


Magical,主要用作形容詞,主要意思為“魔術的;神奇的”等。 [1] 
解    釋
詞    性


英 [ˈmædʒɪk(ə)l] 美 [ˈmædʒɪk(ə)l]
adj. 魔法的,魔術的;神奇的,迷人的 [1] 


Magical surprises 神秘驚喜 ; 奧秘欣喜 ; 神秘蘧然
Magical Journey 奇幻旅程 ; 奇幻旅程專輯 ; 神奇之旅
Magical Girl 魔法少女 ; 魔法少女奈葉 ; 小魔女 ; 神奇女孩 [1] 


  • Her words had a magical effect on us. 她的話對我們有一種魔力般的作用。
  • The beautiful island of Bermuda is a magical place to get married. 美麗的百慕大島是締結良緣的神奇之地。
  • The magical rock shapes are made by human beings. 這種神奇的岩石形狀是人為製造的。
  • Was it supposed to have religious or magical significance? 它應該具有宗教或魔法層面的意義嗎?
  • Myths grew up of fantasy lands, magical faraway places made entirely of food and spices. 神話產生於幻想的國度——那些完全由食物和香料構成的神奇而遙遠的地方。
  • If you want to have a cool journey to Turkey, the magical Goreme can be a better choice. 如果你想去土耳其旅行,神奇的戈瑞姆可能是一個更好的選擇。
  • Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back. 情感能量有一種神奇的特質;你付出的越多,得到的也越多。
  • In the past the root of this plant was said to possess magical power which could cure baldness. 在過去,這種植物的根莖據説具有治療禿頂的魔力。
  • In my life, I still believed in the magical trifecta—Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. 在我的生命中,我仍然相信不可思議的三法寶——聖誕老人、復活節小兔和牙仙子。
  • Antarctica left me awestruck by its majesty and beauty with a feeling that I had been to a magical place. 南極洲的雄偉和美麗使我驚歎不已,感到我已經到了一個有魔力的地方。
  • It tells the story of a young girl named Alice, who follows a rabbit entering a magical world called Wonderland. 它講述了一個名叫愛麗絲的小女孩的故事,她跟隨一隻兔子進入了一個叫作仙境的神奇世界。
  • Just off the coast of Southern California sits Santa Cruz Island, where a magical creature called the island fox dwells. 聖克魯斯島就位於南加利福尼亞海岸附近,在這裏居住着一種神奇的生物,叫做島嶼灰狐。
  • Over the next two years, they made their most groundbreaking work, turning the recording studio into a magical instrument of its own. 在接下來的兩年裏,他們做出了最具開創性的工作,即把錄音室變成了一個擁有自身魔法的樂器設備。
  • Don't anyone say "a story with a fairy in it" because we all know that very few fairy tales actually have those tiny magical creatures in them. 不要説“童話故事裏有仙女”,因為我們都知道,很少有童話故事裏真的有這些魔法小生物。
  • Jack and his mother had all the money they could ever want thanks to the hen and Jack was never bored as he loved to listen to the magical harp. 多虧了那隻母雞,傑克和他媽媽得到了他們想要的所有錢。傑克喜歡聽神奇的豎琴,從不感到無聊。
  • I have no idea why a boomerang is attacking a plant or whether the magical hovering computer monitor is aiding in the attack or fleeing the scene. 我不知道為什麼回力鏢會攻擊植物,也不知道神奇的懸停電腦顯示器是在協助攻擊還是逃離現場。
  • Earn enough KAYAK Dollars and you could get the chance to win an entry in a sweepstake for the possibility of the idea of a prize of a magical pony. 賺夠KAYAK美元,你就有機會獲得彩票抽獎的機會,可能贏取神奇的小馬的獎品創意。
  • Earn enough KAYAK Dollars and you could get the chance to win an entry in a sweepstake for the possibility of the idea of a prize of a magical pony. 賺夠KAYAK美元,你就有機會獲得彩票抽獎的機會,可能贏取神奇的小馬的獎品創意。
  • No matter what it is called, this place is still different. It possesses a magical ability to weave itself into the dreamland of all those close to it. 無論它叫什麼名字,這裏依然是個與眾不同的地方。它擁有一種神奇的能力,能把自己編織進所有靠近者的夢鄉。
  • Beige, which is similar to camel, can be paired with cool fall or winter colors like black, gray, blue and even dark brown to achieve the same magical effect. 和駝色相近的米色搭配起秋冬的冷色服飾,如黑色、灰色、藍色甚至深棕色,都可以達到一樣神奇的效果。
  • Many magical items in World of Warcraft are soul bound, meaning that they are permanently bound to specific players and cannot be transferred to other players. 《魔獸世界》中的許多魔法物品裝備都是有靈魂綁定的,也就是説它們永久地歸屬於某個特定玩家而不能轉給其他玩家。
  • The thought of holding a fixed grin as the camera performed its magical duties was too much to contemplate, and so a non-committal blank stare became the norm. 當攝像機在執行它的神奇的職責時,你就要保持露齒笑,這實在是太讓人難以想象了,於是,一種堅定而茫然的凝視成了常態。
  • Spices themselves had always been considered special or magical not just for eating and this was already true in the ancient world where legends about spices were abundant. 香料本身一直被認為是特殊的或神奇的,而不僅僅是食物,這在古代就已成為事實,有着大量關於香料的傳説。
  • The following morning, when I went out to collect the mail, I found a white envelope with the magical words, "Buy yourself a new bicycle". There was a $100 banknote inside. 第二天早上,我出去收郵件,發現了一個白色信封,上面寫着“給自己買輛新自行車”這幾個神奇的字。信封裏有一張100美元的鈔票。
  • Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces. 由於對自然的原因瞭解甚少,它把所希望的和不希望發生的事情都歸因於超自然的或魔法的力量,並尋找方法來贏得這些力量的青睞。
  • We spent a magical week in Paris. 我們在巴黎度過了十分愉快的一週。
  • The story is a magical mix of fantasy and reality. 這個故事是一個幻想與現實的奇妙組合。
  • The trip was magical; the stuff of which dreams are made. 那是一次奇妙的旅行,宛如夢境。
  • Ice and snow turn the Arboretum into a magical wonderland. 冰雪將植物園變成了一座魔法王國。
  • I want to find out the secret of the magical pot. 我想找出魔法鍋的秘密。 [1] 