
May Tan-Mullins

寧波諾丁漢大學副校長 [1] 國際關係學教授,研究生院院長與亞太研究中心主任。
陳寶妹 [2] 
職    業
職    稱

May Tan-Mullins人物簡介

新加坡國立大學地理學博士學位。就任寧波諾丁漢大學國際關係教授、研究生院院長與亞太研究中心主任。也是Palgrave出版社亞太研究的系列編輯。她作為助理教授於2009年加入寧波諾丁漢大學,然後在2015年晉升到全職教授。她的研究興趣是中國崛起政治生態、環境與能源正義、扶貧為貧困與虛弱的羣體建立彈性。 [3] 
May Tan-Mullins 教授於2018年1月1日起擔任寧波諾丁漢大學教學副校長。 [1] 
她還為寧波政策研究中心和上海安全保障局撰寫政策簡報,內容涉及中英關係、美國政策、南海衝突問題和東南亞等多個領域。通過這些國際關係和公共政策領域的政策協商與制定,她對寧波甚至中國在政府政策和國際化戰略中,都做出了貢獻。 [4] 

May Tan-Mullins所獲榮譽

2017年,她所在的學術團體獲得了英國諾丁漢大學校長獎。 [4] 
2018年,獲寧波"茶花獎"。 [4]  “茶花獎” 是寧波市政府為表彰在寧波改革開放和經濟建設中作出積極貢獻的外國專家而設立的。 [2] 

May Tan-Mullins學術成果

May Tan-Mullins書籍

  1. Atienza, E., Eadie, P and Tan-Mullins, M. (2019)Urban Poverty in the Wake of Environmental Disaster: Rehabilitation, Resilience and Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). Routledge Humanitarian Studies.
  2. Tan-Mullins, M., Cheshmehzangi, A., Chien, S. and Xie, L. (2017)Smart-Eco Cities in China: Trends and City Profiles 2016. United Kingdom: University of Exeter (SMART-ECO Project).
  3. Mohan, G., Lampert, B., Tan-Mullins, M. and Chang, D. (2014)Chinese migrants in Africa: The next imperialists or new agents of development?United Kingdom: Zed Books.
  4. Power, M., Mohan, G. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2012)Powering development: China’s energy diplomacy and Africa’s future. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
  5. Savage, V. and Tan-Mullins, M. (eds.) (2005)The naga challenged: Southeast Asia in the winds of change. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press by Marshall Cavendish.

May Tan-Mullins期刊

  1. Teo, H.C., Lechner, A., Walton, G., Chan, F., Cheshmehzangi, A., Tan-Mullins, M., Chan, H.K., Sternberg, T. and Campos-Arceiz, A. (2019) Environmental impacts of infrastructure development under the Belt and Road Initiative. Environments, 6, 72.
  2. Xie, L., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M. and Cheshmehzangi, A. (2019) Water and Land: Environmental governance and Chinese eco-development. Journal of Cleaner Production 221, pp. 839-853.
  3. Xie, L., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M. and Cheshmehzangi, A. (2019) The making and remaking of ecological space in China: The Political Ecology of Chongming Eco-Island. Political Geography 69, pp.89-102.
  4. Mohan, G. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2019) The geopolitics of South–South infrastructure development: Chinese-financed energy projects in the global South. Urban Studies.
  5. Tan-Mullins, M. (2018) Who are Green Cities Actually For? Rachel Carson Perspectives: Green City: Explorations and Visions of Urban Sustainability 2018: 1.
  6. Sovacool, B. , Tan-Mullins, M. and Abrahamsed, W. (2018) ‘Bloated bodies and broken bricks: Power, ecology, and inequality in the political economy of natural disaster recovery’, World Development, Volume 110, pp 243-255
  7. Sovacool, B., Fourie, A. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2018) ‘Disequilibrium in Development Finance: The Contested Politics of Institutional Accountability and Transparencyat the World Bank Inspection Panel’, Development and Change.
  8. Tan-Mullins, M. (2017), Dancing to China’s Tune: Understanding the Impacts of a Rising China through the Political-Ecology Framework, in: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 46, 3, 3–32.
  9. Cheshmehzangi, A., Xie, L. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2017) ‘The role of international actors in low-carbon transitions of Shenzhen’s International Low Carbon City in China.’
  10. Tan-Mullins, M., Urban, F. and Mang, G. (2017) ‘Evaluating the Behaviour of Chinese Stakeholders Engaged in Large Hydropower Projects in Asia and Africa’, China Quarterly, 230, pp. 464-488.
  11. Sovacool, B., Tan-Mullins, M., Ockwell, D. and Newell, P. (2017) ‘Political Economy, poverty, and polycentrism in the Global Environment Facility’s Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) for Climate Change Adaptation’, Third World Quarterly, 38(6): 1249-1271.
  12. Olorumfemi, F., Tan-Mullins, M., Giles, M., Sicilano, G. and Urban, F. (2017) ‘Hope, politics and risk: The case of Chinese dam in Nigeria’, Energy and Environment Research, 7(2), pp. 1-13.
  13. Tan-Mullins, M. (2016) China and Africa, Oxford Bibliographies, Oxford University Press.
  14. Siciliano, G., Urban, F., Tan-Mullins, M., Pichdara, L. and Kim, S. (2016) ‘The political ecology of Chinese large dams in Cambodia: Implications, challenges and lessons learnt from the Kamchay Dam’, Water, 8, pp. 405.
  15. Tan-Mullins, M. (2015) ‘Policy meets practice: ‘Chinese environmental protection in Africa in the wake of FOCAC VI’, The China Monitor, pp. 50-59.
  16. Urban, F., Siciliano, G., Sour, K., Lonn, P.D., Tan-Mullins, M., and Mang, G. (2015) ‘South-South technology transfer of low carbon innovation: Chinese large hydropower dams in Cambodia’, Sustainable Development, 23 (7-8), pp. 232-244.
  17. Gatev, I. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2015) ‘China’s energy security strategy and its geopolitical and environmental impact’, [Special issue] International Journal of Energy Security and Environmental Research, 1(2), pp. V-X.
  18. Gatev, I. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2015) Guest Editorial for ‘China’s energy security strategy and its geopolitical and environmental impact’, [Special issue] International Journal of Energy Security and Environmental Research, 1(2), pp. 1- 3.
  19. Tan-Mullins, M. (2015) ‘The environmental implications of Chinese involvement in Africa’s energy sector’, [Special issue] International Journal of Energy Security and Environmental Research, 1(2), pp. 43-58.
  20. Tan-Mullins, M. and Hofman, P. (2014) ‘Corporate Social Responsibility: Global norms and Chinese forms’, [Special issue] Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43(4), pp. 1-16.
  21. Tan-Mullins, M. (2014) ‘CSR mechanisms in the extractive industries of China’, [Special issue] Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43(4), pp. 19-39.
  22. Tan-Mullins, M. and Hofman, P. (2014) ‘The shaping of Chinese corporate social responsibility’, [Special issue] Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43(4), pp. 3-18.
  23. Tan-Mullins, M. and Mohan, G. (2013) ‘The potential of corporate environmental responsibility of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa’, [Special issue] Environment, Development and Sustainability, 15(20), pp. 265-284.
  24. Tan-Mullins, M. and Chen-Guang, Li. (2012) ‘Effectiveness of international aid in the Chinese context: Case study of World Bank’s Cixi Wetlands Project in Zhejiang province’, China Quarterly, 212, pp. 1000-1018.
  25. Tan-Mullins, M., Mohan, G. and Power, M. (2010) ‘Refining ‘aid’ in the China-Africa context’, Development and Change, 41(5), pp. 857-881.
  26. Tan-Mullins, M. (2009) 'Armed conflict and resolutions in southern Thailand', Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99(5), pp. 922-931.
  27. Mohan, G. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2009) ‘Chinese migrants in Africa as new agents of change? An analytical framework’, European Journal of Development Research, 21, pp. 588–605.
  28. Rigg, J., Law, L., Grundy-Warr, C. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2008) ‘Beyond the political economy of natural disaster: Thailand and the 2004 tsunami’, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 49(2), pp. 137-154.
  29. Schofield, C. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2008) ‘Claims, conflicts and cooperation in the gulf of Thailand’, Ocean Yearbook, 22, pp. 75-116.
  30. Tan-Mullins, M. (2007) ‘Thai state and its agencies in coastal resources management: Political ecology of fisheries management in southern Thailand’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 28, pp. 348-361.
  31. Tan-Mullins, M., Rigg, J., Law, L. and Grundy-Warr, C. (2007) ‘Re-mapping the politics of aid: The changing networks and structures of humanitarian assistance in post-tsunami Thailand’, Progress in Development Studies, 7(4), pp. 327-44.
  32. Hawkes, A., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Horton, B., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Law, L., Lee, W. A., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Eong Ong, J., Rigg, J., Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Tiong Sa, T. and Yasin, Z. (2007) ‘Sediment deposited by the Indian Ocean tsunami along the west coast of the Malay-Thai Peninsula’, Marine Geology, 242(1-3), pp. 169 -190.
  33. Tan-Mullins, M. (2006) ‘Voices from Pattani: Fears, suspicion, and confusion’, Critical Asian Studies, 38(1), pp. 145-150.
  34. Rigg, J., Law, L., Tan-Mullins, M. and Grundy-Warr, C. (2005) ‘The Indian Ocean tsunami: Socio-economic impacts in Thailand’, The Geographical Journal, 171(4), pp. 6-11.
  35. Buranakul, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Horton, B., Law, L., Rigg, J. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2005) ‘The Asian tsunami, academics and academic research’, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 26(2), pp. 244-248.
  36. Mullins, T. M. (2004) ‘The political ecology of Indonesia: A case study of a fishing village in Sumatra’, Local Environment, 9(2), pp. 163–175.

May Tan-Mullins書籍章節

  1. Xie, L., Tan-Mullins, M. and Cheshmehzangi, A. (2019) ‘Political Ecology of Chinese smart eco-cities’, in Zhang, X. (eds), Remaking Sustainable Urbanism, Springer, pp. 57-78.
  2. Tan-Mullins, M., Urban, F. and Mang , G. (2018), ‘The Political Ecology of Rising China: Case study of Chinese hydropower dams in Africa and Asia, in Siciliano, G. and Urban, F. (eds), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Global Dam-Building, United Kingdom, Routledge, pp. 80-99.
  3. Siciliano, G., Urban, F., Tan-Mullins, M., Pichdhara, L., and Kim, S. (2018) ‘The Environmental and Social Governance in Kamchay Dam in Cambodia, in Siciliano, G. and Urban, F. (eds), Chinese hydropower development in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Global Dam-Building, United Kingdom, Routledge, pp. 115-129.
  4. Tan-Mullins, M (2017), ‘Implications of Non-OECD Aid in Southeast Asia, in McGregor, A., Law, L. and Miller. F (eds), Routledge Handbook in Southeast Asian Development, United Kingdom, Taylor and Francis, pp. 142-152.
  5. Mohan, G and Tan-Mullins, M. (2016) ‘Chinese migrants in Africa as new agents of Development? An analytical framework, in Henson, S and Yap, F. (eds) The power of the Chinese dragon: Implications for African development and economic growth. Palgrave readers in Economics. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 174-198.
  6. Tan-Mullins, M. (2016) ‘Chinese perception of soft power: the role of media in shaping Chinese views and discourses on foreign aid to Africa’, in Zhang, XL., Wasserman, H. and Mano, W. (eds.) China’s media and soft power in Africa: promotions and perceptions. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107-120.
  7. Tan-Mullins, M. and Mohan, G. (2012) ‘China’s relations with Africa’, in Kavalski, E. (ed.) Ashgate research companion on Chinese foreign policy. United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 275-286.
  8. Tan-Mullins, M. (2012) ‘Armed conflict and resolutions in southern Thailand’, in Kobayashi, A. (ed.) Geographies of armed conflicts and peace. United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 105-114.
  9. Rigg, J., Law, L., Tan-Mullins, M., Grundy-Warr, C. and Horton, B. (2012) ‘In the wake of the tsunami: researching across disciplines and developmental spaces in southern Thailand’, in Kearnes, M., Kaulser, F. and Lane, S. (eds.) Critical risk research: practices, politics and ethics. United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 173-196.
  10. Tan-Mullins, M. (2011) ‘The Implications of seabed energy resource development: The gulf of Thailand case’, in Schofield, C. (ed.) Maritime energy resources in Asia: energy and geopolitics. Washington: National Bureau of Asian Research, pp. 85 -108.
  11. Tan-Mullins, M., Rigg, J. and Grundy-Warr, C. (2008) ‘Responses and resilience of fisher folks on the tsunami event in southern Thailand‘, in Doyle, T. and Risely, M. (eds.) Crucible for survival: environmental security and justice in the Indian Ocean region. London: Rutgers University Press, pp. 116 -132.
  12. Tan-Mullins, M. (2006) ‘Voices from Pattani: Fears, suspicion, and confusion’, in McCargo. D. (ed.) Rethinking southern Thailand violence. Singapore: Singapore University Press, pp. 137-144.
  13. Tan-Mullins, M. (2005) ‘Politics and ecology of southeast Asia, through the lens of coastal communities in Indonesia and Thailand’, in Savage, V. and Tan-Mullins, M. (eds.) The naga challenged: Southeast Asia in the winds of change. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press by Marshall Cavendish, pp. 417- 44.
  14. Savage, V. and Tan-Mullins, M. (2005) ‘State identities and regional personifications in a globalised world’, in Savage, V. and Tan-Mullins, M. (eds.) The naga challenged: Southeast Asia in the winds of change. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press by Marshall Cavendish, pp. 1- 38.
  15. Savage, V and Tan-Mullins, M. (2005) ‘Reflections through naga eyes’, in Savage, V. and Tan-Mullins, M. (eds.) The naga challenged: Southeast Asia in the winds of change. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press by Marshall Cavendish, pp. 449-458. [3] 