage. 他的愛情觀不現實。
  • It's marketed under the trade name "Mirage." 它使用“米拉日”這一品牌名稱在市場上銷售。
  • He thinks the boom is a mirage. 他認為這種繁榮的海市蜃樓。
  • Perhaps we are all just chasing a mirage. 也許我們都只是在追逐一個幻想。
  • It is like a mirage and yet quite real. 好像海市蜃樓似地,但又非常真實。
  • Soon my father appeared as elusive as a distant mirage. 很快,父親的身影變成了一個遙不可及的幻影。
  • A problem-free life is an illsion - a mirage in the desert. 沒有難題困擾的人生是一個幻想,是沙漠中的海市蜃樓。
  • But for too many, that optimistic picture is still a mirage. 但是,對很多人而言,這一樂觀景象仍然只是一種幻想。
  • "The Curse of the Mogul" argues that this upside was a mirage. 《巨頭的詛咒》一書卻認為,這些利好只是海市蜃樓。
  • The mirage, and with it hopes of a speedy recovery, has vanished. 海市蜃樓及其伴隨的快速復甦希望,已經破滅了。
  • Now even the optimists fear this wonderful prospect may be a mirage. 現在,即使是樂觀主義者也擔心這種美好的前景可能只是海市蜃樓。
  • Crystalline organisations are a mirage, not a model to be followed. 晶體般透明的公司就是一座空中樓閣,不是競相效仿的典範。
  • The Mirage did not respond to NEWSWEEK’s request for more information. The Mirage並未對新聞週刊對更多信息的要求作出迴應。
  • In short, winter is a tomb, spring is a lie, and summer is a pernicious mirage. 總而言之,冬天是墳墓,春天是謊言,夏天則是險惡的海市蜃樓。
  • But now I have core principles and I've overcome the status mirage of a car. 但現在我有自己的中心原則,我已經克服了購買汽車那種虛無縹緲的幻想。
  • It's mirage, but its also a play on words of the "a rose by any other name..." variety. 朱生豪先生譯為:“姓名本來是沒有意義的;我們叫作玫瑰的這一種花,要是換了個名字,他的香味還是同樣的芬芳。”如出一轍的演出。 [1] 